Not sure what creators are currently working on, but this site and its premise would benefit immensely from a visual component and a search engine. Tagging posts, physically dragging ideas, being able to view, categorize, evaluate, attach visual thought webs into a network would be very revealing and accelerate the real and meaningful connections a thought web can foster. |
There are no conversations. |
Lajos Egri |
Everything has a purpose or premise. Every second of our life has its own premise, whether or not we are conscious of it at the time. That premise may be as simple as breathing or as complex as a vital emotional decision, but it is always there. |
Charles Eames |
The details are details. They make the product. The connections, the connections, the connections. It will in the end be these details that give the product its life. |
Dalai Lama |
Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day. |
Lajos Egri |
No, you don't have to start your play with a premise. You can start with a character or an incident, or even a simple thought. This thought or incident grows, and the story slowly unfolds itself. You have time to find your premise in the mass of your material later. The important thing is to find it. |
Robert Cailliau |
The Web is actually a coming together of three technologies, if you like: the hypertext, the personal computer, and the network. So, the network we had, and the personal computers were there, but people didn't use them, because they didn't know what to use them for, except maybe for a few games. |
Mitchell Baker |
WorldGate offers interactive set-top-box applications. Its customers want to interact with the Web as an adjunct to other things they can do, and WorldGate allows that through the layout engine in Mozilla, called Gecko. |
Helge Ingstad |
It was very clear that this was a very, very old site. There were remains of sod walls. Fishermen assumed it was an old Indian site. Bu Indians didn't use that kind of buildings and houses. |
Mike Davidson |
Our old site did not have very good support for the disabled, but our new site should soon have much better support. With all of our content in divs now, we can hide all but the relevant chunks of content and navigation with a simple alternate CSS file. |
Angela Featherstone |
I was 16 when I entered the foster system, and know firsthand the statistics for 'aging out.' When I was in the group homes, I saw some of the kids being moved into foster homes with the potential for adoption. I remember well asking a social worker if I could find a home, too. I was told I was 'too old' and 'no one wants to adopt a 16-year-old.' |
Lajos Egri |
No two dramatists think or write alike. Ten thousand playwrights can take the same premise, as they have done since Shakespeare, and not one play will resemble the other except in the premise. Your knowledge, your understanding of human nature, and your imagination will take care of that. |
I had this idea one night for creating a decentralized search engine. It would pull data from other search engines (through proxies or from a single server, so no personal user data is involved) and then re-display it to the user.
The next additional thought I had was to make it into a 'roll your own' search engine, so users could then deploy their search engine on their own server to have further control of the traffic as you obviously cant trust shit like duckduckgo (fishy)
Then you could m...
this is a super old idea, even played out. but i still think i can make a better site that still recieves search traffic because im awesome at grey hat seo and making a brandable domain with a responsive site. im great at spinning content too and appearing to be a completely normal site. which it is, other than how big i scale the ideas
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its so big and expansive we cant even imagine, so we have to categorize it, personify it, or otherwise make it a smaller more tangible thought. i believe in a faceless universal onenesssss
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Ideas with high relevance, terminology sharing have bold connections, contradictory or active debate show red connections, more commented/liked/shared/modified appear larger, more opaque while addenda and corollaries appear as cilia to the main cell.
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How do you encourage thought and the development of ideas?
"never thought id say this, used to be an atheist. actually i believed in unification. but now i found a way that made sense put some faith in it. wanna help others, helpin people is my favorite. remember how i thought, looked down on god. thought i had it right but realize now im wrong"
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I'm trying to figure out the best way to change the posting into a real-time chat. So each thought page would then be sort of like a chat room but if you commented on the thought of a thought they would branch off.
This clever AI hid data from its creators to cheat at its appointed task https://techcrunch.com/2018/12/31/this-clever-ai-hid-data-from-its-creators-to-cheat-at-its-appointed-task/
Depending on how paranoid you are, this research from Stanford and Google will be either terrifying or fascinating. A machine learning agent intended to transform aerial images into street maps and back was found to be cheating by hiding information it would need later in “a nearly imperceptible, high-frequency signal.” Clever girl!
by creating a thought based social network
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i thought of a great new feature. make it so i can spam links on your site when it gets big
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