US Department of Energy is Now Referring To Fossil Fuels as 'Freedom Gas' |
There are no conversations. |
cauz |
May 30, 2019, 9:35 a.m. |
Lois Capps |
Drilling in the refuge will not solve America's energy problem. The Energy Department's own figures show that drilling would not change gas prices by more than a penny a gallon, and this would be 20 years from now. |
Shawn Achor |
You spend money on Internet connection for your employees. Why not spend money on the energy that fuels their brains? |
Lois Capps |
In addition, for almost a year now I have been urging the President, the Department of Justice, and the Federal Trade Commission to investigate suspicious gas price spikes. |
Mitt Romney |
Freedom. Freedom of religion. Freedom to speak their mind. Freedom to build a life. And yes, freedom to build a business. With their own hands. This is the essence of the American experience. |
Ali Babacan |
Turkey's energy bill due to imports will fall with the increase in use of renewable energy sources. We have no control over the prices of petroleum and natural gas. |
Daryl Gates |
It was a department where you had honesty and integrity stamped right on you when you came into the Los Angeles Police Department. If you violated that, or if you were a dishonest cop, you were terrible. We got rid of you as quickly as possible. |
Dusty Baker |
So I let them be responsible for there particular areas. Then by the time it gets to me that means that there is a problem. I have my eyes open and I need to know something about every department but you don't want to micro manage any particular department. |
Brian Ferneyhough |
When I speak of 'cycles,' I am referring to lengthy intervals of relative homogeneity, if not in the resolving of problems, than at least with respect to the consistency of their capacity to productively irritate. |
Charlie Daniels |
My next project will be a Christian album, another one. I wrote the songs for the ones you're referring to, but I want to do some of my old gospel favorites. That's what my next album's going to be. |
Lizzy Caplan |
It's weird, It's really weird to be called a breakout star. And some people are referring to my show as the new 'Friends', which I can't really even wrap my head around. |
While the question of human freedom in the metaphysical sense loses interest to the absurd man, he gains freedom in a very concrete sense: no longer bound by hope for a better future or eternity, without a need to pursue life's purpose or to create meaning, "he enjoys a freedom with regard to common rules".
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Don’t keep cell phones next to your body, California Health Department warns
The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) issued a warning against the hazards of cellphone radiation this week. Yes, the thing we are all addicted to and can’t seem to put down is leaking electromagnetic radiation and now California has some guidance to safeguard the public.
The CDPH asks people to decrease their use of these devices and suggests keeping your distance when possible.
Evil is sucking energy. Goodness is giving energy.
CDPH Issues Guidelines on How to Reduce Exposure to Radio Frequency Energy from Cell Phones Date: December 13, 2017 Number: 17-086 Contact: Corey Egel | 916.440.7259 | CDPHpress@cdph.ca.gov
SACRAMENTO – As smartphone use continues to increase in the U.S., especially among children, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) today issued guidance for individuals and families who want to...
What technology are you referring to?
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Scotland Produced Enough Wind Energy To Power All Its Homes Twice Over
Wind turbines in Scotland generated 9,831,320 megawatt hours between January and June 2019, WWF Scotland said Monday. The numbers, which were supplied by WeatherEnergy, mean that Scottish wind generated enough electricity to power the equivalent of 4.47 million homes for six months. That is almost double the number of homes in Scotland, according to WWF Scotland. By 2030, the Scottish government says it wants to produce half of the country's energy consumption from renewables. It is also targeting an "almost completely" decarbonized energy system by 2050.
Humans need to ground their energy with a clear objective. Or else being lost in thoughts brings you to the ineffable why of everything and you will hurt. Most people ground themselves with the authority of others but if you've had enough experiences and/or time alone to begin thinking independently you will see the damage that societal authorities do and be antisocial and lost in your own analyses. Addiction and depression or extreme arrogance or maybe all three. Left with all your energy to ground by yourself, there is still no sovereignty when the design of the universe governs our drives and sets our limits. Our energy is already grounded by the callings of life itself. That is the real authority.
Billionaires Are Chasing The Holy Grail of Energy: Fusion (bloombergquint.com)
Not long before he died, tech visionary Paul Allen traveled to the south of France for a personal tour of a 35-country quest to replicate the workings of the Sun. The goal is to one day produce clean, almost limitless energy by fusing atoms together rather than splitting them apart. The Microsoft Corp. co-founder said he wanted to view the early stages of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor in Cadarache firsthand, to witness preparations "for the birth of a star on Earth." Allen wasn't just a bystander in the hunt for the holy grail of nuclear power. He was among a growing number of ultra-rich clean-energy advocates pouring money into startups that are rushing to produce the first commercially...
In addition to the psychological literature there is some information about the psychology of money available in the financial literature. Close to the beginning of her best selling book, The 9 Steps To Financial Freedom, financial planner Suze Orman states ? most of my clients biggest problems in life today - even those that appear on the surface not to be money related - are connected with their early formative experiences with money.? She recommends to her readers, as the first step toward financial ...
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Turn up for work. Discipline allows creative freedom. No discipline equals no freedom. Never stop when you are stuck. You may not be able to solve the problem, but turn aside and write something else. Do not stop altogether. Love what you do. Be honest with yourself. If you are no good, accept it. If the work you are doing is no good, accept it. Don’t hold on to poor work. If it was bad when it went in the drawer it will be just as bad when it comes out. ...