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Main Conversations Thoughts Quotes
cauz July 10, 2014, 1:16 p.m.
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Certainly the Matrix movies represent one of the most successful recent attempts to bring philosophical ideas to the general public, although many will confess to be ignorant of the central thesis of the movies and are therefore also dissatisfied with them. This is understandable, since the Wachowski Brothers may not be attempting to convey a definitive thesis, but also because one needs an extensive philosophical background to grasp the ideas and debates that are conveyed in the movies. Within the three movies there occurs a variety of social and philosophical commentary, and this commentary is obscured simply by the fact that the mode of presentation is highly symbolic. Also, the story of the Matrix movies represent not only certain substantive claims and ideas concerning the nature of reality and the human condition, but further communicates the general effect of philosophy on those who engage in it. In what follows an attempt will be made to interpret some of the symbolism of the Matrix movies in order to make some of its interesting aspects transparent.

One of the most significant scenes in any of the three movies occurs when Neo decides to eat the red pill, which then leads to his awakening from the Matrix. With this scene the Wachowski Brothers convey an important idea within philosophy that has been a part of the discipline since its inception. Often people are wiling to accept things as they appear, in that they do not question their beliefs about the world. Our belief systems determine our world for us; since it is through them that we interpret our experiences. A simple example is the optimist who seems to live in a different world than the pessimist, although a more striking example is between the fundamentalist Christian and the scientific naturalist. Each will interpret particular experiences, as well as the whole of reality, differently simply due to the divergent belief systems that each possess. Of course, our belief systems can be wrong, and thus reality is not as we think it is. This was Neo's discovery when he ate the red pill, and the discovery of philosophers when they began to question their beliefs more than twenty-six hundred years ago. Thus Neo's awakening is symbolic of the general philosophic experience of questioning one's beliefs about the world, and the attempt to discover what exists behind our illusions. We can be deceived by evil machines, a Cartesian demon, or by the traditions of our society; and if we are, then reality is not as we believe it is.

The awakening from the Matrix that occurs in the beginning of the first movie, though, is simply a foreshadowing of the rude awakening that Neo experiences through his meeting with the Architect at the end of the second movie. Through this meeting Neo discovers even further that his beliefs are illusory, as the Architect informs him that the 'savior myth' is merely a means of control. But much has occurred between the two 'awakening' scenes. We have learned of humanity's struggle to be free, of Zion, and have been introduced to a number of interesting characters, which include Agent Smith, the Oracle and, of course, the Architect. Zion can be easily interpreted as the city of free thinkers, or those who think 'out side of the box/Matrix.' Their struggle represents the struggle to be free from illusions, and to accept the world as it is. More interesting philosophical notions emerge, though, when we ask whom Neo, the Oracle and the Architect are supposed to represent.

The significance of Neo seems to be readily apparent. He is the savior of a people imprisoned by a false reality. This is a theme that can be found in religions that are as diverse as Christianity and Buddhism. Another theme that can be found in either of these religions' mystical traditions is that religious myths and symbols can be a hindrance to true enlightenment. At the end of the second movie we discover that Neo is such a hindrance. That is, he is not truly the savior of humankind, but instead a means of control. Thus, people will not become free through him. Neo nonetheless is still something special, and it is through the Architect's esoteric remarks that we learn of his significance. Neo is, as the Architect states, the manifestation of pure choice or freedom. We may ask, of course, what does this mean? To answer this question we must state what the Architect is supposed to represent.

The Architect is the designer, and maintainer, of the Matrix. The Matrix is for him an elaborate calculation, or algorithm, which he is capable of computing. This is due to the fact that he possesses a sophisticated logical mind, since he is artificial intelligence. The Architect is able to deal with the plethora of human motives, desires and drives within his algorithmic world, but one thing he is incapable of managing is unfettered choice as it is manifested in Neo. Neo is not constrained by the world around him, since the rules and laws of that world can be overridden by Neo through a simple fiat. He can stop bullets, or fly, by simply willing these things to occur. Neo is therefore referred to as the 'anomaly' by the machines, and by the Architect, since the artificial mind of the latter cannot fathom an undetermined choice. For the artificial mind all thinking is determined by strict rules of reasoning. To make a choice the machine must have a reason which justifies what is chosen, and the reasoning toward this choice always follows the necessary logical steps. The machine mind cannot think outside of strict rules of logic and justification, and this is why the Architect, as well as the Merovingian, cannot break a promise once it is made. If reason and circumstance has led them to make a promise, then they can do nothing other than act in accord with it since their minds can be nothing other than logical.

These are some interesting insights into the two characters of Neo and the Architect, but what is the philosophy that is lying behind such characters? Well, the Wachowski Brothers seem to be making statements both about the nature of the human mind, and about the whole of reality. ...continued in the second column...