"I cheated the school system to submit homework later in college.
I am a huge procrastinator and I would always forget to do huge assignments in college. Normally I would do these assignments the night before or the day of, however I would often not have time to finish the project before the deadline.
I remember learning to code in my High School web development class, so I created a script that generated a "File Corrupt" error. I would submit that through the school portal and then when the teacher went to grade it, they would email me and say that it was corrupted. I would reply and say that 'as soon as I got home I would re-upload it.' This bought me enough time to complete the assignments, and if I still wasn't finished, I would resubmit the corrupt file.
It might be cheating the system, but I have my degree and a huge amount of debt." |
There are no conversations. |
cauz |
Jan. 23, 2019, 10:43 p.m. |
Andrew Card |
The Oval Office symbolizes... the Constitution, the hopes and dreams, and I'm going to say democracy. And when you have a dress code in the Supreme Court and a dress code on the floor of the Senate, floor of the House, I think it's appropriate to have an expectation that there will be a dress code that respects the office of the President. |
Mike Ferguson |
Very few pilots even know how to read Morse code anymore. But if a pilot could read Morse code, he could tell which beacon he was approaching by the code that was flashing from it. |
Dave Eggers |
But you know, there's something about the kids finishing their homework in a given day, working one-on-one, getting all this attention - they go home, they're finished. They don't stall, they don't do their homework in front of the TV. |
Alex Garland |
It slightly depends on your perspective, sort of how you look at these things, but when I sit down to write a script, I'm not planning to write a script; I'm planning to make a film, and so I only see the script as being just a step there. |
Larry Elder |
The formula for achieving middle-class success is simple: Finish high school; don't have a child before the age of 20; and get married before having the child. |
George Burns |
First you forget names, then you forget faces. Next you forget to pull your zipper up and finally, you forget to pull it down. |
Anant Agarwal |
The online credential, the online certificate is very different from an on campus certificate. And we really believe that online learning and the EdX platform and the EdX portal, these are ways in which - you can think of them as a rising tide that's going to lift all boats whether for students worldwide or on our campuses. |
David Eddings |
Reed College required a thesis for a Bachelor's degree. Normally a Bachelor's is sort of like being stamped 'Prime US Beef.' They just walk you through, hand out the diplomas and you fill in your name later on. |
Drew Gilpin Faust |
Albert Camus's 'La Peste' - 'The Plague' - had an enormous impact on me when I read it in high school French class, and I chose my senior yearbook quote from it. In college, I wrote a philosophy class paper on Camus and Sartre, and again chose my yearbook quote from 'La Peste.' |
Georgia May Jagger |
My dad was fine about me doing modelling at 16 because I always said school was important to me. I always chose my jobs carefully so I wouldn't have to take too much time off. It got harder toward the end with my A-levels; there were sleepless nights, and I was doing my homework on the plane coming home, but I pulled through. |
I had a dream that I went back to high school to take some easy credits that would apply to grad school. Some of my friends I went to high school with also decided to go back for the same reasons, but they weren't in any of my classes. One of the three classes I was taking was Calc 3, but I wasn't doing very well after the first exam (which did happen in real life). Going about the school day did not feel right. Something about the way the building was constructed was wrong.. but I could not figure out why I felt that way. My favorite part of each school day was during lunch in the cafeteria because there was a DJ and great food (also similar to real life). One day around 10AM I was wandering around my parent's backyard when I panicked. I realized that I had not been to school in a while... like in two months and I couldn't remember why I stopped going. I sprinted up to the house and i...
High School in China Installs Facial Recognition Cameras To Monitor Students' Attentiveness
A high school in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province located on the eastern coast of China, has employed facial recognition technology to monitor students' attentiveness in class, local media reports. From the report: At Hangzhou Number 11 High School, three cameras at the front of the classroom scan students' faces every 30 seconds, analyzing their facial expressions to detect their mood, according to a May 16 report in the state-run newspaper The Paper. The different moods -- surprised, sad, antipathy, angry, happy, afraid, neutral -- are recorded and averaged during each class. A display screen, on...
I had a dream that I was at a school and there was a kid who I think was a criminal of some sort. He was trying to get the principal of the school to do something for him and the principal refused. This kid then went nuts and started throwing desks and stuff everywhere. For some reason, there was a jail attached to the school. The kid had done something wrong to a bunch of people in jail and the warden decided they could temporarily let them out to get their revenge. Then this kid was running around and hiding in the school and these criminals were trying to hunt him down. He got cornered at some point and got shanked. He died. Then the criminals started just murdering each other and other kids at the school.
This is the last time I'll post here while procrastinating a machine learning assignment (assuming no revisions need to be made after the poster presentation). A reflection on my first year of grad school: I have never been so consistently miserable. Sure, undergrad was hard, especially senior year when I was cramming in an entire computer science minor, but the challenge was rewarding. The huge class sizes at Michigan are demoralizing. It feels like a factory. Being on the instructor side as a GSI is equally frustrating. I don't actually know how everyone is doing, so I can't what the majority of students actually needs. Office hours are probably my favorite part, since people come in who are motivated and have concrete questions that I can help with, which is great. But the entitlement of students on Piazza is horrible. I probably shouldn't take it so personally, but it's hard not to. I feel like I'm not good enough at anything.
Sometimes I'm so busy hating school that I forget about how cool everything I'm learning is. I just had a moment where I thought to myself, "UGH I should start reading this damn paper to prepare for my proposal. DAMNIT." And then I started reading it and I realized, "Oh, man, this is awesome! What a great idea!"
Chinese Schools Are Using 'Smart Uniforms' To Track Their Students' Locations
"It's as dystopian as it sounds," opines The Verge:
Chinese schools are now tracking the exact location of their students using chip-equipped "smart uniforms" in order to encourage better attendance rates, according to a report from state-run newspaper The Global Times. Each uniform has two chips in the shoulders which are used to track when and where the students enter or exit the school, with an added dose of facial recognition software at the entrances to make sure that the right student is wearing the right o...
I had a dream that my apartment was huge. It had tunnels with no windows that were all still on the second floor, just like my apartment. There seemed to be a whole school in there after you followed one of the tunnels and then there was a room full of tiny lockers stacked to the ceiling, which was maybe 20ft high. There was a fence down the middle of the room and on the other side of the fence there were desks and boxes and other junk. I kept finding nodes with my name on them but most of the writings on the notes were illegible.
I had a dream that I found out that I accidentally registered for EECS 183 and it was too late to drop the class and I had to try and do the assignments to get a good grade -_-
school is cool cuz learning is earning
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Since all the cool kids are doing it, I thought I'd join in. Last night I had a dream that I was having a therapy session, only my therapist was a friend of mine from high school. Other than that it was totally normal and actually really helpful. I guess I was too tired for symbolism and subtlety?