There are no conversations. |
Bronti |
Feb. 18, 2014, 3:50 p.m. |
Holbrook Jackson |
The time to read is any time: no apparatus, no appointment of time and place, is necessary. It is the only art which can be practiced at any hour of the day or night, whenever the time and inclination comes, that is your time for reading; in joy or sorrow, health or illness. |
Abraham Lincoln |
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. |
Alvar Aalto |
Just as it takes time for a speck of fish spawn to develop into a fully grown fish, so, too, we need time for everything that develops and crystallizes in the world of ideas. Architecture demands more of this time than other creative work. |
Anthony Fauci |
What the immune system of man has in its advanced development is what we call immunological memory, so that once it sees something for the first time, when it sees it the second or the third time, it can respond against it in a way that's much more accelerated than when it sees it for the first time. |
Bhumibol Adulyadej |
Since that time up until the present time, there have been progress, and changes all through the time. The changes have not come by themselves; these changes have come from the doings of everyone in the country. |
Earl Nightingale |
Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use. |
George Matthew Adams |
No matter what your work today, if it is worth while at all - time to plan it out, time to do it well, and time to finish it, is your day's greatest gift and your greatest job. |
James A. Baldwin |
No one can possibly know what is about to happen: it is happening, each time, for the first time, for the only time. |
Joe Dante |
I don't think you can ever be ahead of your time with cynicism about that subject. No, I don't think it was ahead of its time. I think it was very much a product of its time. |
John C. Maxwell |
Time management is an oxymoron. Time is beyond our control, and the clock keeps ticking regardless of how we lead our lives. Priority management is the answer to maximizing the time we have. |
what is time? a short novel:
what is time? hm? yeah? is this a haiku hm? no
what is time? uh? huh? is a haiku a time bomb? yes ...
The 90's are credited for a 'golden era' of hip hop. There is still so much intrinsically spiritual music from this era to discover. The whole world was in the thicket of a deeply introspective hip hop beat, and this culmination and amalgamation of hundreds of emcees deep in thought should rightfully be credited to the huge strides in hip hop's group consciousness at the time. If you listen to enough of the right material from this time, you can very clearly see the overlapping religious themes and feel the essence of what hip hop was at the time. Many of these artists unable to even come close to the styles they were delivering at the time. MCs all over the Americas were pulling fire right out of the ether for at least a solid few years.
nothing. just a lot of the positions are either less than i want to be paid or part time, so flying down for interviews for a part time job and relocating is kinda dumb. and a lot of the full time positions probably arent contacting me cuz i clearly state i am located in michigan. i think ill apply more seriously this summer
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I had a dream I got robbed and it was really scary but at the same time it was like I was really disappointed the whole time. I was just like aww man they're going to take alllll my shit.
i spend a lot of time just sitting and thinking. i think it really helps me come to certain conclusions in my life but also theres only so much you get out of just thought, maybe its a waste of time
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Lived life is essential to informing those periods of thought too. I like to think that the best time for thinking is while your doing, and when you're not doing, that's the best time to consider HOW to think.
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exactly! the work keeps you from having time to think. i found this really good quote about it the other day but i cant find it but it said by not allowing them time to think they cant re spiritualize themselves and possibility abilities
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Take time off. Sit with your thoughts. We all need a break. No time like the present to get you rejuvenated for the future.
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"Spending time" time is not a commodity to be spent, it is to be used. Even then there are those who question if it's even something to be used, but something to be had
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5 is good and was on point at the right time but comparing the content to this one its way different. he was still about all the mainstreadm society stuff even tho he was denouncing it, this time hes so past it (not really, but in a sense) that he doesnt even mention it.
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