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Main Conversations Thoughts Quotes
Dana April 27, 2014, 1:17 a.m.
  • cauz
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This is the last time I'll post here while procrastinating a machine learning assignment (assuming no revisions need to be made after the poster presentation). A reflection on my first year of grad school: I have never been so consistently miserable. Sure, undergrad was hard, especially senior year when I was cramming in an entire computer science minor, but the challenge was rewarding. The huge class sizes at Michigan are demoralizing. It feels like a factory. Being on the instructor side as a GSI is equally frustrating. I don't actually know how everyone is doing, so I can't what the majority of students actually needs. Office hours are probably my favorite part, since people come in who are motivated and have concrete questions that I can help with, which is great. But the entitlement of students on Piazza is horrible. I probably shouldn't take it so personally, but it's hard not to. I feel like I'm not good enough at anything.