I don't think everyone in your dreams is yourself. In a solipsistic sense everything all the time is part of you. Everything you see and experience is in your brain. I think you can imagine other people in your dreams and they are expressions of your perceptions and to some degree reflections of yourself, but that degree could be close to 100% or close to 0%. |
I dreamed that I was watching Nancy Reagan give her candidacy speech at the Democratic National Convention in what looked like an old timey courthouse, very somber place, lots of big windows. Near the end she said, "The next president will be crazy!" and everyone burst into applause, because apparently crazy was a good thing and associated with her. Then some old-ass dude representing the party higher-ups said a bunch of stuff in an irritated tone that completely negated everything she said about the party's positions in her speech, like "Well, actually..." Everyone was silent after his short follow-up, then an old British dude who was the richest person in the world named The Donor walked up and in an irritated yet patronizingly kind voice offered his arm to Nancy an said, "Can I talk to you for a minute," as part of an attempt to placate her. As they walked off, I went up behind the big wooden judges booths, where there was a chair you could sit in and ask questions of some of the ...
Robert Anton Wilson |
All phenomena are real in some sense, unreal in some sense, meaningless in some sense, real and meaningless in some sense, unreal and meaningless in some sense, and real and unreal and meaningless in some sense. |
Thomas R. Insel |
Most of our brain cells are glial cells, once thought to be mere support cells, but now understood as having a critical role in brain function. Glial cells in the human brain are markedly different from glial cells in other brains, suggesting that they may be important in the evolution of brain function. |
David Icke |
We are reflections of one another, therefore I know that you are part of me and I am part of you because we are all projections of the universal principles of creation/destruction polarities of the same infinite consciousness that we call God. |
Barbara Ehrenreich |
Well I do think there are people who are habitually negative and depressed and take the opposite approach because they imagine the worst, and their minds become dominated by that. They let their own emotions and expectations transform their perceptions of the world. |
Freda Adler |
Major social movements eventually fade into the landscape not because they have diminished but because they have become a permanent part of our perceptions and experience. |
Fergie |
I have my team. Like if you see everyone around me - I have my hair and makeup girl, my assistant. They're very calm, they're all about positive energy. There're no drama queens. Everyone wants everyone else to have a positive experience. There are no agendas. I think it creates a healthy environment and there are no boundaries to cross. |
Thomas R. Insel |
We have to remain humble about our understanding of the brain, because even our most powerful tools remain pretty blunt instruments for decoding the brain. In fact, we still do not know how to decipher the basic language of how the brain works. |
Joshua Jackson |
For me, the desire exists less to get myself a degree than to just go and have the whole college experience, and throw myself into the brain pool and see if I can swim. |
Antonio Damasio |
Imagine, for example, birds. When they look out at the world, they have a sense that they are alive. If they are in pain, they can do something about it. If they have hunger or thirst, they can satisfy that. It's this basic feeling that there is life ticking away inside of you. |
James Madison |
What is government itself but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. |
Well, it's really cool at first, and it's definitely a skill you can develop. You can get good at controlling your dreams, too (summoning new elements, or trying to render things differently (don't know how appropriate render is for word choice).
Exhibiting control is actually quite exhausting, ironically, and the in between stage (bad way to describe it) when you're on the verge of wakefulness and hanging on to a dream-state by a thread is quite an lonely, dark, barren, color-void space (not that there are very many colors in your dreams to begin with).
Personally, I feel it's much better...
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I had some weird dreams last night. In one of them I was on a planet with people from earth and we were in a different part of the universe where you could see all sorts of other galaxies in the sky and there were two that were colliding and they lit up the whole sky with all sorts of yellow and purpley colors. There was this girl that was taking pictures and video of the whole thing trying to document it. She was walking through fields of tall grasses and these plains that were filled with very shallow water that had waves about twice as high as the depth of the water, but still shorter than the average person. The dream kept switching between this girl and a completely different place in time where these unrecognizable creatures were speaking in a language I didn't understand about the collision of the two galaxies. There were one or two other dreams I had in different REM cycles and I don't remember them at the moment.
Sometimes I think that determinism can exist to a degree, meaning every event is part the result of proceeding events and part stochastic. But if this is so, where does randomness come from?
I don't know. It's hard to say. The architecture in my dreams is so interesting. I always imagine buildings that I think look really cool but when I wake up I know that they're completely impractical/impossible. Maybe the way that I interpreted it when I woke up made it look like it wasn't complete.
For the wolf thing, there was definitely a disinterest in the people in that park. Not being interested in what people were doing and wanting to wander off into nature.
None of the events in the dream reminded me of real people except when I was avoiding people it reminded me of my family. Maybe I w...
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Here is the kind of thing that bugs the crap out of me about Windows 8.
I just tried to open my recycling bin and delete the files. I opened the window and hit delete and the files disappeared. Then I hit ALT+F4 to close the window and I get a message that says "close the window and cancel file transfer?" What the hell?! The OS is scheduling the release of the file pointers or something which shouldn't take that long and it's telling me that it can't close the window because it's not done? But then if you hit the 'X' to close the window it works... Horrible design.
Lol. I don't think I did. Dreams don't make that much sense.
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I don't remember what my dream was two nights ago but I know it was super spooky. There was some weird condition where someone had to kill someone else or something. Dreams always have the funkiest things like that. I think my dreams would make good horror movies if I could remember them.
Trying to remember your dreams, in my experience, is doing these small things like telling yourself to write things down when you wake up or to think about what is possible/not possible while falling asleep. Or to say things out loud when you wake up. I don't remember to do these things until one day I say "if you do this thing it will help you remember." And then I find myself doing it. I think because you're not conscious the only way to influence these things is by priming your brain to do them. It just makes me think about how I could probably improve other areas of my life by just telling myself that if I do X, then Y will change or improve; by priming myself for better habits.
Pretty sure it's just that the part of my brain that tells me which things make sense and obey the laws of physics don't always activate when I'm sleeping and thinking about buildings.
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for the last maybe 2 weeks ive had weird flash backs to places ive had dreams about. dreams throughout my entire life, that i havent even thought about in years.