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Main Conversations Thoughts Quotes
books March 24, 2021, 9:02 p.m.
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been thinking about what healthy skepticism of science looks like. Scientists are skeptical of science themselves. It's part of the nature of the profession. In fact, is having a skeptic perspective of scientific notions a scientific perspective in and of itself? Maybe not, maybe it depends on where the skepticism comes from or where it leads.

At the mention of skepticism of science, we might think of a group that gets a lot of attention and ridicule--flat earthers. In my opinion, it'd do some good to shift the discourse about flat earthers a bit. Will/might come back to what I was going to say about flat earthers because I'm about to play stardew valley...

But where I'm going with this is that I feel that in general, skepticism of scientific findings should be encouraged, and we people can talk about how to have conversations where we engage with skeptical ideas without stopping at skepticism for the sake of skepticism but to actually go somewhere with it sorry to future self if this doesn't make sense but no time to write this better because I'm missing out on a full business day in stardew valley
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