I think you may be overlooking just how wrong people can be about what interests them. The requirements of my undergrad are what made me even consider trying out computer science in the first place. I would probably be an elementary school teacher by now if it weren't for my lab science requirement. Also, college provides some small form of quality control for the instructors. Not a lot, but certainly more than a decentralized network. |
Robert Cailliau |
The Web is actually a coming together of three technologies, if you like: the hypertext, the personal computer, and the network. So, the network we had, and the personal computers were there, but people didn't use them, because they didn't know what to use them for, except maybe for a few games. |
David Eagleman |
I know one lab that studies nicotine receptors and all the scientists are smokers, and another lab that studies impulse control and they're all overweight. |
Javier Camara |
There is some information that an actor doesn't need, and that's okay. I can't control everything. I don't want to control everything. Sometimes, you want to control everything, and you want to know the size of the lens and stuff like that. I am so relaxed as an actor because I don't want to control everything. I just want to control my part. |
Mike Davidson |
If I was designing a web site for elementary school children, I might have a much higher percentage of older computers with outdated browsers since keeping up with browser and hardware technology has not traditionally been a strong point of most elementary schools. |
Carl Sagan |
I am often amazed at how much more capability and enthusiasm for science there is among elementary school youngsters than among college students. |
T. D. Jakes |
There are no college courses to build up self-esteem or high school or elementary school. If you don't get those values at a early age, nurtured in your home, you don't get them. |
Jurgen Habermas |
Osama bin Laden, the person, more likely serves the function of a stand-in. Compare the new terrorists with partisans or conventional terrorists in Israel. These people often fight in a decentralized manner in small, autonomous units, too. |
William Arthur Ward |
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. |
Elton Gallegly |
Instead, California is one of only 10 states that provides in-state college and university tuition to illegal immigrants. That's grossly unfair to a legal high school student who moves out of California for a year, then returns to attend college. |
Bob Marley |
If you're white and you're wrong, then you're wrong; if you're black and you're wrong, you're wrong. People are people. Black, blue, pink, green - God make no rules about color; only society make rules where my people suffer, and that why we must have redemption and redemption now. |
This is the last time I'll post here while procrastinating a machine learning assignment (assuming no revisions need to be made after the poster presentation). A reflection on my first year of grad school: I have never been so consistently miserable. Sure, undergrad was hard, especially senior year when I was cramming in an entire computer science minor, but the challenge was rewarding. The huge class sizes at Michigan are demoralizing. It feels like a factory. Being on the instructor side as a GSI is equally frustrating. I don't actually know how everyone is doing, so I can't what the majority of students actually needs. Office hours are probably my favorite part, since people come in who are motivated and have concrete questions that I can help with, which is great. But the entitlement of students on Piazza is horrible. I probably shouldn't take it so personally, but it's hard not to. I feel like I'm not good enough at anything.
Some things in this article are poorly defined or supported. Overall, I think it's an obvious claim and that people's immense existential insecurity is what keeps religion alive. That and over-generalization and misattribution of observations and patterns.
"Its advocates would be well advised to stop fabricating an enemy out of religion, or insisting that the only path to a secure future lies in a marriage of science and secularism" - what is a "secure future"? Yeah, there are some famous people listed in the article, but I think most scientists stay out of this stuff. There are so many scientists that are religious. People compartmentalize. ...
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Do we really need college? I don't think so. A kinda decentralized network of individual tutors + a culture that strongly promotes autodidacticism might be better.
MIT's AI Uses Radio Signals To See People Through Walls
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a new piece of software that uses wifi signals to monitor the movements, breathing, and heartbeats of humans on the other side of walls. While the researchers say this new tech could be used in areas like remote healthcare, it could in theory be used in more dystopian applications. Inverse reports: "We actually are tracking 14 different joints on the body [...] the head, the neck, the shoulders, the elbows, the wrists, the hips, the knees, and the feet," Dina Katabi, an electrical engineering and computer science teacher at MIT, said. "So you can get the full sti...
Hundreds of Researchers From Harvard, Yale and Stanford Were Published in Fake Academic Journals
In the so-called "post-truth era," science seems like one of the last bastions of objective knowledge, but what if science itself were to succumb to fake news? From a report: Over the past year, German journalist Svea Eckert and a small team of journalists went undercover to investigate a massive underground network of fake science journals and conferences. In the course of the investigation, which was chronicled in the documentary "Inside the Fake Science Factory," the team analyzed over 175,000 articles published in predatory journals and found hundreds of papers from academics at leading in...
"The conflict model of science and religion offered a mistaken view of the past and, when combined with expectations of secularisation, led to a flawed vision of the future. Secularisation theory failed at both description and prediction. The real question is why we continue to encounter proponents of science-religion conflict. Many are prominent scientists. It would be superfluous to rehearse Richard Dawkins’s musings on this topic, but he is by no means a solitary voice. Stephen Hawking thinks that ‘science will win because it works’; Sam Harris has declared that ‘science must destroy religion’; Stephen Weinberg thinks that science has weakened religious certitude; Colin Blakemore predicts that science will eventually make religion unnecessary. Historical evidence simply does not support such contentions. Indeed, it suggests that they are misguided."
He also talks about science as a form of meme but they succeed for different reasons obviously.
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I had a dream that I was at a school and there was a kid who I think was a criminal of some sort. He was trying to get the principal of the school to do something for him and the principal refused. This kid then went nuts and started throwing desks and stuff everywhere. For some reason, there was a jail attached to the school. The kid had done something wrong to a bunch of people in jail and the warden decided they could temporarily let them out to get their revenge. Then this kid was running around and hiding in the school and these criminals were trying to hunt him down. He got cornered at some point and got shanked. He died. Then the criminals started just murdering each other and other kids at the school.
"I cheated the school system to submit homework later in college.
I am a huge procrastinator and I would always forget to do huge assignments in college. Normally I would do these assignments the night before or the day of, however I would often not have time to finish the project before the deadline.
I remember learning to code in my High School web development class, so I created a script that generated a "File Corrupt" error. I would submit that through the school portal and then when the...
I'm in my 5th year as a PhD student in computer science and I think this is the first time that I've had a practical application for Floyd-Warshall.