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Main Conversations Thoughts Quotes
cauz March 13, 2017, 8:36 a.m.
  • Diptherius Dabshank
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  • 7
Alright so yesterday I woke up with the top of my foot having a weird scab that I somehow got in the middle of the night. Almost felt like glass was stuck in there. Today I see it is clearly 4 separate marks (something bit me? there is a rogue mouse around but do they bite like a spider might?) and anyway I'm looking at it and 3 are in the shape of orions belt (2 large ones and an off center third) and the 4th one is kinda up and over and much bigger. Looking up the orion constellation I find that this is Bellatrix (the big cut)

Looking more into Bellatrix, here is the information I find most unusual:

"To the Inuit, the appearance of Betelgeuse and Bellatrix high in the southern sky after sunset marked the beginning of spring and lengthening days in late February and early March. The two stars were known as Akuttujuuk "those (two) placed far apart", referring to the distance between them, mainly to people from North Baffin Island and Melville Peninsula."

Mind you, I got these marks the very first morning of spring. HOW INTERESTING

also a side note, there is another coincidence:

"The other stars of Orion are his ceremonial tools and entourage. Betelgeuse is Ya-jungin "Owl Eyes Flicking", watching the ceremonies."

I have thought for a few years that an Owl would be my "spirit animal" (they are messengers, see things that others don't, wise, night time). Interesting.

Also ceremonial tools?!? I have been reading an awful lot about the Craft lately..

Either it's all a coincidence (which I believe are clear messages from something beyond our normal reality) OR the aliens got me lmao

Ima stick with the former. Thoughts? Connections?

i'm kidding about aliens but seriously why all these coincidences? im letting my intuition guide me, I'm really trying not to read too much into it, its just very odd. Also all this after having a dream where my best friend tried to have us both kill ourselves because the world was flooding (it was only temporary)