Don't allow feelings of intellectual or spiritual superiority to leak and contaminate others' creative process. Accept the non-tangible aspect of truth and maintain detachment from enlightenment while practicing discernment. |
Lewis B. Smedes |
Seeing reality for what it is is what we call discernment. The work of discernment is very hard. |
Theaster Gates |
I actually no longer use 'art' as the framing device. I think I'm just kind of practicing things, practicing life, practicing creation. |
Victor Garber |
The most sinister aspect of Jack is his detachment, his ability to distance himself from his feelings. |
James Daly |
I think up until that time a lot of focus on Internet coverage was either sort of the bits and bytes aspect of it, sort of the high-tech aspect of it, and the sociological aspect of it, which is how it was transforming culture. |
Jonathan Jackson |
I've always been someone who's believed in truth. I believe truth exists. I don't believe in relativism, a 'your truth, my truth' kind of a thing. However, I also believe that the truth must always be spoken in love - and that grace and truth are found in Jesus Christ. |
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar |
Music rhythms are mathematical patterns. When you hear a song and your body starts moving with it, your body is doing math. The kids in their parents' garage practicing to be a band may not realize it, but they're also practicing math. |
Charlie Sheen |
I'm 0 for 3 with marriage - the scoreboard doesn't lie, never has. So what we all have is a marriage of the heart. To sully or contaminate or radically disrespect this union with a shameful contract is something that I will leave to the amateurs and the Bible grippers. |
Barbara Ehrenreich |
In fact, there is clear evidence of black intellectual superiority: in 1984, 92 percent of blacks voted to retire Ronald Reagan, compared to only 36 percent of whites. |
Terry Eagleton |
The role of the intellectual, so it is said, is to speak truth to power. Noam Chomsky has dismissed this pious tag on two grounds. For one thing, power knows the truth already; it is just busy trying to conceal it. For another, it is not those in power who need the truth, but those they oppress. |
Miguel Angel Ruiz |
Humans believe so many lies because we aren't aware. We ignore the truth or we just don't see the truth. When we are educated, we accumulate a lot of knowledge, and all that knowledge is just like a wall of fog that doesn't allow us to perceive the truth, what really is. |
Turn up for work. Discipline allows creative freedom. No discipline equals no freedom. Never stop when you are stuck. You may not be able to solve the problem, but turn aside and write something else. Do not stop altogether. Love what you do. Be honest with yourself. If you are no good, accept it. If the work you are doing is no good, accept it. Don’t hold on to poor work. If it was bad when it went in the drawer it will be just as bad when it comes out. ...
I have a big problem: There is a forum I've written on for a couple years now called high existence where people ponder reality and different social issues with regards to freedom and truth and love. Ive met two alcoholic guys there who are very creative and I started to look up to them more than myself bc they always seemed to have an answer for everything, even if it was that I was a worthless cunt doll who should be dragged by the hair and curb stomped. I shared so much with these people and still look up to them so much even though they both think I'm a pathetic attention whore and say I'm so empty I can't fill a blank space and only want the d. They take all of my anxiety and worry from their slander and channel it into making art that everyone else admires them for as creative geniuses. One of then claimed to be In love with me for a year and spoke to me everyday with seeming sincerity, and even got me to drive to Minnesota to see ...
" among 20 British children aged five, researchers concluded that among the children in the study, the children who avoid eye contact while considering their responses to questions are more likely to answer correctly than children who maintain eye contact. While humans obtain useful information from looking at the face when listening to someone, the process of looking at faces is mentally demanding and takes processing. Therefore, it may be unhelpful to look at faces when trying to concentrate and process something else that's mentally demanding." Finally something reaffirming to the fact I cant listen to someone if I'm trying to maintain eye contact.
Try to improve one aspect of your health every day, be it physical, emotional, psychological, social, spiritual.
I used to have dreams but THC now swims through my veins. The same game everyday with no shame. It's my way of stayin insane. But you don't get no beauty sleep while shootin reefer straight to the face. You don't dream and your DMT it just don't release. But instead of ceasin this disease I'm just increasin it. Using weed to ease and disappear my feelings.
The creative powers of nature are chaotic and neutral. The creative power of man is ordered and potentially good.
Dream dictionary says this about adultry: "To dream that your mate, spouse, or significant other is cheating on you highlights your insecurities and your fears of being abandoned. You feel that you are being taken for granted. You are lacking attention in the relationship or that he or she is being less affectionate. Alternatively, you feel that you are not measuring up to the expectations of others" - so maybe this is applicable but not from your perspective, from theirs. Also it says this about relatives: "To see your relatives in your dream signify family issues and feelings. Relatives are symbolic of some aspect of your own self." which is impressively uninsightful.
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Accordingly, seeing that our senses sometimes deceive us, I was willing to suppose that there existed nothing really such as they presented to us; And because some men err in reasoning, and fall into Paralogisms, even on the simplest matters of Geometry, I, convinced that I was as open to error as any other, rejected as false all the reasonings I had hitherto taken for Demonstrations; And finally, when I considered that the very same thoughts (presentations) which we experience when awake may also be experienced when we are asleep, while there is at that time not one of them true, I supposed that all the objects (presentations) that had ever entered into my mind when awake, had in them no more truth than the illusions of my dreams. But immediately upon this I observed that, whilst I thus wished to think that all was false, it was absolutely necessary that I, who thus thought, should be something; And as I observed that this truth, I think, therefore I am,[c] was so certain and of such...
I can't tell if some people are incapable of considering other people's feelings and point of view or if they just don't care enough to try.
There are few subjects relating to spiritual development so critically important and yet so incompletely understood as Yoga. Although the interest in Yoga that started in the West during the 1960’s has abated to some degree , the teaching of the various ...