i used to rap for fun, now i just want to prove to myself that i am a good rapper and producer. and ill go crazy in the process |
There are no conversations. |
Jace |
Jan. 6, 2014, 2:28 a.m. |
Cheryl James |
Rap is hardcore street music but there are women out there who can hang with the best male rappers. What holds us back is that girls tend to rap in these high, squeaky voices. It's irritating. You've gotta rap from the diaphragm. |
B.o.B |
In kindergarten I had to draw a picture of what I wanted to be when I grew up. I drew a rapper. I didn't really know what a rapper was or what they did - I just wanted to do it. |
B.o.B |
You have to feel good in what you're wearing; if you don't feel good it's not going to look good. You ever see someone wear something that's crazy and say, 'That's so crazy!' But they look good in it, because they feel good in it - you can just tell. |
Afrika Bambaataa |
When you talk about rap you have to understand that rap is part of the Hip-Hop culture. |
Eazy-E |
Who gave it that title, gangsta rap? It's reality rap. It's about what's really going on. |
Roshon Fegan |
I would love to do a track with Will.I.Am. He's always creating amazing songs. I mean, to be honest, Chris Brown has always been amazing, so I would hop on there and let him do his thing and create some magic there. As for a producer, I would love to work with J.R. Rotem. He's my favorite producer out there. |
Floyd Abrams |
The question at the end of the day was, the courts having found there was no defense, a producer about to go to jail, should CBS in effect tell the producer go to jail even though there is no law at all that we can use to get you out of jail? |
Leonardo da Vinci |
Shadow is the obstruction of light. Shadows appear to me to be of supreme importance in perspective, because, without them opaque and solid bodies will be ill defined; that which is contained within their outlines and their boundaries themselves will be ill-understood unless they are shown against a background of a different tone from themselves. |
I used to do the beat box. A friend of mine, he was the rapper and after, we'd be doing a block party or something or a house party, and he's gettin' all the attention and I'd end up with a handful of spit, you know, from doing the beats. |
Craig Ferguson |
I used to psych myself up before the show and now I do the complete opposite: I psych myself down. It's 12:30 at night, you don't want some guy yelling at you. You want some guy just talking to you. |
Also, you are a very talented rapper and producer. Keep making stuff and keep expressing yourself.
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ive been struggling with an existential crisis.. regarding captcha.
captcha asks me to prove if im human captcha is robot can i pass robots turing test? (or fail?) HUMAN! Prove you are not robot. Love, Robot
Good thing I'm crazy.
The world's largest carrot producer is China, which in 2011, accounted for over 45% of the global output.
if you need something really funny and also kind of weird to listen to at work check out The Unbelievable Podcast. its a bunch of comedians talking about crazy paranormal theories. its actually really good and not like super weird. its more light hearted than serious
pretty much most of that show is bullshit and most of all crazy conspiratorial theories. like do lizards really live in the center of the earth? i mean cmon.. but its a good exercising in beginning to believe what you thought was impossible. if you criticize all theories then your not really open to any new possibilities. but at the same time of course you cant just hop on every theories dick as fact.
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Desiigner Bought the "Panda" Beat on YouTube for $200 In 2014, an English producer sold a beat for $200 to some guy in NYC. Two years later he was getting a call from Kanye West.
i find myself listening to the same stuff forever and not taking in new sounds as much as i used to. its a much slower process for music to enter my life.
i used to use bassdrive.com 's drum and bass station to code too. independent internet radio stations are good for new music that people dont know
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"I've always been a dreamer... when I was 14 I saw the Mr. Olympia contest and decided to pick up the weights... that same year I heard Eminem spit fire through my headphones and I decided to pick up a microphone. Even if my dreams never pan out, at least I won't go to the grave wondering if they could have." - BRO U AINT A RAPPER QUIT IT WIT THAT BS
I dreamed that I was watching Nancy Reagan give her candidacy speech at the Democratic National Convention in what looked like an old timey courthouse, very somber place, lots of big windows. Near the end she said, "The next president will be crazy!" and everyone burst into applause, because apparently crazy was a good thing and associated with her. Then some old-ass dude representing the party higher-ups said a bunch of stuff in an irritated tone that completely negated everything she said about the party's positions in her speech, like "Well, actually..." Everyone was silent after his short follow-up, then an old British dude who was the richest person in the world named The Donor walked up and in an irritated yet patronizingly kind voice offered his arm to Nancy an said, "Can I talk to you for a minute," as part of an attempt to placate her. As they walked off, I went up behind the big wooden judges booths, where there was a chair you could sit in and ask questions of some of the ...