I really like Bluetiful but Mango Tango is excellent! |
Shawn Fanning |
Well, user feedback was excellent. Even when the software didn't work at all, there were few people who were avid users, and there were people who were just sending excellent feedback and excellent ideas. |
Juan Campodonico |
I started buying records in the '80s. I listened to everything new wave, disco, funk synth-pop, rock, but in my house we were listening to bossa nova, tango, and folk. |
John Baldacci |
Excellent education and an excellent environment are two hallmarks of our state. How we treat our environment is connected to so many other opportunities in Maine. |
Sergio Garcia |
Obviously, the good thing about golf, it's difficult to really, really blow it after five holes unless it goes really, really, really... really, really, really wrong. But you still have 13 to go, and if you have a good run, where you make five or six birdies, you can get it back somehow. |
Shawn Fanning |
There really was nothing like it at the time. We had good ideas for implementation, so we proceeded. I think it was an excellent solution to the reliability issues with existing search engines. |
Shawn Fanning |
But I just really think there is a natural extension into other types of media because it's an excellent system for reliably locating and retrieving content. |
Anton Chekhov |
I promise to be an excellent husband, but give me a wife who, like the moon, will not appear every day in my sky. |
Brian Tracy |
There is no real limit to how much better a person who really commits to getting better can get. Every manager has the potential to become an excellent manager for the rest of his or her career. |
Dakota Fanning |
It was really really neat to make the movie because there were mentally challenged actors in the movie. So that was really really cool to work with them and they were always really happy, and they made everybody really happy on the set too. |
Francois Fenelon |
Children are excellent observers, and will often perceive your slightest defects. In general, those who govern children, forgive nothing in them, but everything in themselves. |
manatee, fuzzy wuzzy, pink sherbert, pink flamingo, bluetiful, mango tango,
sepia, violet(i), denim, antique brass, English vermillion
mountain meadow, permanent geranium lake, purple mountains' majesty
asparagus, cornflower, fern
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It's only ever taken one to tango
Best smoothie recipe: Strawberries Less mango than strawberry Less cherries than strawberry 1 banana Dash of each of turmeric, cardamom, and cinnamon Oat milk
Search is an excellent idea.
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remind me to watch bill and ted's excellent adventure
A medium-size carrot has 25 calories, 6 grams of carbs, and 2 grams of fiber. The veggie is an excellent source of vitamin A, providing more than 200% of your daily requirement in just one carrot.
“I have spared neither care nor labor to produce something excellent for Prague. Moreover, It is a mistake to think that the practice of my art has become easy to me. I assure you, dear friend, no one has given so much care to the study of composition as I. There is scarcely a famous master in music whose works I have not frequently and diligently studied.” - Mozart (might as well be Big Sherm)
Crayon Color Names: Highlights...in no particular order. I can work on the order later.
1. Permanent Geranium Lake 2. Maximum Red 3. Madder Lake 4. English Vermilion 5. Maximum Blue Green 6. Middle Blue ...
Forgot to poste the list of crayons, see below.
Crayon Color Names: Highlights...in no particular order. I can work on the order later.
1. Permanent Geranium Lake 2. Maximum Red 3. Madder Lake 4. English...
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When trying to exploit some website using sqlmap, its a good idea to be anonymous. Sqlmap has excellent support for using common proxies or tor.
First start tor and ensure that it is running the socks5 daemon on port 9050. Then use the socks5 proxy with sqlmap as follows
# ./sqlmap.py --tor --tor-type=SOCKS5 -u "http://www.hackable.org/view_section.php?id=10" ...
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