Why does everyone pretend that social interaction is not a power play? It's the weirdest thing. We smile to bear our teeth in equality, except we are all evolved enough to look past the competition of survival of the fittest. Are the laws of nature the expression of spiritual love, or is it the transcendence of them that is loving? |
There are no conversations. |
Lily Tomlin |
Instead of working for the survival of the fittest, we should be working for the survival of the wittiest - then we can all die laughing. |
Andrew Carnegie |
And while the law of competition may be sometimes hard for the individual, it is best for the race, because it ensures the survival of the fittest in every department. |
Georgia May Jagger |
I wouldn't even have braces on my teeth. I think they are horrible, and this idea that everyone should conform and be perfect is ridiculous. I like the fact I have good old-fashioned British teeth with a big gap. Who wants those gleaming white cosmetically enhanced American teeth? |
George Washington |
Impressed with a conviction that the due administration of justice is the firmest pillar of good government, I have considered the first arrangement of the judicial department as essential to the happiness of our country and to the stability of its’ political system—hence the selection of the fittest characters to expound the laws, and dispense justice, has been an invariable object of my anxious concern. |
Alexis de Tocqueville |
Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude. |
Amy Adams |
When I was younger, my sister thought it was funny to pretend to punch me in the face because my mom was concerned about my teeth falling out. They were loose for a long time, and she knocked out my teeth. |
Arthur Eddington |
It is one thing for the human mind to extract from the phenomena of nature the laws which it has itself put into them; it may be a far harder thing to extract laws over which it has no control. |
Nicholas D'Agosto |
You know that thing when you're not asleep but you're not awake, and you can't move your body? I had that kind of nightmare, and I felt like all my teeth were crumbling in my mouth. Now I have this fear of all my teeth being knocked out of my mouth somehow! |
Jonathan Haidt |
I think Republicans need to take income inequality more seriously. Not because I favor equality of outcomes. I do not. I think the Right is correct to stress merit and earned rewards, not handouts and forced equality. But I think what Republicans are blind to is that power corrupts. |
Janet Jackson |
I kinda see everyone as competition. I'm a very competitive person. But I think that's good. Competition is great. And as long as it's friendly and not a malicious thing, then I think it's cool. |
I am speaking mostly about group and formal interaction rather than intimate one on one. I'm saying that our primal instinct to gain association with strong people makes relationship a game when I would prefer it to be more authentically selfless. If relationship is led so much by our instinct to increase our power, how can we call it love. Plot twist: love is power
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Something that is hard to reconcile is the experience of impersonal and personal love. Nature is very impersonal, and affection is very personal. I think often we confuse affection with love. We create exclusive relationships with others that often get overrided by our natural instincts- maybe a loving relationship is sabotaged bc someone ?fitter? in many ways came along and appealed to you as an animal. And then we say ?I thought we loved each other!? People use affection to justify all sorts of sacrifices and nature to justify all sorts of cruelty. Still, the world goes round and love exists on both a personal and impersonal level. You love your sister and you love the atoms which make up your sister which also make up the table in your kitchen and your worst enemy. And you experience that love by the same source that also allows you to evaluate which people and activities are worth your energy and which you reject. I don?t think reality is a matter of love vs. nature- - I don?t thi...
I have a big problem: There is a forum I've written on for a couple years now called high existence where people ponder reality and different social issues with regards to freedom and truth and love. Ive met two alcoholic guys there who are very creative and I started to look up to them more than myself bc they always seemed to have an answer for everything, even if it was that I was a worthless cunt doll who should be dragged by the hair and curb stomped. I shared so much with these people and still look up to them so much even though they both think I'm a pathetic attention whore and say I'm so empty I can't fill a blank space and only want the d. They take all of my anxiety and worry from their slander and channel it into making art that everyone else admires them for as creative geniuses. One of then claimed to be In love with me for a year and spoke to me everyday with seeming sincerity, and even got me to drive to Minnesota to see ...
Care bears I wish existed: Burnout bear, Sellout bear, Crossfit bear, C+ bear, Fulfillment bear, Recursion bear. Open to suggestions
All social interaction? I don't understand the first half. I don't think that love IS either of those things. I think it can exist in either condition.
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What is the weirdest thing you miss about being a kid?
Society has never evolved from the standpoint of viewing sex as a social contract. We don't trade livestock for peoples' daughters anymore, but the principle still remains. The man achieves wealth and power and success...and he is then rewarded with sex from the woman. In this economy a females sexual appeal is infinitely valuable and can be traded for almost anything a man can produce. Its no wonder society only values females bodies.
The weirdest thing about this whole scenario is that you have to go to the internet to find an answer to this question
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Human thinking is born out of some sort of neurological defect in the human body. Therefore, anything that is born out of human thinking is destructive. _______ Religion has invented that wonderful thing called charity. It is the most vicious and vulgar thing that we have done. Nature has provided us with a bounty. But we are individually responsible for the inequities of the world. _______ ...
Try to improve one aspect of your health every day, be it physical, emotional, psychological, social, spiritual.