i get a lot of errors posting to thinklynx. just wont let me post stuff i copy and paste |
There are no conversations. |
cauz |
June 30, 2014, 12:36 p.m. |
Martin Campbell |
I like pre-production and post the best. I don't like shooting at all. I find it grueling and tough, but I love post and the whole process of seeing the film finally come together. You start ironing out all the rough spots, and the really bad bits you just throw away. So from day one of post to the last day, you see nothing but improvements. |
JR |
Even when I do really big pieces, I do them strips by strips - so you have to paste, you have to involve people. It's a whole process. And I like that. For me, that's where the artwork is. |
J. G. Ballard |
My room is dominated by the huge painting, which is a copy of 'The Violation' by the Belgian surrealist Paul Delvaux. The original was destroyed during the Blitz in 1940, and I commissioned an artist I know, Brigid Marlin, to make a copy from a photograph. I never stop looking at this painting and its mysterious and beautiful women. |
Roshon Fegan |
I love dressing up. I like going out and buying some crazy stuff. I like stuff that's new, innovative and weird. I just pick out stuff that is unique and anything that I'm really diggin'. I don't really care if it's kind of out there. That's what I'm about. I like picking stuff that is really different. |
Gregg Easterbrook |
Now, for pure bloggers, for individual people who are just posting their own thoughts, they would still run the same risk of saying something wrong or embarrassing, but they wouldn't harm their institutions by doing so. |
Anthony Daniels |
I quite like post-apocalyptic films, things like 'Mad Max' for instance, because they are so full on and there is something quite cleansing about the post-apocalyptic because you can see where we all think we're heading. |
Stephen Cambone |
There is a reasonable concern that posting raw data can be misleading for those who are not trained in its use and who do not have the broader perspective within which to place a particular piece of data that is raw. |
Maria Cantwell |
Taxpayers have put more than $24 trillion on the line to resuscitate Wall Street after the economic meltdown of last year. With the help of this massive taxpayer support, the nation's largest banks are posting record profits. |
Dave Attell |
A lot of these kids I think are more content just to be on Facebook and the computer than they are to actually go out. They just really want to get a picture to post to their buddies, and that's about it. |
Giraldus Cambrensis |
Since, therefore, no man is born without faults, and he is esteemed the best whose errors are the least, let the wise man consider everything human as connected with himself; for in worldly affairs there is no perfect happiness under heaven. |
it just says internal server error. ive had this issue basically since the character limit was so high. I try to copy and paste texts sometimes and it just wont let it post. Presumably it has to do with character handling but I don't know what characters as it's normal text from various sources.
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WAIT. I remember my third dream! It was because I woke up and thought about posting the first two on ThinkLynx. I dreamt that a bunch of people started using ThinkLynx again and wanted to delete all the weird stuff they posted in 2014.
I purposefully post some of the more esoteric-like stuff to try to get more comparisons in the future. These 'out there' thoughts that I've pondered are perfect for making connections using ThinkLynx. Eventually I want to post huge spiritual texts and excerpts of astronomy and technology and find weird correlations for no particular raisin
Looks like no more errors! Testing posting as I had received a few there as well
Citizen Science Task: Come up with a color to match the crayon name!
1. Open up a color picker, for example, https://colorpicker.me/ or https://color.adobe.com/. 2. For each item in the numbered list: read them crayon names in list below and picture the color it describes. 3. Find that color in from your mind on your color picker and aim for high precision. ...
thinklynx is like the perfect social media for me. i post a lot on twitter cuz less people can see it than my facebook. so thinklynx is great cuz nobody is seeing it but chawls lmao. and it connects all my weird disjointed thoughts in one place.
Well, it's kind of incentivized because you can't get points without posting. Maybe a leader board would make it more competitive/exciting, and encourage people to try to post more interesting things?
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you should post this on thinklynx
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ive been overly paranoid lately about my political voice. through all the internet posts and facebook, they can put a pretty decent picture together of somebody, even if its wrong. but as a computer security nerd, an advocate for encyrption and privacy, and also a loud mouth about politics and our government, i am more and more afraid and conscious of what i post to not add to this permanent record or confuse anyone into thinking i have VIOLENT intentions of any kind. i post a lot on thinklynx about this just cuz its lowkey enough that its not being targeted like that lol
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Oh, apparently we're past 1000 thoughts! And I know there is an anonymous account but I want users to be able to claim and disown thoughts and have an option when posting to post anonymously.
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