Try to improve one aspect of your health every day, be it physical, emotional, psychological, social, spiritual. |
There are no conversations. |
Stephen Baldwin |
I'm not going to fight in the physical with physical weapons, because it's not a physical fight. I'm going to fight with spiritual weapons, cause it's a spiritual fight. |
James Daly |
I think up until that time a lot of focus on Internet coverage was either sort of the bits and bytes aspect of it, sort of the high-tech aspect of it, and the sociological aspect of it, which is how it was transforming culture. |
Ram Dass |
Before the stroke, I was on a very spiritual plane. I ignored my body, took it for granted. When I look at my life, I see that I wanted to be free of the physical plane, the psychological plane, and when I got free of those, I didn't want to go anywhere near them. But the stroke reminded me that I had a body and a brain, that I had to honor them. |
Elizabeth Edwards |
Successful health reform must not just make health insurance affordable, affordable health insurance has to make health care affordable. |
Paul Farmer |
Anywhere you have extreme poverty and no national health insurance, no promise of health care regardless of social standing, that's where you see the sharp limitations of market-based health care. |
Joyce Meyer |
It's so important to realize that every time you get upset, it drains your emotional energy. Losing your cool makes you tired. Getting angry a lot messes with your health. |
Andy Garcia |
I love to cook, and my wife loves to cook. Sometimes it's the appeal of the simplest of dishes - things you've grown up with in your life. Your emotional memory - something that not only affects your taste buds but that you've got an emotional attachment to. |
Lois Capps |
I want to thank the efforts of the American Public Health Association and its 200-plus partners who have organized events around the Nation that serve to raise everyone's awareness of the need to improve public health. |
Tony Campolo |
Often, we ignore the fact that our spiritual condition and psychological state of mind are highly affected by what is happening to us physically. Sometimes depression is simply the result of exhaustion. |
Christopher Morley |
Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to continually be part of unanimity. |
The Consequences of the Money Taboo The Money taboo is a serious psychological problem because, though we do not talk freely about money, it is of major concern to almost everybody in America. This taboo keeps people from finding money?s proper place in their lives. It keeps them from balancing their financial needs with other needs; such as love, family, self expression, self esteem, meaningful work and physical or emotional health. If people can recognize and overcome their irrational or ...
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There are few subjects relating to spiritual development so critically important and yet so incompletely understood as Yoga. Although the interest in Yoga that started in the West during the 1960’s has abated to some degree , the teaching of the various ...
from a spiritual standpoint i see meditation and flying as related to the merkabah spirit ship. water obviously represents concioussness and your floating above it may be related to ego death. you not being able to focus and falling in the water, to me, is representative of the fact if you travel to other dimensions, most people are only able to stay there for short periods of times before coming back to this reality. also i imagine a doctor could represent a monk or ascended master type cuz doctors are related to physical and mental health as well as a professional or expert in the field that you can trust.
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Don't allow feelings of intellectual or spiritual superiority to leak and contaminate others' creative process. Accept the non-tangible aspect of truth and maintain detachment from enlightenment while practicing discernment.
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Physical dimension On the physical dimension (Umwelt), individuals relate to their environment and to the givens of the natural world around them. This includes their attitude to the body they have, to the concrete surroundings they find themselves in, to the climate and the weather, to objects and material possessions, to the bodies of other people, their own bodily needs, to health and illness and to their own mortality. The struggle on this dimension is, in general terms, between the search for domination over the elements and natural law (as in technology, or in sports) and the need to accept the limitations of natural boundaries (as in ecology or old age). While people generally aim for security on this dimension (through health and wealth), much of life brings a gradual disillusionment and realization that such security can only be temporary. Recognizing limitations can bring great release of tension. ...
Fasting Can Improve Overall Health By Causing Circadian Clocks In the Liver and Skeletal Muscle To Rewire Their Metabolism, Study Finds (sciencedaily.com)
In a University of California, Irvine-led study, researchers found evidence that fasting affects circadian clocks in the liver and skeletal muscle, causing them to rewire their metabolism, which can ultimately lead to improved health and protection against aging-associated diseases. The study was published recently in Cell Reports. The research was conducted using mice, which were subjected to 24-hour periods of fasting. While fasting, researchers noted the mice exhibited a reduction in oxygen consumption (VO2), respiratory exchange ratio (RER), and energy expenditure, all of which were completely abolished by refeeding, which parallel...
The Taboo Against Dealing With Money Issues Why is it that the literature regarding the psychological meaning of money is so scant? As sated previously, there is a taboo regarding the subject of money in our society, to which psychotherapists are not immune. We Americans may complain about taxes, discuss the prospects of Social Security and brag about the great bargains we found or the killings we made in the stock market, but we seldom discuss our incomes, our indebtedness or, more general...
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Why does everyone pretend that social interaction is not a power play? It's the weirdest thing. We smile to bear our teeth in equality, except we are all evolved enough to look past the competition of survival of the fittest. Are the laws of nature the expression of spiritual love, or is it the transcendence of them that is loving?
Hebei, a Northern Chinese Province, Unveils an App That Triggers a Notification When You're Near Someone in Debt
China is gearing up to launch a social credit system in 2020, giving all citizens an identity number that will be linked to a permanent record. Like a financial score, everything from paying back loans to behaviour on public transport will be included. One aspect of this social credit system is a new app in the northern province of Hebei. From a report: According to the state-run newspaper China Daily, the Hebei-based app will alert people if there are in 500 metres of someone i...
No Healthy Level of Alcohol Consumption, Says Major Study (theguardian.com)
Even the occasional drink is harmful to health, according to the largest and most detailed research carried out on the effects of alcohol, which suggests governments should think of advising people to abstain completely. The uncompromising message comes from the authors of the Global Burden of Diseases study, a rolling project based at the University of Washington, in Seattle, which produces the most comprehensive data on the causes of illness and death in the world. Alcohol, says their report published in the Lancet medical journal, led to 2.8 million deaths in 2016. It was the leading risk factor for premature mortality and disability in the 15 to 49 age group, accounting for 20% of deaths. The study was carri...