ive thought more than anything in my life. i could be an expert in thought |
There are no conversations. |
cauz |
March 18, 2014, 9:24 p.m. |
Malcolm Forbes |
What's an expert? I read somewhere, that the more a man knows, the more he knows, he doesn't know. So I suppose one definition of an expert would be someone who doesn't admit out loud that he knows enough about a subject to know he doesn't really know how much. |
David Ben-Gurion |
If an expert says it can't be done, get another expert. |
George Matthew Adams |
What you think means more than anything else in your life. More than what you earn, more than where you live, more than your social position, and more than what anyone else may think about you. |
Greg Iles |
My ancestors fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War; I was raised in Natchez, Miss.; I performed in the Confederate Pageant for a decade; I dug ditches and loaded trucks with black men who taught me more than any book ever could; and I graduated from Ole Miss. Anyone who survived that is a de facto expert on the South. |
Austin Farrer |
Religion is more like response to a friend than it is like obedience to an expert. |
W. Clement Stone |
Try, try, try, and keep on trying is the rule that must be followed to become an expert in anything. |
Fredrik Bajer |
I would have thought it possible to choose delegates for these larger conferences who, even if they could not speak the principal languages, could at least understand them or could have friends seated beside them who could keep them informed on essential points. |
Charles R. Swindoll |
Attitude is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than what people do or say. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. |
William Arthur Ward |
The more generous we are, the more joyous we become. The more cooperative we are, the more valuable we become. The more enthusiastic we are, the more productive we become. The more serving we are, the more prosperous we become. |
A. J. Jacobs |
I pledged to become the world's greatest expert in a field I knew nothing about. |
"never thought id say this, used to be an atheist. actually i believed in unification. but now i found a way that made sense put some faith in it. wanna help others, helpin people is my favorite. remember how i thought, looked down on god. thought i had it right but realize now im wrong"
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I'm trying to figure out the best way to change the posting into a real-time chat. So each thought page would then be sort of like a chat room but if you commented on the thought of a thought they would branch off.
There is no teaching of mine, and never shall be one. 'Teaching' is not the word for it. 'Teaching' implies a method or a system, a technique or a new way of thinking to be applied in order to bring about a transformation in your way of life. What I am saying is outside the field of teachability; it is simply a description of the way I am functioning. It is just a description of the natural state of man -- that is the way you, stripped of the machinations of thought, are ...
i love love love synchronicity! never in my life i thought i would share a room with ben or tom and its so cool when shit happens like that. also, never thought my friends would live in BK and id go out there with my other friends. cool shit
A study on facebook conversations found they were more likely to go awry when one person shares something intended to be an opinion but another person believes it was intended or believed by the speaker to be a fact.
The appeal to expert opinion is often a fallacy. When people with higher academic degrees say their opinions, because they are perceived experts, the intention of opinion might be perceived as intention to share a fact. Facts are useful for persuasion, and when we hear them we might feel someone is attempting to persuade us.
Seems like something people with perceived expertise...
When i was little i really liked slimy carrots and that's the only way i knew how to describe them. Actually it's still the only way i know how to describe them. My mom thought it was hilarious. I havent thought about this in many years.
Lived life is essential to informing those periods of thought too. I like to think that the best time for thinking is while your doing, and when you're not doing, that's the best time to consider HOW to think.
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i spend a lot of time just sitting and thinking. i think it really helps me come to certain conclusions in my life but also theres only so much you get out of just thought, maybe its a waste of time
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"I've had to live my life pretending that I'm colorblind."
One day in middle school, we were doing something with colors, I cant remember what but it had to do with colors, so I turned to the girl next to me and said as a joke, "Which one of these is blue? I'm colorblind.", while holding up 3 markers that weren't even close to blue. But here's the catch, she actually thought that I was colorblind, so she points out what the blue one was and we go on with our day. Or so I thought. About a week later someone is talking about uno, and I remember this because this was one of the weirdest conversations I've had with someone. So were talking about uno, and the girl goes, "Cal, you must be a shitty uno player because you're colorblind.", so everyone starts asking about it and I have to come up ...
Not sure what creators are currently working on, but this site and its premise would benefit immensely from a visual component and a search engine. Tagging posts, physically dragging ideas, being able to view, categorize, evaluate, attach visual thought webs into a network would be very revealing and accelerate the real and meaningful connections a thought web can foster.