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Main Conversations Thoughts Quotes
books Aug. 2, 2021, 6:41 a.m.
  • xsziorv
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i had a dream within a dream within a dream last night

in the deepest dream, which is the hardest to remember, I know there was something scary. I don't remember what exactly was scary, but I do remember it involved being in a spooky-looking basement, one of those that feels cold, drippy, moist like a cave, spider webs all over. I think this basement was pretty empty. I remember being in a stairway that led down to it, looking down into its depths, the golden light behind me fading darker with each step.

I remember being in the basement. I don't remember what was happening in there. I wasn't alone, maybe 2-3 others were in the dream. For some reason I think there was a witch involved, I might have been the witch.

In the next deepest level, I remember being in a crowd of people, in a small stadium with a yellowish brown dirt field, dusty, and sitting in the bleachers. The chain-link fence was behind the bleacher, so that the bleachers and the field were together, not separated. Owen Wilson shows up, nude, except for with a pair of aviatorish looking glasses with black plastic frames. He said something along the lines of "I, Owen Wilson, am here in the nude to protest nightmares about Steve Nicks." In case anyone is wondering, my dream only showed him from the neck up, like I was watching a pg-13 movie. Sorry or you're welcome, and thank you.

Then in the next level (one step away from awake), I was in my bed. Like my real bed. Interestingly, I remember that in this dream, the Owen Wilson thing was super funny to me, and I remember sitting in my bed trying desperately to remember it so I could tell my boyfriend later. I was thinking to myself maybe I should write it down, but I felt like I didn' have the ability to open my eyes. I felt like I was desperate to remember the dream because it was so funny, so eventually, I just started speakingly urgently aloud to my boyfriend, trying to explain why it was funny. He seems more awake than me. He seems to believe me that it was funny. I remember being like "no i don't think I'm telling it how funny it was, I'll really really try to remember though so I can tell you later when I'm more awake."

And then, I woke up from THAT dream, realizing that that was a dream too. Super weird. I don't remember why the dream was so funny.

But I did fall asleep eventually again. I had some dreams about being in fire emblem for realsies. It was kinda cool, kinda scary. I think I had magic ax abilities like edelgard. It was cool because it felt really realistic being in the scenes, it was cool architecture and shit.

Don't know if this was the same dream. But at some point I was reconsidering whether to officially quit my job I just left. In real life, that job pays less than the new job, but in that dream for some reason it paid like 3 times more than it did it real life, and like 2.2 ish more times than the new real job.

I also remember being in this building that had a beautiful court yard. The building was like a cylindrical shape with the core removed, and the core was the court yard. Beautiful trees and patio gardens. I have a vivid memory of white paper looking things fluttering around, either actual papers that just floated up and down in the air, or maybe they were like origami birds or something actually flying around. I think I was on a floor that was about midway up in the building, because I remember looking up and seeing the white fluttering objects overhead, and looking down at the gardens of the courtyard and seeing them flutter below me.