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Main Conversations Thoughts Quotes
Dr. Coke May 18, 2017, 1:35 a.m.
  • cauz
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It seems like the way to go is just to have a huge variety of different possible captchas, but I would think that once you have more than a couple bots working together to build models not even that would hold up forever. Abstractly, though, doesn't it boil down to this - Is there a set of problems that a human can answer easily and a computer cannot, but the computer can still recognize a correct answer easily? My instinct is that as soon as you define that set you can build a machine to generate solutions. But I guess the answer to the real question of whether it's worth it depends on if you can build a machine that builds machines that generate solutions. And I think for just the images alone the answer is probably yes - audio/video I'm less sure about.
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