Ray Bradbury |
A book has got smell. A new book smells great. An old book smells even better. An old book smells like ancient Egypt. |
E. L. James |
Everyone's clamoring for the fourth book in the 'Fifty Shades' trilogy, which makes me laugh. Just the part of 'a fourth book in trilogy' that makes me laugh, not the clamoring for the next book. |
Eddie Campbell |
I thought, well I can do that. I couldn't be bothered writing a book review, because I'd have to read the book, I haven't got time to read a whole book for a fifty dollar write-up. |
Mahmoud Darwish |
When a writer declares that his first book is his best, that is bad. I progress successively from book to book. |
Shmuel Yosef Agnon |
I have also written a book about the Giving of the Torah, and a book on the Days of Awe, and a book on the books of Israel that have been written since the day the Torah was given to Israel. |
Umberto Eco |
The book is like the spoon, scissors, the hammer, the wheel. Once invented, it cannot be improved. You cannot make a spoon that is better than a spoon... The book has been thoroughly tested, and it's very hard to see how it could be improved on for its current purposes. |
Jennifer Egan |
I felt more doubtful than usual with 'Goon Squad,' because I knew that the book's genre wasn't easily named - Novel? Stories? Novel-in-stories? - and I worried that its lack of a clear category would count against it. My hopes for it were pretty modest. |
Anne Edwards |
She claimed she loved the camera, its warmth, its familiarity. She responded to its naked glare, its slavish attention to every expression of her face and body, with the kind of immediacy a trusted lover could expect. |
Dag Hammarskjold |
The pursuit of peace and progress cannot end in a few years in either victory or defeat. The pursuit of peace and progress, with its trials and its errors, its successes and its setbacks, can never be relaxed and never abandoned. |
J. G. Ballard |
The American Dream has run out of gas. The car has stopped. It no longer supplies the world with its images, its dreams, its fantasies. No more. It's over. It supplies the world with its nightmares now: the Kennedy assassination, Watergate, Vietnam. |
You should read that book. It's pretty weird. Pretty short too.
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I didn't know much about that book. It looks pretty interesting.
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Wikipedia says he was a unitarian universalist, atheist, humanist, and it says Slaughterhouse Five had existential themes. That's pretty much the kind of stuff I look for in a book.
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When Petunia reveals that she knows what Dementors are (in the 5th book), she blushes and says "I heard that...awful boy telling her years ago" and Harry angrily says "If you mean my dad, just say his name". But after you read the 7th book, you discover that she didn't mean James at all. She was referring to Snape. It's a brilliant reference that frames the relationship between Lily, Snape, and Petunia, seeming like a useless remark from both characters until you read the last book.
Had a dream that Nas's album It Was Written was a book and it was one of Hip Hop's Gospels as if he were a prophet. The other book that immediately comes to mind is the gospel of hip hop by KRS One
This one with Josh Tenenbaum was pretty good too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ROelYvo8f0
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Kurzgesagt - Optimistic Nihilism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBRqu0YOH14
Sounds pretty good to me.
I had a dream that I was asleep and there was this red spider in my bed. I woke up and I saw it and knew I had a book that described it. The book said that the venom could kill people and that it could bite you without you feeling it. So then I was disappointed because I had to go to the doctor. There was also someone else there but I don't know who it was.
This summer, I've taken up painting. I'm no good at it, but I thoroughly enjoy it. It's pretty nice to give myself permission to be bad at it and have fun anyway.
tasted some peanut butter snickers (creamy) today. pretty good.