but i also thought it was the same day as that |
cauz |
March 13, 2017, 4:30 p.m. |
B.o.B |
A lot of artists go in the studio and say, 'OK, whaddaya want me to do? Is it gonna be a hit? I'll do it. Is it gonna get played on the radio? I'll do it.' So they start makin' these songs, and they fall in the same tempo, same category, same this, same that, and it'll just all sound the same. |
Monte Irvin |
We used to look at each other and say, 'We play the same game with the same rules, the same bat, the same ball, the same field. What the hell does color have to do with it? You don't play with color. You play with talent.' |
Donald Trump |
I think Ronald Reagan was one of the great presidents, period, not just recently. I thought he had the demeanor. I thought he had the bearing. I thought he had the thought process. |
James Dashner |
In my early writing, all of my characters were exactly the same person. They all spoke the same, made the same types of jokes, reacted the same, etc. I think they were all just me in disguise. |
John Hall |
The same music is playing on the radio in San Francisco, New York, Washington DC and Annapolis. Everywhere you go there's the same artists and same songs by them, over and over again. At some stations they play the same songs 50 to 60 times a week. |
William Hague |
When a Cabinet Minister who is sacked for telling lies is re-appointed, in the face of every constitutional convention, only for the same man to be sacked again from the same Cabinet for the same offence by the same Prime Minister no wonder the public are cynical about politics. |
Roger Ebert |
Why do alcoholics begin down the same hazardous road day after day? They are in search of that elusive window of well-being that opens when you drink your way out of a hangover and aren't yet drunk all over again. The alcoholic's day consists of trying to keep that window open. |
Jeff Daniels |
And regardless of the fact that in this country, certainly in the arts, we treat comedy as a second-class citizen, I've never thought of it that way. I've always thought it to be important. The last time I looked, the Greeks were holding up two masks. I've always thought of it not only as having equal value, but as the craft of it, being funny. |
Lauren Bacall |
When everything happens to you when you're so young, you're very lucky, but by the same token, you're never going to have that same feeling again. The first time anything happens to you - your first love, your first success - the second one is never the same. |
Sergio Aguero |
I like to think that people who really know me understand I am the same person - and that is something I will always fight to maintain. Obviously the money is there, but I want to stay the same. At the same time, I want my son to enjoy what I didn't have. My father-in-law often looks at all the toys and games Benjamin has. |
I'm trying to figure out the best way to change the posting into a real-time chat. So each thought page would then be sort of like a chat room but if you commented on the thought of a thought they would branch off.
ive thought more than anything in my life. i could be an expert in thought
When i was little i really liked slimy carrots and that's the only way i knew how to describe them. Actually it's still the only way i know how to describe them. My mom thought it was hilarious. I havent thought about this in many years.
Not sure what creators are currently working on, but this site and its premise would benefit immensely from a visual component and a search engine. Tagging posts, physically dragging ideas, being able to view, categorize, evaluate, attach visual thought webs into a network would be very revealing and accelerate the real and meaningful connections a thought web can foster.
the old captchas where you typed in strange words were part of a larger book translation scheme. you were typing in what you thought these physical books words were and it compared them to their data or other peoples data to decipher them in pieces. i thought this was for google books but not sure
This post is a comment.
i love love love synchronicity! never in my life i thought i would share a room with ben or tom and its so cool when shit happens like that. also, never thought my friends would live in BK and id go out there with my other friends. cool shit
One time when I was younger, my brother was mowing the lawn and I was having a really great time chasing him. I was laughing a lot because of how annoying he thought I was. For whatever reason I thought it was so funny to see him try to flee me while on the lawn mower and it was also hilarious how mad he was getting, and I found the whole thing just too funny so I fell over laughing. Well my dog was also having a great time running around in circles in the yard bc i was and he was running really fast and ran over my face. His paw punched my eye and I had a black eye. Lol.
I had a dream that I was married and had a kid and lived in this house that I think I owned. I had a bunch of friends over for something and my wife was outside with the kid. I noticed that our automatic blinds (that completely cover doors and windows) were going down but I didn't hit any buttons. Then I saw the kid on the ground like he had fallen and I was trying to get the blinds open so I could go out but it seemed like someone was messing with them. I eventually got out and then saw that my wife had been shot. I thought to first check for the shooter so I ran to one side of the house (it was really small) and then the other and out into the street. I car was driving toward me very fast and when I ran out it swerved into a tree. I thought that must have been the shooter so then I ran back and got my family in the car to go to the hospital. Yikes.
There is no teaching of mine, and never shall be one. 'Teaching' is not the word for it. 'Teaching' implies a method or a system, a technique or a new way of thinking to be applied in order to bring about a transformation in your way of life. What I am saying is outside the field of teachability; it is simply a description of the way I am functioning. It is just a description of the natural state of man -- that is the way you, stripped of the machinations of thought, are ...
Consciousness is generally thought of as being comprised of two critical components - arousal and awareness.
Researchers had already shown that arousal is likely regulated by the brainstem - the portion of the brain that links up with the spinal cord - seeing as it regulates when we sleep and wake, and our heart rate and breathing.
Awareness has been more elusive. Researchers have long thought that it resides somewhere in the cortex - the outer layer of the brain - but no one has been able to pinpoint where. ...