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Main Conversations Thoughts Quotes
Hidden User July 24, 2014, 4:20 p.m.
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Probably has to do with how you think about numbers. It's not easy for everyone to remember phone numbers. Phone numbers are grouped into parts. You have an area code, then three digits, then four digits. You might have an association in your head for area codes. I know when I think of a friend I think of where they grew up and then I remember the area code, then I just have to remember 7 digits. From what I read about memory techniques, it's easier to remember if you have an image or association. You could do something like, assign a person, place, and action to each digit. Then in three digit groupings, if you have a number like 517, you could say 5 is the person 'Santa', 1 is the location 'the zoo' and 7 is 'eating a cake' and then you'd remember that image and be able to get the number back from your mapping. There are lots of tricks like this for names, numbers, etc. I think people probably subconsciously develop some sort of less complicated representations and certain things are easier for certain people to remember. Check out "How to develop a perfect memory" by Dominic O'Brien. It's an interesting book if you want to learn more about memory techniques. I'm not as familiar with how it happens naturally but I think thinking about how to develop a better memory provides some insight.
Jamesvsteel23 July 25, 2014, 5:06 p.m.
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Hidden User Aug. 5, 2014, 10:39 p.m.
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