Is anyone familiar with the psychology of numbers? Why is it that it's so easy for me to remember 7 or even 10 digit phone numbers for friends and relatives, but I can't remember the name of someone I met 5 seconds ago? |
There are no conversations. |
Daniel Baldwin |
For me, for the type of addict I am, when I start getting those swirly thoughts and stuff, and they talk about slippery places, slippery people and slippery things, you know, I need to - I needed to take my cell phone and eliminate all the phone numbers, change the phone numbers so no one I knew before could call me or reach me. |
Daniel Ek |
Music isn't like news, where it's what happened five minutes ago or even 10 seconds ago that matters. With music, a song from the 1960s could be as relevant to someone today as the latest Ke$ha song. |
Don Adams |
I am a quick study - I can memorize a script in an hour - but I can't remember a name three seconds. I've even forgotten my wife's name on occasion. |
Niger Innis |
People are familiar with 'the stick' of the Tea Party... challenging incumbents, flooding the phone lines. What they're not so much familiar with, and what I want to expand, is 'the carrot.' So when a Mitch McConnell, or when a Republican caucus stands firm... we have to reward them. |
Marvin Hamlisch |
Let's say music is needed for only 43 seconds of film. You have to score it so it is an entity, so it won't bother anyone when it ends so quickly. Or if a song runs 2 minutes and 45 seconds, but the titles run a minute longer, you have to arrange that song so it doesn't get repetitious. |
The Notorious B.I.G. |
Please, all you MCs out there, all you fans out there, don't think Big gonna make a record dissing 2Pac or the West Coast because it's not going down like that. I cant even see me wasting my time or my talent to disrespect another black man. |
Sergio Garcia |
Whether it's golf or writing, you have friends, and then you have 'friends' friends. Friends who are like family. I can count my close friends on two hands, which is good, I think. That's a lot. Some are at home in Spain, others are elsewhere, and some are in golf. |
Alan Ball |
It's easy to look at the vampires as a metaphor for any feared or misunderstood group. It's also easy to look at them as a metaphor for a shadow organization that says one thing and has a completely different agenda on their mind, and anybody who gets in their way, they just get rid of them. Does that sound familiar? |
Marilyn Manson |
Marilyn Monroe wasn't even her real name, Charles Manson isn't his real name, and now, I'm taking that to be my real name. But what's real? You can't find the truth, you just pick the lie you like the best. |
William Makepeace Thackeray |
The two most engaging powers of an author are to make new things familiar, familiar things new. |
Probably has to do with how you think about numbers. It's not easy for everyone to remember phone numbers. Phone numbers are grouped into parts. You have an area code, then three digits, then four digits. You might have an association in your head for area codes. I know when I think of a friend I think of where they grew up and then I remember the area code, then I just have to remember 7 digits. From what I read about memory techniques, it's easier to remember if you have an image or association. You could do something like, assign a person, place, and action to each digit. Then in three digit groupings, if you have a number like 517, you could say 5 is the person 'Santa', 1 is the location 'the zoo' and 7 is 'eating a cake' and then you'd remember that image and be able to get the number back from your mapping. There are lots of tricks like this for names, numbers, etc. I think people probably subconsciously develop some sort of less complicated representations and certain things ar...
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You're also choosing the sequence. There is a finite number of sequences but those are really big numbers. You can easily choose a sequence of numbers no one has chosen before. I think that counts as creating something new. I mean... you don't get to decide which numbers exist, but you can choose which ones to run.
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I keep having weird dreams and thinking I'll remember them but then when I get out of bed I can't remember. I used to try to say them out loud because I think it helps you commit it to memory but I never feel like doing it and for some reason think I'll remember them anyway.
I had a dream I was sitting on a fence by a field with some friends from Lansing. There were these blue garter snakes everywhere and I didn't know if they were cool or if they weirded me out. I was on the fence about it... then I can't remember the rest of the dream but I remember feeling like I was a bad friend.
Wow I still remember this dream. I found out she died and then I checked my phone and I had a bunch of missed calls from her.
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Rebecca Porter and I were strangers, as far as I knew. Facebook, however, thought we might be connected. Her name popped up this summer on my list of "People You May Know," the social network's roster of potential new online friends for me. [...] She showed up on the list after about a month: an older woman, living in Ohio, with whom I had no Facebook friends in common. I did not recognize her, but her last name was familiar. My biological grandfather is a man I've never met, with the last name Porter, who abandoned my father when he was a baby. My father was adopted by a man whose last name was Hill, and he didn't find out about his biological father until adulthood. The Porter family lived in Ohio. Growing up half a country away, in Florida, I'd known these blood relatives were out there, but there was no reason to think I would ever meet them. A few years ago, my father eventually did meet his biological father, along with two uncles and an aunt, when they sought him out during a t...
51st Known Mersenne Prime Number Found (mersenne.org)
The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) has discovered the largest known prime number, 2^82,589,933-1, having 24,862,048 digits. A computer volunteered by Patrick Laroche from Ocala, Florida made the find on December 7, 2018.
GIMPS has been on amazing lucky streak, finding triple the expected number of new Mersenne primes -- a dozen in the last fifteen years. ...
Trying to remember your dreams, in my experience, is doing these small things like telling yourself to write things down when you wake up or to think about what is possible/not possible while falling asleep. Or to say things out loud when you wake up. I don't remember to do these things until one day I say "if you do this thing it will help you remember." And then I find myself doing it. I think because you're not conscious the only way to influence these things is by priming your brain to do them. It just makes me think about how I could probably improve other areas of my life by just telling myself that if I do X, then Y will change or improve; by priming myself for better habits.
So over the past idk 6 months Ive noticed myself randomly and quite vividly remember locations ive been to in my dreams. they all seem connected to each other, all these distinct dreams that i would normally not remember but some feeling i get brings it back instantly.
I have been turning this over in my mind since I first heard of it. Here is how I think this works.
Imaginary numbers are very familiar to the physicist, who uses them constantly in everything. They probably aren't as familiar to non-physicists, who maybe learned them in high school, but then only as some abstract mathematical formality that was kind of neat but didn't really mean anything. So as a graduate student of physics, let me assure you that imaginary numbers aren't just abstract, but have a solid physical meaning, and are crucially important in describing the physical behavior of a number of systems, most importantly quantum mechanics.
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