"Today mother died. Or maybe yesterday; I can't be sure." This alludes to his claim that life is engrossed by the absurd. He believed that the absurd – life being void of meaning, or man's inability to know that meaning if it were to exist – was something that man should embrace. He argued that this crisis of self could cause a man to commit "philosophical suicide"; choosing to believe in external sources that give life (what he would describe as false) meaning. He argued that religion was the main culprit. If a man chose to believe in religion – that the meaning of life was to ascend to heaven, or some similar afterlife, that he committed philosophical suicide by trying to escape the absurd. |
There are no conversations. |
Samuel Adams |
He who is void of virtuous attachments in private life is, or very soon will be, void of all regard for his country. There is seldom an instance of a man guilty of betraying his country, who had not before lost the feeling of moral obligations in his private connections. |
Alexander Haig |
You know, it's very clear, as one looks back on history again of the Cold War that, following the crisis in Cuba, following the Khrushchev - beating down of Jack Kennedy in Vienna, that President Kennedy believed that we had to join the battle for the Third World, and the next crisis that developed in that regards was Vietnam. |
Arthur Schopenhauer |
They tell us that suicide is the greatest piece of cowardice... that suicide is wrong; when it is quite obvious that there is nothing in the world to which every man has a more unassailable title than to his own life and person. |
Edy Ganem |
I feel that everyone has something different that moves them or that appeals to them. Maybe something in your family or maybe something in your life that happened that really pushes you for a specific cause - as long as there is something that you're doing. |
Edy Ganem |
No matter what you're doing. I feel that everyone has something different that moves them or that appeals to them. Maybe something in your family or maybe something in your life that happened that really pushes you for a specific cause - as long as there is something that you're doing. |
Stephen Daldry |
In issues of recent ethnic wars and genocides - particularly if you look at Darfur - one of the most remarkable things is our inability to act, still, despite the years of analyzing and re-analyzing what it does to subsequent generations. We still find a massive inability to step in and step up to the plate, when genocide is happening as we speak. |
Frederick Douglass |
America is false to the past, false to the present, and solemnly binds herself to be false to the future. |
Sai Baba |
Do not be misled by what you see around you, or be influenced by what you see. You live in a world which is a playground of illusion, full of false paths, false values and false ideals. But you are not part of that world. |
Chris Hadfield |
'Boldface' is a pilot term, a magic word to describe the procedures that could, in a crisis, save your life. We say that 'boldface is written in blood' because often it's created in response to an accident investigation. It highlights the series of steps that should have been taken to avoid a fatal crash, but weren't. |
Jonathan Edwards |
There are two sorts of hypocrites: one that are deceived with their outward morality and external religion; and the other, are those that are deceived with false discoveries and elevations; which often cry down works, and men's own righteousness, and talk much of free grace; but at the same time make a righteousness of their discoveries, and of their humiliation, and exalt themselves to heaven with them. |
my life is seriously constant existential crisis. i can not go a day without questioning the meaning of mine or humans existence. i will not be happy until i know the truth, and the moment of truth is immediately before death.
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have you thought about allowing an absurd number of characters? and while im typing this i'm noticing this nice little count down. nice. 500 is a pretty good limit really but what i meant was absurd absurd absurd absurd absurd number of characters where users could basically post articles or post their own essays of work and information and add to your database of knowledge related to other knowledge. knowledge. i still have about 75 characters left but its hard to tell because its still going down while im
Summum bonum is a Latin expression meaning "the highest good", which was introduced by the Roman philosopher Cicero,[1] to correspond to the Idea of the Good in ancient Greek philosophy. The summum bonum is generally thought of as being an end in itself, and at the same time containing all other goods.
The term was used in medieval philosophy. In the Thomist synthesis of Aristotelianism and Christianity, the highest good is usually defined as the life of the righteous and/or the life led in communion with God and according to God's precepts.[1] In Kantianism, it was used to describe the ultimate importance, the singular and overriding end which human beings ought to pursue.
Living is the meaning of life is inherentinherently good. Cultivate beauty. Shit matters.
While the question of human freedom in the metaphysical sense loses interest to the absurd man, he gains freedom in a very concrete sense: no longer bound by hope for a better future or eternity, without a need to pursue life's purpose or to create meaning, "he enjoys a freedom with regard to common rules".
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"to renounce false judgements would be to renounce life, would be to deny life. To recognize untruth as a condition of life: that, to be sure, means to resist customary value-sentiments in a dangerous fashion; and a philosophy which ventures to do so places itself , by that act alone, beyond good and evil." (Beyond Good and Evil, 333)"
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Scientists Confirm There Was Life On Earth 3.5 Billion Years Ago (http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2017/12/12/1718063115)
Paleobiologists have confirmed today that life forms existed some 3.5 billion years ago. The new study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, uses the latest techniques to date the most aged remains available. Quartz reports: The research, led by paleobiologist William Schopf of the University of California-Los Angeles and geoscientist John Valley of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, has been in the works for what seems a long time to most, but which the academics know is merely a blink of the eye in terms of life on Earth. The sp...
but despite it all, im trying. im self centered, but im trying. i want to improve myself. become smarter, more loving, more passionate. i want to do what feels right ALWAYS, because life really is short and tbh i dont want to be 50. i might have to pull a hunter s thompson eventually. my mimi is 91, husbandless. my mom is ??, husbandless and taking care of mimi. my dad is trying to start a new life with someone elses family. my brother is going to live in japan forever. my grandpas wife died. life is fucked
My life led up to that moment for sure, a lot of the things I thought and found through contemplation and studying. Basically we needed top get rid of a waterbed so this guy called us from craigslist and i helped him take it apart and load it and he kinda felt prompted to ask me my thoughts on the subject which is obviously a loaded topic for a stranger but he was chill and it wasnt like those aggressive people who tell everybody this shit but anyway just through our conversation he was talking about having been in prison and got saved and healed someone who was dying and that god speaks through him. my neighbor always tried to talk to me about this shit my whole life and i pretty much tuned him out and thought my idea was more correct but this other guy was a bit differnt. but it really has nothing to do with this guy. one of things that happened is i couldnt think of a certain word and once i got in my car and thought about the conversation and asking the world, god, what is the nam...
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Sometimes I think that determinism can exist to a degree, meaning every event is part the result of proceeding events and part stochastic. But if this is so, where does randomness come from?