if its over 10k characters you'll get that error. i don't know if it really doesn't let you use other characters... |
Suzanne Farrell |
You don't learn from a situation where you do something well. You enjoy it and you give yourself credit, but you don't really learn from that. You learn from trial and error, trial and error, all the time. |
Swami Vivekananda |
The Vedanta recognizes no sin it only recognizes error. And the greatest error, says the Vedanta is to say that you are weak, that you are a sinner, a miserable creature, and that you have no power and you cannot do this and that. |
Jim Rohn |
Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you. |
William Halsey |
I never trust a fighting man who doesnt smoke or drink. |
Robert Jackson |
It is not the function of the government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error. |
Triple H |
'Rocky' is a movie that just happens to be about boxing. It's really about characters and story lines and relationships and all those things, and the backdrop is boxing. You can go back and watch the final fight in 'Rocky' a thousand times. If you dig that movie, if you like the characters, you'll watch the whole movie over and over. |
Sergio Garcia |
Obviously, the good thing about golf, it's difficult to really, really blow it after five holes unless it goes really, really, really... really, really, really wrong. But you still have 13 to go, and if you have a good run, where you make five or six birdies, you can get it back somehow. |
Voltaire |
What is tolerance? It is the consequence of humanity. We are all formed of frailty and error; let us pardon reciprocally each other's folly - that is the first law of nature. |
Eric Dane |
With a pilot, there's a lot of information that gets packed into 46 minutes or whatever it is. Usually what happens is that, throughout the season, you get to spend a little more quality time with the characters and get to know them a bit better, whether it's based on circumstance or relationships they've created with other characters. |
Robert Irvine |
When you first get into television it is a big deal, then you realize you are no better than anyone else, we just have a platform to use, to help other people. I use that platform for the work I do in the military, the work I do with cancer because I was fortunate enough to get that platform. |
My wife's idea: It's maybe like a platformer or a game where you can choose different characters because the characters have different abilities. so depending on your mood or whatever you like you'd choose a different character. and one of the characters is like a mourning catholic character and they have that thing that goes over their head with the black dress and lacy cover and she has one of those incense burner fishing rod things and she maybe throws fireballs and stirs it around and makes the bad guys dizzy or sleepy or something and then she goes and pokes them with the incense lance.
it just says internal server error. ive had this issue basically since the character limit was so high. I try to copy and paste texts sometimes and it just wont let it post. Presumably it has to do with character handling but I don't know what characters as it's normal text from various sources.
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have you thought about allowing an absurd number of characters? and while im typing this i'm noticing this nice little count down. nice. 500 is a pretty good limit really but what i meant was absurd absurd absurd absurd absurd number of characters where users could basically post articles or post their own essays of work and information and add to your database of knowledge related to other knowledge. knowledge. i still have about 75 characters left but its hard to tell because its still going down while im
short bios, describe yourself in 60 characters, sort of thing. don't know if I'm into the prevalence they have in our lives. could be an interesting creative exercise but they usually into a couple labels that relate to our ideal self-concepts or something.
we're just two characters from the same show
i have a dream that one day our thinklynx will rise up and status will not be judged by the color of their font but by the bullshit content of their characters
I watched all of the show Lost Girl and I thought it was really interesting. I wasn't particularly fond of the plot or setting or any of that but the characters and their interactions were something I've not seen in a TV show before.
Notes to self: add code to prevent double posts, add support for special characters, and make AJAX feeds update to show posts that are new since the original load without displaying duplicates.
There's a hole that takes you to other holes on other planets where evil aliens enslave other humans across the galaxy. Then earth fights them with p90s which are way more effective than laser staffs. It's kind of campy, and has some humor. Then they made Stargate Universe to capitalize on the BSG stuff, so it's super dark (one of the characters gets ALS haha). Season 3 finale of BSG might be the best tv I've ever seen.
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When Petunia reveals that she knows what Dementors are (in the 5th book), she blushes and says "I heard that...awful boy telling her years ago" and Harry angrily says "If you mean my dad, just say his name". But after you read the 7th book, you discover that she didn't mean James at all. She was referring to Snape. It's a brilliant reference that frames the relationship between Lily, Snape, and Petunia, seeming like a useless remark from both characters until you read the last book.