Seeing all these new captchas - click on all the DOGS. It doesn't seem at all unreasonable to make a bot that recognizes those, googles dogs to build a training set, learns to recognize dogs, and then passes the captcha, right? I can't imagine that would take more than like 2-3 hours and then it could recognize dogs forever. |
There are no conversations. |
Alfred Eisenstaedt |
Never boss people around. It's more important to click with people than to click the shutter. |
Alfred Eisenstaedt |
It is more important to click with people than to click the shutter. |
Gilbert K. Chesterton |
The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul and a new nose; new feet, a new backbone, new ears, and new eyes. Unless a particular man made New Year resolutions, he would make no resolutions. Unless a man starts afresh about things, he will certainly do nothing effective. |
Swami Vivekananda |
The Vedanta recognizes no sin it only recognizes error. And the greatest error, says the Vedanta is to say that you are weak, that you are a sinner, a miserable creature, and that you have no power and you cannot do this and that. |
Richard Le Gallienne |
Nature is forever arriving and forever departing, forever approaching, forever vanishing; but in her vanishings there seems to be ever the waving of a hand, in all her partings a promise of meetings farther along the road. |
P. J. O'Rourke |
Positive rights are the right to shelter, the right to education, the right to health care, the right to a living wage. These things are - these are, I would call them, more properly, political rights rather than positive rights. And they are extremely tricky, because now we are dealing with things that are zero sum. |
Katharine Hepburn |
It's life isn't it? You plow ahead and make a hit. And you plow on and someone passes you. Then someone passes them. Time levels. |
The Notorious B.I.G. |
Please, all you MCs out there, all you fans out there, don't think Big gonna make a record dissing 2Pac or the West Coast because it's not going down like that. I cant even see me wasting my time or my talent to disrespect another black man. |
William Halsey |
I never trust a fighting man who doesnt smoke or drink. |
Simon Callow |
He spent hours and hours and hours practising these conjuring tricks. It's just such a curious thing. |
I had a dream that Sherm was a dog walker and he was retiring and i was taking over his dogs. He was telling me all about how gross the dogs were and it made me really not want to do it.
I was on a plane the other day with this guy that had a completely different value system from me. His top list of concerns based on our 2.5 hour conversation: 1. the whiteness of his dog's teeth, 2. money, 3. cars, 4. his son's muscles, 5. his dog's muscles.
right. it is possible but i think the images are more complicated than its worth to break. plus by the time you successfully crack 'dogs' theyll have another subject to guess. now they are trying to move more towards the 'checkbox' captcha. it tracks your mouse movements and compares them to other people and your own habits. someone did make a physical robot to move a mouse and click it that was successful lol
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Police Departments Are Training Dogs To Sniff Out Thumb Drives
A CNET report provides some insight on an elite K-9 search class that trains dogs to sniff out electronics, including phones, hard drives and microSD cards smaller than your thumb. From the report: Only one out of every 50 dogs tested qualifies to become an electronic storage detection, or ESD, dog, says Kerry Halligan, a K-9 instructor with the Connecticut State Police. That's because it's a lot harder to detect the telltale chemical in electronics than it is to sniff out narcotics, bombs, fire accelerants or people, she says. But Labrador retrievers like Harley, with their long snouts and big muzzles, can pick up even the fa...
China Says it Cloned a Police Dog To Speed Up Training
A cloned dog, believed to be the first of the kind in China, has started training in Yunnan Province in a program to reduce the cost and time needed for training police dogs. From a report:
Kunxun, a female of the Kunming wolfdog breed, was born on Dec. 19 last year in Beijing and arrived on March 5 for training at the Kunming Police Dog Base of the Ministry of Public Security. She was cloned from a 7-year-old female dog, known as Huahuangma, that has been in service in the city of Pu'er, Yunnan, by Sinogene, a Beijing-based biotechnol...
A dog just came to my porch and scared my cat. The dog seemed really nice though. It had a collar that was heart-shaped and it said "Jake", which seems to be it's name because it looked up at me when I said "Jake you gotta go home" and it trotted away. I wonder if my cat knows I can turn the symbols on the dog's collar into the sound that it recognizes as it's name. Does this seem like magic to my cat?
Dogs look like dogs
It seems like the way to go is just to have a huge variety of different possible captchas, but I would think that once you have more than a couple bots working together to build models not even that would hold up forever. Abstractly, though, doesn't it boil down to this - Is there a set of problems that a human can answer easily and a computer cannot, but the computer can still recognize a correct answer easily? My instinct is that as soon as you define that set you can build a machine to generate solutions. But I guess the answer to the real question of whether it's worth it depends on if you can build a machine that builds machines that generate solutions. And I think for just the images alone the answer is probably yes - audio/video I'm less sure about.
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He's like one of those dogs you leave at the grand canyon on vacation.
Mr. Fucking pacifist is telling me why he kicks dogs.