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Main Conversations Thoughts Quotes
Meghan Sept. 18, 2014, 8:22 a.m.
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I dreamed that I was watching Nancy Reagan give her candidacy speech at the Democratic National Convention in what looked like an old timey courthouse, very somber place, lots of big windows. Near the end she said, "The next president will be crazy!" and everyone burst into applause, because apparently crazy was a good thing and associated with her. Then some old-ass dude representing the party higher-ups said a bunch of stuff in an irritated tone that completely negated everything she said about the party's positions in her speech, like "Well, actually..." Everyone was silent after his short follow-up, then an old British dude who was the richest person in the world named The Donor walked up and in an irritated yet patronizingly kind voice offered his arm to Nancy an said, "Can I talk to you for a minute," as part of an attempt to placate her. As they walked off, I went up behind the big wooden judges booths, where there was a chair you could sit in and ask questions of some of the organizers. And I was like, "Wait wait wait. Our country's policy is run by an old British guy with a ton of money??" and the judge was like, "For five years, we do what he says, then for five years, we do what he says, then for five years, we do what he says..." -- (apparently the election cycle is five years, not four) -- "...God has given him an enormous amount of money and a laaaarge number of days." They basically never anticipated having to kowtow to the guy as long as they had, but he just didn't die when expected and kept living and being active and dictating government policy.
Hidden User Sept. 19, 2014, 1:26 p.m.
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"To dream of a political party suggests that you need to stand up and defend your beliefs. Be prepared for any dissent and backlash." - dream dictionary
Hidden User Sept. 19, 2014, 1:26 p.m.
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"To see a politician in your dream suggests that you need to choose and take a side. The dream parallels a decision that you need to make in your waking life. Alternatively, the politician may reflect your desires for political office or your interest in world affairs." - dream dictionary
Meghan Sept. 19, 2014, 4:49 p.m.
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Well, I think the feeling and relationships in the dean are more important than the specific symbols. To be clearer, they accepted his commands in the beginning because they wanted his money and they expected him to die soon, but he didn't, so they were stuck doing what he said for waaay longer than expected. That suggests to me that the dream was about some choice I made where I made a concession of my freedom in exchange for something else that I wanted, not expecting to be bound up for such a long time.
Meghan Sept. 19, 2014, 4:50 p.m.
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*I think the feelings and relationships in a dream are more important for the meaning than the specific symbols used.
Hidden User Sept. 19, 2014, 4:58 p.m.
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ooooooooo do you know what that concession may have been?
Meghan Sept. 19, 2014, 5:07 p.m.
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*I think the feelings and relationships in a dream are more important for the meaning than the specific symbols used.
Meghan Sept. 19, 2014, 5:20 p.m.
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Hmm, maybe.
Meghan Sept. 19, 2014, 5:36 p.m.
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I've also heard that everyone in your dreams is yourself. Maybe I've stopped thinking creatively/out-of-the-box in grad school in the interest of safe career advancement. Recently I seem to be breaking out of that, even though Prabal doesn't seem 100% on-board at the moment - maybe that brought it up.
Hidden User Sept. 19, 2014, 7:27 p.m.
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I don't think everyone in your dreams is yourself. In a solipsistic sense everything all the time is part of you. Everything you see and experience is in your brain. I think you can imagine other people in your dreams and they are expressions of your perceptions and to some degree reflections of yourself, but that degree could be close to 100% or close to 0%.