#appallinglyBadTech you can't find "dining chairs" by search "chairs" but you can find "dining chairs" by searching "dining"
Jim Gaffigan |
I worked on 'USA Today' as a topic for while. I tried to do something on hand chairs, chairs that look like hands. I really tried. But some topics are not truly universal. |
The Notorious B.I.G. |
Please, all you MCs out there, all you fans out there, don't think Big gonna make a record dissing 2Pac or the West Coast because it's not going down like that. I cant even see me wasting my time or my talent to disrespect another black man. |
Samuel Johnson |
My dear friend, clear your mind of cant. |
Lyndon B. Johnson |
The noblest search is the search for excellence. |
Stephen Cambone |
That is really not much different from the search engines that are being constructed today for users throughout the entire world to allow them to search through databases to access the information that they require. |
Jonathan Jackson |
God puts certain things in certain people. I'm a restless soul. I'm always searching. I'm always pressing to find what truth is and what life is all about. |
Grant Achatz |
Alinea is not the type of restaurant where you go if you're in a hurry. Really, it's about enjoying that three-hour block of time and reflecting on the food, having great conversation with your dining companion. |
Adam Garcia |
I do like to keep mementos from my work, whether they be photos, the backs of make-up chairs or even props and clothes. |
Billy Campbell |
The first trip I remember taking was on the train from Virginia up to New York City, watching the summertime countryside rolling past the window. They used white linen tablecloths in the dining car in those days, and real silver. I love trains to this day. Maybe that was the beginning of my fixation with leisurely modes of travel. |
Conrad Hall |
I was very happy sitting alone at a dining room table, writing a script. |
I had a dream that I lived in Europe somewhere and I had this shed where I took chairs that my parents painted and tried to sell them. I had to take some of the chairs and scrape off the paint in places where they needed to be modified so that they would sell better. I was working one day when a girl with a broken arm walked up to me and asked me out. I told her I didn't live there and I was going back to the USA. She gave me her number anyway and then her mom showed up and made her leave. Then there was this whole other part of my dream where people were killing each other and there were some gangs and stuff but I don't know if that had anything to do with the chairs or if they were just in the same city or what.
music for Saturday evening's musical chairs competition: Rondo Alla Turca, Mozart
I had a dream that I was in a house in the suburbs and there was a person there that was considered a genius of sorts. He was probably in his 40s and his skill was to be able to recognize and match the resonant frequencies of objects in a way that gave him fine-grained control over their movement from the other side of a building. He was tapping his desk and foot in changing rhythms and lamps and chairs and papers were moving around in the basement. He drew a picture on a piece of paper in the basement but he was still upstairs tapping. Then a car crashed through the front window of the house and hit him, presumably killing him. A girl ran out of the car who claimed to be my sister and told me that she needed my help. She was being followed by someone who thought they were her partner in crime but this guy was crazy. We were supposed to go along with him until we could find a chance to get away. Apparently he knew where she was and was coming for us.
Facebook marektplace's search function seems like technology that was outdated in the 70s... #appallinglyBadTech
'In the Knowledge Economy, We Need a Netflix of Education'
When we want to acquire useful knowledge, we have to search the web broadly, find experts by word-of-mouth and troll through various poorly designed internal document sharing systems. This method is inefficient. There should be a better solution that helps users find what they need. Such a solution would adapt to the user's needs and learn how to make ongoing customized recommendations and suggestions through a truly interactive and impactful learning experience. Before Netflix, Spotify, Reddit and similar curated content apps, you had to go to numerous sources to find the shows, music, news and other media you wished to view. Now, the entertainment and media you actually want to consume is easily discoverable and personalized t...
That's interesting. In certain environments I find it very easy to adapt my personality accordingly. The arrogant will inherit the meek. Although, in seriousness, arrogance begets results, and I don't like to be sincerely mean, but I find it to be highly effective in quickly solving some interpersonal problems in certain arenas.
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I drink because I can't find Waldo, and I can't find Waldo because I'm drunk.
Movie idea: find a bunch of random video clips and ask several people to put them in the "correct" order. Then find the order they agree most on and play them in order to make a trippy movie and do some small touches up to make it flow a little better. Then you can remove more frames from each successive scene to make it look like time is moving faster.
want: to be able to write
I jam my journal in my bag and stomped out to the diag. Every time I'm in that library, I find myself wrestling with a stupid paragraph and it is always about my literal surroundings. I've written...10 stories about flicking on the desk lamp, peering at the textbooks of the faceless people, and imagining what it's like to be studying their physics textbook...in the library...under the desk lamp. Oh ya, and there's books! But I'm off to the coffee shop I usually avoid because of familiar faces I have no interest in, but maybe I can find something remarkable about today.
did you go to different realities in the different parts of the hotel? in theory if everything is frequencies then you could make an xavier-style method of searching out certain kinds of people based on their vibration patterns (potentially even searching out thoughts by the way it effects the physical body) then by identifying these frequencies or individuals, you could send out signals on the same wavelength to disrupt them or locate them
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