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Main Conversations Thoughts Quotes
cauz April 30, 2017, 8:28 p.m.
  • xsziorv
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My life led up to that moment for sure, a lot of the things I thought and found through contemplation and studying. Basically we needed top get rid of a waterbed so this guy called us from craigslist and i helped him take it apart and load it and he kinda felt prompted to ask me my thoughts on the subject which is obviously a loaded topic for a stranger but he was chill and it wasnt like those aggressive people who tell everybody this shit but anyway just through our conversation he was talking about having been in prison and got saved and healed someone who was dying and that god speaks through him. my neighbor always tried to talk to me about this shit my whole life and i pretty much tuned him out and thought my idea was more correct but this other guy was a bit differnt. but it really has nothing to do with this guy. one of things that happened is i couldnt think of a certain word and once i got in my car and thought about the conversation and asking the world, god, what is the name of that word. it immediately came to mind. Conduit. this idea is very reminiscent of the buddhist idea that you already know everything, you just have to 'remember' (this thought came to my knowledge in middle school from digital fortress (just forgot it and asked right there lol) by dan brown) anyway i just started asking and it clicked. ive always believed in sunyata, the eternal void, the womb from which all things are. but whatever it was god now and i knew it. i am incredibly weary of language in that certain words have certain vibrations and maybe common words in our language are actually 'dark' words (evil seems too much but you get the point) so sometimes i switch the name around. i still am not a christian though. i rarely speak with words jesus (if i needed to for a conversation id say yeshua)so im not all into that stuff however i do think old spiritual texts like the bible do have something of a divine nature. i dont believe in coincidence anymore so i would say quite often timing and coincidence reinforce my beliefs. i picked an object. a pinecone to represent being on the correct path and see them often when im thinking about something of a spiritual nature and often take whether its open or closed or theres a lot or there particularly pretty as various levels of my spirituality at the moment. when i feel shitty i feel i tend to see more fucked up ones. but thats just one example. i have brought the number 3 into my life to be another reinforcement and i have constantly been seeing 33 and 333 in my life. i have found the more i look into rappers i like, the more actually believe in god and are spreading the message subtly trying to peak the interested. you definitely wont find this stuff if you dont have an interest in finding the unusual and deeper meaning and possibility. i am a cynic though i love to think about 'what could be' but that doesnt mean i believe its true. idk long ramble. seek for yourself ye are your own light. i am a proponent for the little boat.

TLDR; basically listen to this song i made exactly about this :
