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Username: sherman Date Joined: July 1, 2013, 10:54 a.m. Last Login: 1999 days Public Posts: 1186 Public Votes: 364 (+370-6)
Aug. 3, 2019, 2:12 p.m.
Beerbwfore liquor and you're in the clear!
This post is a
Aug. 3, 2019, 2:12 p.m.
"A hiker in Canada was approached by a cougar. She blasted Metallica to scare it off" (
July 22, 2019, 8:50 a.m.
It's So Hot in Nebraska, You Can Bake Biscuits in Your Car (
July 16, 2019, 8:44 a.m.
Scotland Produced Enough Wind Energy To Power All Its Homes Twice Over
Wind turbines in Scotland generated 9,831,320 megawatt hours between January and June 2019, WWF Scotland said Monday. The numbers, which were supplied by WeatherEnergy, mean that Scottish wind generated enough electricity to power the equivalent of 4.47 million homes for six months. That is almost double the number of homes in Scotland, according to WWF Scotland. By 2030, the Scottish government says it wants to produce half of the country's energy consumption from renewables. It is also targeting an "almost completely" decarbonized energy system by 2050.
July 15, 2019, 2:50 p.m.
so which one would you be?
This post is a
July 15, 2019, 2:47 p.m.
Computer Pioneer and Codebreaker Alan Turing To Appear On UK Money (
Computer pioneer and codebreaker Alan Turing will feature on the new design of the Bank of England's 50 pound note. He is celebrated for his code-cracking work that proved vital to the Allies in World War Two. The 50 pound note will be the last of the Bank of England collection to switch from paper to polymer when it enters circulation by the end of 2021. The note was once described as the "currency of corrupt elites" and is the least used in daily transactions. However, there are still 344 million 50 pound notes in circulation, with a combined value of 17.2bn pound, according to the Bank of England's banknote circulation figures. "Alan Turing was an outstanding mathematician whose work has had an enormous impa...
July 5, 2019, 8:51 a.m.
Group of Biologists Tries To Bury the Idea That Plants Are Conscious
Frustrated by more than a decade of research which claims to reveal intentions, feelings and even consciousness in plants, more traditionally minded botanists have finally snapped. Plants, they protest, are emphatically not conscious. From a report:
The latest salvo in the plant consciousness wars has been fired by US, British and German biologists who argue that practitioners of "plant neurobiology" have become carried away with the admittedly impressive abilities of plants to sense and react to their environments. While ...
June 28, 2019, 8:26 a.m.
he Pentagon Has a Laser That Can Identify People From a Distance By Their Heartbeat
A new device, developed for the Pentagon after U.S. Special Forces requested it, can identify people without seeing their face: instead it detects their unique cardiac signature with an infrared laser. While it works at 200 meters (219 yards), longer distances could be possible with a better laser. "I don't want to say you could do it from space," says Steward Remaly, of the Pentagon's Combatting Terrorism Technical Support Office, "but longer ranges should be possible." Contact infrared sensors are often used to automatically record a patient's pulse. They work by detecting the changes in reflection of infrared light caused by blood flow. By contrast, the new device, called Jetson, uses a technique know...
June 26, 2019, 4:01 p.m.
It’s possible to build a Turing machine within Magic: The Gathering
Just arrange a series of cascading triggers so players no longer have any choice."
Consider this hypothetical scenario: Bob and Alice are playing a game of Magic: The Gathering. It's normal game play at first, as, say, Filigree robots from Kaladesh face off against werewolves and vampires from Innistrad. But then Alice draws just the right card from her customized deck, and suddenly Bob finds himself caught in the equivalent of a Turing machine, the famed abstract device that can simulate any computer algorithm. Thanks to the peculiarities of the rules of Magic, Bob can now only finish the game when he meets whatever condi...
June 24, 2019, 12:41 p.m.
USB Inventor Regrets Making Them So Difficult To Plug in Correctly
June 19, 2019, 2:11 p.m.
As I have gone alone in there
And with my treasures bold,
I can keep my secret where,
And hint of riches new and old.
Begin it where warm waters halt
And take it in the canyon down,
Not far, but too far to walk.
June 17, 2019, 2 p.m.
'Genius' Site Said It Used Morse Code To Catch Google Stealing Song Lyrics
" says its traffic is dropping because, for the past several years, Google has been publishing lyrics on its own platform, with some of them lifted directly from the music site," reports the Wall Street Journal:
Google denies doing anything nefarious. Still, Genius's complaints offer a window into the challenges small tech companies can face when the unit of Alphabet Inc. starts offering competing services on its platform... Genius said it notified Google as far back as 2017, and again in an April letter, t...
June 17, 2019, 1:57 p.m.
A 53-Year-Old Network Coloring Conjecture Is Disproved (
In just three pages, a Russian mathematician has presented a better way to color certain types
A paper posted online last month has disproved a 53-year-old conjecture about the best way to assign colors to the nodes of a network. The paper shows, in a mere three pages, that there are better ways to color certain networks than many mathematicians had supposed possible. Network coloring problems, which were inspired by the question of how to color maps so that adjoining countries are different colors, have been a foc...
June 12, 2019, 8:29 a.m.
Scientists Train AI To Learn People's Voices, Then Generate Their Faces
An neural network named "Speech2Face" was trained by scientists on millions of educational videos from the internet that showed over 100,000 different people talking. From this dataset, Speech2Face learned associations between vocal cues and certain physical features in a human face, researchers wrote in a new study. The AI then used an audio clip to model a photorealistic face matching the voice, and the results are surprisingly close to the actual faces of the people whose voices it listened to. The faces generated by Speech2Face didn't precisely match the people behind the voices. But the images did usually capture the correct age ranges, ethnicities and genders of the individuals, according to the study.
June 11, 2019, 4:28 p.m.
In 1977, about a decade into the show’s run, Arthur Greenwald and another writer named Barry Head cracked open a bottle of scotch while on a break, and coined the term Freddish. They later created an illustrated manual called “Let’s Talk About Freddish,” a loving parody of the demanding process of getting all the words just right for Rogers. “What Fred understood and was very direct and articulate about was that the inner life of children was deadly serious to them,” said Greenwald.
Per the pamphlet, there were nine steps for translating into Freddish:
“State the idea you wish to expres...
June 11, 2019, 12:53 p.m.
Type A Blood Converted To Universal Donor Blood With Help From Bacterial Enzyme
For a transfusion to be successful, the patient and donor blood types must be compatible. Now, researchers analyzing bacteria in the human gut have discovered that microbes there produce two enzymes that can convert the common type A into a more universally accepted type. If the process pans out, blood specialists suggest it could revolutionize blood donation and transfusion. To up the supply of universal blood, scientists have tried transforming the second most common blood, type A, by removing its "A-defining" antigens. But they've met with limited success, as the known enzymes that can strip the red blood cell of the offending sugars aren't efficient enough to do the job economically.
June 6, 2019, 8:54 a.m.
no idea
This post is a
June 6, 2019, 8:53 a.m.
Bees Can Link Symbols To Numbers, Study Finds (
Researchers have trained honeybees to match a character to a specific quantity, revealing they are able to learn that a symbol represents a numerical amount. The discovery, from the same Australian-French team that found bees get the concept of zero and can do simple arithmetic, also points to new approaches for bio-inspired computing that can replicate the brain's highly efficient approach to processing. Associate Professor Adrian Dyer said while humans were the only species to have developed systems to represent numbers, like the Arabic numerals we use each day, the research shows the concept can be grasped by brains far smaller ...
June 4, 2019, 8:22 a.m.
Q: How do you hope this work will be applied?
A: I hope more people put cameras on cats.
June 3, 2019, 1:51 p.m.
"YouTube Star Who Gave Man Toothpaste-Filled Oreos Sentenced To Prison"
May 31, 2019, 2:31 p.m.
The North Face Used Wikipedia To Climb To the Top of Google Search Results
When you first start planning a big trip, step one will likely happen at the Google search bar. Step two might be clicking onto the images of your target destination. The North Face, in a campaign with agency Leo Burnett Tailor Made, took advantage of this consumer behavior to keep its name top of mind with travelers considering an adventure sports excursion.
The brand and agency took pictures of athletes wearing the brand while trekking to famous locations around the world, including Brazil's Guarita State Park and...
May 30, 2019, 4:21 p.m.
Paul's not interested in helping anyone understand what pu-erh is or what it really means. “I'd be thrilled for someone else to take that up,” he says. The innate vitality of the tea matters to him far more than the fluttering factual details we're trained to focus on as consumers. Drill too far down into that stuff, and soon “you're carrying around so much baggage that you're more focused on what something should be than what it actually is.
“I think people think about this stuff too much,” Paul goes on. “It's like trying to think about sex while you're having sex—can't you just enjoy the sex? If you ever try to describe a high to someone, the words always fall short.”
May 30, 2019, 9:35 a.m.
US Department of Energy is Now Referring To Fossil Fuels as 'Freedom Gas'
May 28, 2019, 8:51 a.m.
How a Professor Beat Roulette, Crediting a Non-Existent Supercomputer
I loved this story. The Hustle remembers how in 1964 a world-renowned medical professor found a way to beat roulette wheels, kicking off a five-year winning streak in which he amassed $1,250,000 ($8,000,000 today).
He noticed that at the end of each night, casinos would replace cards and dice with fresh sets -- but the expensive roulette wheels went untouched and often stayed in service for decades before being replaced. Like any other machine, these wheels acquired wear and tear. Jarecki began to suspect that tiny defects -- chips, dents, scratches, unlevel surfaces -- might cause certain wheels to land on certain numb...
May 23, 2019, 3:50 p.m.
i was looking for a short list of tips for something specific and found an article, top 3 ways to improve XYZ
they were dumb as follows.
1. find out whats broken
2. fix whats broken
3. master xyz