but despite it all, im trying. im self centered, but im trying. i want to improve myself. become smarter, more loving, more passionate. i want to do what feels right ALWAYS, because life really is short and tbh i dont want to be 50. i might have to pull a hunter s thompson eventually. my mimi is 91, husbandless. my mom is ??, husbandless and taking care of mimi. my dad is trying to start a new life with someone elses family. my brother is going to live in japan forever. my grandpas wife died. life is fucked |
There are no conversations. |
Jace |
Jan. 6, 2014, 2:41 a.m. |
Mitt Romney |
Mom and Dad were married 64 years. And if you wondered what their secret was, you could have asked the local florist - because every day Dad gave Mom a rose, which he put on her bedside table. That's how she found out what happened on the day my father died - she went looking for him because that morning, there was no rose. |
Joyce Meyer |
If we live a self-directed, self-motivated, self-centered life, always needing to get our own way, then we're going to be miserable. In fact, many times we believe it's our problems that are making us unhappy when, in reality, it's because we're focused on ourselves! |
Dorothy Hamill |
I always had short hair, and I hated my short hair. I was always mistaken for a boy, but my mom wouldn't let me change my hair because she was always chasing me around with a hairbrush, and it was always tangled, so she just would cut it off, and she's right: short hair did suit me. |
Dalai Lama |
Too much self-centered attitude, you see, brings, you see, isolation. Result: loneliness, fear, anger. The extreme self-centered attitude is the source of suffering. |
Jeffrey R. Immelt |
When I was a young guy, when I first started with G.E., Jack Welch sent us all to Japan because in those days Japan was gonna crush us. And we learned a lot about Japan when we were there. But over the subsequent 30 years, the Japanese companies all fell behind. And the reason why they fell behind is because they didn't globalize. |
Laura Haddock |
I remember taking my mom and dad to the premiere of 'The Inbetweeners Movie' and being really nervous. My mom was like, 'Laura, don't worry: I've watched all of the first series of the TV show, so I understand what this is going to be like.' |
Sheena Iyengar |
Being a Sikh meant having to do what Mom and Dad said, and going to temple, and Mom and Dad choosing who I would marry. But going to an American school taught me that I was the one who's supposed to make those choices. |
Mary Badham |
I lost my parents very early in my life. My mom died three weeks after I graduated from high school, and my dad died two years after I got married. |
Richard Le Gallienne |
Nature is forever arriving and forever departing, forever approaching, forever vanishing; but in her vanishings there seems to be ever the waving of a hand, in all her partings a promise of meetings farther along the road. |
Shinzo Abe |
I will aim to restore the Japan-U.S. alliance and Japan's strong diplomatic capabilities. Japan can't pursue a strong foreign policy without strengthening its alliance with the United States. |
But i dont care about society. I care first and foremost about myself because I am willing to shed the unnecessary. After me comes my family but if my family isn't willing to shed the fat of american culture then theres only so much I can do. They dont have to live in a rain forest with me but if they want to I will help them.
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Unsent Text On Mobile Counts As a Will, Australian Court Finds msmash 4 hours ago 91 A court in Australia has accepted an unsent, draft text message on a dead man's mobile phone as an official will. The 55-year-old man had composed a text message addressed to his brother, in which he gave "all that I have" to his brother and nephew. From a report: The Supreme Court in Brisbane heard the 55-year-old took his own life in October 2016, after composing a text addressed to his brother, which indicated his brother and nephew should "keep all that I have," because he was unhappy with this wife. A friend found the text message in the drafts folder of the man's mobile phone, which was found near his body. The unsent message detailed how to access the man's bank account details and where he wanted ...
I had a dream that I was married and had a kid and lived in this house that I think I owned. I had a bunch of friends over for something and my wife was outside with the kid. I noticed that our automatic blinds (that completely cover doors and windows) were going down but I didn't hit any buttons. Then I saw the kid on the ground like he had fallen and I was trying to get the blinds open so I could go out but it seemed like someone was messing with them. I eventually got out and then saw that my wife had been shot. I thought to first check for the shooter so I ran to one side of the house (it was really small) and then the other and out into the street. I car was driving toward me very fast and when I ran out it swerved into a tree. I thought that must have been the shooter so then I ran back and got my family in the car to go to the hospital. Yikes.
Last night I knelt where Hiram knelt And took an obligation.
Today, I’m closer to my God And I’m a Master Mason.
Though heretofore my fellow men Seemed each one like the other; ...
I was recently thinking about aging. It's been my opinion for a while that we should just accept that we are going to grow old and die and that we have to get over it. I have now heard the argument, however, that the things that happen to us while we age are not unlike the things that happen to us when we get diseases and die. They went on to say that we should treat them the same and we should work on curing aging. This isn't to say that we should live forever, but that the flaws in the mechanisms that replicate our cells could be fixed or assisted and that we could live for a much longer time. I think it's interesting to think about and I agree that it is worth pursuing. Imagine if the life expectancy doubled. What great things could people accomplish if they had more time?
i realized i have trouble expressing myself due to my past experiences and the overwhelming nature of them. my dad left my mom 2 years after i was born. my brother has lived in japan for almost 10 years. my mom was wrongfully fired and unemployed for almost 2 years while i was in college, food stamps was a savior to us. I watched the 'plug being pulled' on my grandpa 3 years ago. watched my dog die and literally take his last breath a year later. my grandma died a few months ago.
"Today mother died. Or maybe yesterday; I can't be sure." This alludes to his claim that life is engrossed by the absurd. He believed that the absurd – life being void of meaning, or man's inability to know that meaning if it were to exist – was something that man should embrace. He argued that this crisis of self could cause a man to commit "philosophical suicide"; choosing to believe in external sources that give life (what he would describe as false) meaning. He argued that religion was the main culprit. If a man chose to believe in religion – that the meaning of life was to ascend to heaven, or some similar afterlife, that he committed philosophical suicide by trying to escape the absurd.
I'm not sure. I do think its more likely that those born in money have an attitude that they're family is smarter and harder working than the less fortunate. But they certainly didn't make their fortune giving money away. But those who don't have money probably don't share their money either. But I think they would better understand what being in the bottom of the 99% lives like.
It really comes down more to how one was raised. People who are raised well are just good people. You don't see shitty snobby kids from parents that teach lessons and enforce boundaries. ...
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Trying to remember your dreams, in my experience, is doing these small things like telling yourself to write things down when you wake up or to think about what is possible/not possible while falling asleep. Or to say things out loud when you wake up. I don't remember to do these things until one day I say "if you do this thing it will help you remember." And then I find myself doing it. I think because you're not conscious the only way to influence these things is by priming your brain to do them. It just makes me think about how I could probably improve other areas of my life by just telling myself that if I do X, then Y will change or improve; by priming myself for better habits.
Human thinking is born out of some sort of neurological defect in the human body. Therefore, anything that is born out of human thinking is destructive. _______ Religion has invented that wonderful thing called charity. It is the most vicious and vulgar thing that we have done. Nature has provided us with a bounty. But we are individually responsible for the inequities of the world. _______ ...