I am speaking mostly about group and formal interaction rather than intimate one on one. I'm saying that our primal instinct to gain association with strong people makes relationship a game when I would prefer it to be more authentically selfless. If relationship is led so much by our instinct to increase our power, how can we call it love. Plot twist: love is power |
Jason Calacanis |
If you get people to commit to an email relationship, it's the deepest, most intimate relationship you can have online. Much deeper than Facebook and certainly more intimate than a blog. |
Ambrose Bierce |
History is an account, mostly false, of events, mostly unimportant, which are brought about by rulers, mostly knaves, and soldiers, mostly fools. |
Nora Ephron |
The desire to get married, which - I regret to say, I believe is basic and primal in women - is followed almost immediately by an equally basic and primal urge - which is to be single again. |
Corey Haim |
But one led to two, two led to four, four led to eight, until at the end it was about 85 a day - the doctors could not believe I was taking that much. And that was just the valium - I'm not talking about the other pills I went through. |
Warren Farrell |
Women are the only 'oppressed' group that is able to buy most of the $10 billion worth of cosmetics each year; the only oppressed group that spends more on high fashion, brand-name clothing than its oppressors; the only oppressed group that watches more TV. |
Michael Jordan |
Be true to the game, because the game will be true to you. If you try to shortcut the game, then the game will shortcut you. If you put forth the effort, good things will be bestowed upon you. That's truly about the game, and in some ways that's about life too. |
Garik Israelian |
When discs form around stars, there is interaction of angular momentum between disc, planets and parent star, and this interaction affects the rotation of the parent star, and that will affect the lithium abundance. |
Niall Ferguson |
The whole point about historians is that we are really communing with the dead. It's very restful - because you read. There's some sociopathic problem that makes me prefer it to human interaction. |
Mark Gatiss |
I think one of the few faults in Dickens is that mostly his lead characters are blanks - who is David Copperfield, who is Oliver Twist? And yet he takes such joy in populating the rest of his novels with these fantastic, grotesque people like Pecksmith and so on. |
Alan Ball |
I always choose to look, as much as one can, at the supernatural not being something that exists outside of nature, but a deeper, fundamental heart of nature that perhaps humans... have lost touch with. It's a more primal thing than perhaps we are attuned to in our modern, self-aware way of life. |
Plot twist: sex is not power
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I wish that I was able to love everyone, even people that don't do good things. I want to believe that everyone has good in them, but sometimes there are people that do terrible things to you and it's so difficult to override that natural instinct to dislike them. What is the best way to deal with someone you know is bad for you/your self esteem/your confidence when you have to work with them every single day?
Something that is hard to reconcile is the experience of impersonal and personal love. Nature is very impersonal, and affection is very personal. I think often we confuse affection with love. We create exclusive relationships with others that often get overrided by our natural instincts- maybe a loving relationship is sabotaged bc someone ?fitter? in many ways came along and appealed to you as an animal. And then we say ?I thought we loved each other!? People use affection to justify all sorts of sacrifices and nature to justify all sorts of cruelty. Still, the world goes round and love exists on both a personal and impersonal level. You love your sister and you love the atoms which make up your sister which also make up the table in your kitchen and your worst enemy. And you experience that love by the same source that also allows you to evaluate which people and activities are worth your energy and which you reject. I don?t think reality is a matter of love vs. nature- - I don?t thi...
Why does everyone pretend that social interaction is not a power play? It's the weirdest thing. We smile to bear our teeth in equality, except we are all evolved enough to look past the competition of survival of the fittest. Are the laws of nature the expression of spiritual love, or is it the transcendence of them that is loving?
I have a big problem: There is a forum I've written on for a couple years now called high existence where people ponder reality and different social issues with regards to freedom and truth and love. Ive met two alcoholic guys there who are very creative and I started to look up to them more than myself bc they always seemed to have an answer for everything, even if it was that I was a worthless cunt doll who should be dragged by the hair and curb stomped. I shared so much with these people and still look up to them so much even though they both think I'm a pathetic attention whore and say I'm so empty I can't fill a blank space and only want the d. They take all of my anxiety and worry from their slander and channel it into making art that everyone else admires them for as creative geniuses. One of then claimed to be In love with me for a year and spoke to me everyday with seeming sincerity, and even got me to drive to Minnesota to see ...
A Coal Power Plant is Being Reopened For Blockchain Mining
Sure, you could mine bitcoin on that old PC in your garage, or you could use a whole power station to do it. That's the idea behind the Blockchain Application Centre -- an Aussie tech initiative that will see one of the country's now-shuttered coal-fired power plants reopened to provide cheap power for blockchain applications. It's the work of Australian tech company IOT Group, which has partnered with local power company Hunter Energy on the project. According to The Age, Hunter Energy will recommission the Redbank power station in the Hunter Valley, two hours drive north of Sydney. Once the power plant is reopened (expected to be completed within 12 months), it will offer wholesale or "pre-grid" power prices to blockchain comp...
I'm pretty sure it had to do with my sister cheating on her girlfriend. I sort of idealized their relationship so it rocked my world and made me fear the stability of the other paradigmatic romantic relationship in my life (my parents').
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"Ditch the dating sites and use the power of hypnosis to find love"
The poet now begins an analysis of what he might or might not say of his beloved. He does not wish to follow the example of those poets who force comparisons with everything that is fair, beautiful, strange or rare. Instead he wishes to extol the virtue of truthfulness. Since his love is indeed beautiful, what need is there of over praise? Why not say at the outset that, quite simply, you, my love, are yourself, you outshine all praise. He who attempts to say more is like a costermonger trying to sell his wares from a barrow. But this poet will remain aloof from such gross pandering. The fact that his love is fair is enough for him, and he will not enlarge his praise by false and ludicrous comparisons.
The criticism of 'that Muse' is fairly general, but it is quite possible that it applies...
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You're programmed to fear what you don't understand. This is an instinct worth eliminating.