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Main Conversations Thoughts Quotes
Benjamin April 5, 2017, 3:29 p.m.
  • xsziorv
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I had a dream that the national surveilance state was trying to arrest me. Trump daddy was personally aware of me. All the cellphones were listening for me. My crimes were political dissidence and anarchist apologetics which had recently become illegal. The main action of the dream was me running around this insane hotel being chased by federal agents.
cauz April 5, 2017, 6:50 p.m.
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did you go to different realities in the different parts of the hotel? in theory if everything is frequencies then you could make an xavier-style method of searching out certain kinds of people based on their vibration patterns (potentially even searching out thoughts by the way it effects the physical body) then by identifying these frequencies or individuals, you could send out signals on the same wavelength to disrupt them or locate them
cauz April 5, 2017, 6:52 p.m.
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ive been overly paranoid lately about my political voice. through all the internet posts and facebook, they can put a pretty decent picture together of somebody, even if its wrong. but as a computer security nerd, an advocate for encyrption and privacy, and also a loud mouth about politics and our government, i am more and more afraid and conscious of what i post to not add to this permanent record or confuse anyone into thinking i have VIOLENT intentions of any kind. i post a lot on thinklynx about this just cuz its lowkey enough that its not being targeted like that lol
Benjamin April 5, 2017, 7:09 p.m.
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As long as free speech and free political association remain legal is all good tho. On the other hand, daddy is apparently determined to contort any news media to his version of fairness and his benefit of the doubt.
cauz April 5, 2017, 7:11 p.m.
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yeah but as soon as free speech isnt legal its a problem if they have a db of everything you said. you can be imprisoned for your words no doubt. rap lyrics are getting used in court more and more as well