"never thought id say this, used to be an atheist. actually i believed in unification. but now i found a way that made sense put some faith in it. wanna help others, helpin people is my favorite. remember how i thought, looked down on god. thought i had it right but realize now im wrong" |
cauz |
April 30, 2017, 8:30 p.m. |
Alex Garland |
I think everything I write is from an atheist perspective. I mean, it's partly from an atheist perspective because I'm an atheist, and I'm just not really interested in religious-based questions. |
Robert Anton Wilson |
All phenomena are real in some sense, unreal in some sense, meaningless in some sense, real and meaningless in some sense, unreal and meaningless in some sense, and real and unreal and meaningless in some sense. |
CJ Adams |
I was watching TV one day, and there was this open casting call for extras, and my brother says, 'You wanna try out for this movie?' and I said, 'No, I'm okay.' And then he said, 'Do you wanna be on a DVD?' And I said, 'I wanna be on a DVD!,' so I tried out. |
Bob Dylan |
You hear a lot about God these days: God, the beneficent; God, the all-great; God, the Almighty; God, the most powerful; God, the giver of life; God, the creator of death. I mean, we're hearing about God all the time, so we better learn how to deal with it. But if we know anything about God, God is arbitrary. |
Bob Marley |
If you're white and you're wrong, then you're wrong; if you're black and you're wrong, you're wrong. People are people. Black, blue, pink, green - God make no rules about color; only society make rules where my people suffer, and that why we must have redemption and redemption now. |
Doug Davidson |
I used to let a lot of unimportant things bother me. I don't anymore. Right now, things are going great in my life. It used to be when that happened, I would be waiting for something to go wrong. Now I don't expect that - if something negative does happen, I'll deal with it, learn from it and realize it is the way it is supposed to be. |
Ram Dass |
I remember my first visit with my guru. He had shown that he read my mind. So I looked at the grass and I thought, 'My god, he's going to know all the things I don't want people to know.' I was really embarrassed. Then I looked up and he was looking directly at me with unconditional love. |
Willie Nelson |
I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is an herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong? |
Nick Ferguson |
As a kid, there are some things you looked forward to. You looked forward to Charlie Brown during Halloween and you looked forward to Monday Night Football. |
Chuck D |
Right is right, and wrong is wrong, and when people start getting it confused, that means they need to sit down with some real people. |
A study on facebook conversations found they were more likely to go awry when one person shares something intended to be an opinion but another person believes it was intended or believed by the speaker to be a fact.
The appeal to expert opinion is often a fallacy. When people with higher academic degrees say their opinions, because they are perceived experts, the intention of opinion might be perceived as intention to share a fact. Facts are useful for persuasion, and when we hear them we might feel someone is attempting to persuade us.
Seems like something people with perceived expertise...
I'm trying to figure out the best way to change the posting into a real-time chat. So each thought page would then be sort of like a chat room but if you commented on the thought of a thought they would branch off.
When I was in middle school I thought it was weird that people had favorite colors and lucky numbers so I decided that I'd have a lucky color and a favorite number. My favorite number was 17.5 and my lucky color was orange.
"Yeah, well, now that I'm working here you'll get to know her!" Katherine gives Alexandria a smooch on the forehead and returns behind the counter. "Ms. Helga, what's your favorite word?" Alexandria asks without looking away from her coloring. "My favorite word? I'll have to think about that, what's your favorite word?" "Oh, well if I'm telling you then it will be harder for you to think about it, but it's okay, I'll keep coloring until your ready." Helga found this very amusing to hear coming from such a tiny person and marveled at her talent for being assertive yet polite and most of all consid...
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i always thought i could be an actor since that one time a I went to a bar on Christmas eve an di met a guy who told me to call his wife and tel lher we were friends from high school and I did and she believed it and that made him really happy for some reason
writing prompt
My life led up to that moment for sure, a lot of the things I thought and found through contemplation and studying. Basically we needed top get rid of a waterbed so this guy called us from craigslist and i helped him take it apart and load it and he kinda felt prompted to ask me my thoughts on the subject which is obviously a loaded topic for a stranger but he was chill and it wasnt like those aggressive people who tell everybody this shit but anyway just through our conversation he was talking about having been in prison and got saved and healed someone who was dying and that god speaks through him. my neighbor always tried to talk to me about this shit my whole life and i pretty much tuned him out and thought my idea was more correct but this other guy was a bit differnt. but it really has nothing to do with this guy. one of things that happened is i couldnt think of a certain word and once i got in my car and thought about the conversation and asking the world, god, what is the nam...
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I had a dream I was with my partner and we had to go home but she was too tired so I was carrying here and rollerblading (sounds hard, right?) and it was dark out. A meteorite flew down from the sky and made a large crash just up ahead of us and I thought "we should go check for rare metals because those are worth some money," but then we got up there and all these people were sifting through and it looked like it was just legos. Pretty disappointing.
Seems like I think too much about money. Not sure what the rest is about.
"I've had to live my life pretending that I'm colorblind."
One day in middle school, we were doing something with colors, I cant remember what but it had to do with colors, so I turned to the girl next to me and said as a joke, "Which one of these is blue? I'm colorblind.", while holding up 3 markers that weren't even close to blue. But here's the catch, she actually thought that I was colorblind, so she points out what the blue one was and we go on with our day. Or so I thought. About a week later someone is talking about uno, and I remember this because this was one of the weirdest conversations I've had with someone. So were talking about uno, and the girl goes, "Cal, you must be a shitty uno player because you're colorblind.", so everyone starts asking about it and I have to come up ...
People write here about microplastics in the sea. I'll write about how I forgot my phone in the lost and found room. It all started a night before when I forgot my laptop charger in the law library. I was working with other students for Complexity homework. I was also stressed because of the AIDA project and this made me forget things and be very tired. I didn't even realize I forgot my charger until the end of the next day when my battery was low. The deadline for AIDA had just been pushed back again so I didn't need my laptop that night. Next morning I went to the law library, at the lost and found room to search for my charger. My excitement when I found it was so great that I didn't realize I left my phone on the desk there. Luckily, immediately after leaving the room I could sense that something was wrong. I felt incomplete without my phone. So, very embarrassed I turned back and faced the person in the room. She was amazed at how I left my phone in there after just recovering an...
I've thought about this question outside of the context of a specific person who requires interaction. I think if you can acknowledge that someone is wrong and really know that they are wrong you can not let them bother you. If you think their actions are the product of some degree of misunderstanding you can try to talk to them and figure out why they're acting the way they are.
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