"My favorite thing about the house I live in is the toilet. It must be 50 years old. It NEVER clogs. You could flush a burlap sack full of hockey pucks if you wanted to." |
cauz |
Aug. 26, 2018, 4:23 p.m. |
Carl Hagelin |
I had more friends on my hockey team than I did on my soccer team. I might have been better at soccer, to be honest. But I think it was more the friendship, and my family was more of a hockey family than a soccer family, so when I had to make a decision, I tried hockey, and it turned out to be a good decision. |
Kurt Vonnegut |
Human beings will be happier - not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That's my utopia. |
Andy Rooney |
I like ice hockey, but it's a frustrating game to watch. It's hard to keep your eyes on both the puck and the players and too much time passes between scoring in hockey. There are usually more fights than there are points. |
Gaston Bachelard |
If I were asked to name the chief benefit of the house, I should say: the house shelters day-dreaming, the house protects the dreamer, the house allows one to dream in peace. |
Tammy Faye Bakker |
I wish people could have seen what they called our mansion. They would have been so disappointed, because it was just an old house that we fixed up, and I love the old house. |
Jeff Gannon |
I was given a White House - well, you will have to ask the White House that. But I asked to attend the White House briefing because I was, you know, because I wanted to report on the activities there. |
Casey James |
I am a big car enthusiast. I totally understand guys like Jay Leno who have a thousand cars. But asking me my favorite car would be like asking my favorite song or favorite food - it changes everyday. |
Farrah Fawcett |
I'm shy. I can go on a trip for days and not go because I won't sit on a toilet seat on a plane. I'm certainly not going to go on somebody's lawn. Could you imagine, in a cocktail dress? |
Dennis Cardoza |
House Democrats have tried to increase port security funding on this House floor four times over the last 4 years, and House Republicans have defeated our efforts every single time. |
Bhumibol Adulyadej |
Some say that now that 50 years have passed, we would like another 50 more years to celebrate once again; that means it will be 100 years. After one hundred years, I will be 118 years old. |
ill respond to your question tomorrow when im not going to bed but i wanted to pop on to say that he told me god wanted him desperately to relay these messages to me. and that i have an important role with the youth and also that I had a decision to make soon to live with the truth or forever live in ignorance. the stuff with the youth resonated 100& with my music and again, it just clicked. perhaps my music is a conduit of god to share the message. and empower us because everything is before us we just need to ask.
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I'm a fan of vitamin A, baby carrots are my favorite thing on a veggie tray, and I whip up a mean stew.
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I had a dream that my friend and I were hanging out with Robin Williams. We both got into these separate cars and were driving up this hill. Robin Williams wanted to drive our car up the hill backward and I was telling him not to. He kept saying he didn't know how to drive this car. We got to the top but then he almost drove it off the edge of the hill. We got out of the car and then he fell anyway and died. Then my friend and I aged like 40 years suddenly and then we walked down the hill. We found these like, drunk 12-year-olds that wanted to fight us. They said "this isn't fair, you're not even drunk" and I said "yep" and then knocked him out and then my friend and I (now like 70 years old) just walked down the street in the middle of the night.
I had some nightmares about being at my parents house and it was cold or dark or something and the car was in the middle of the road and we wanted it to go somewhere or it was stuck. I don't know.
When I was in middle school I thought it was weird that people had favorite colors and lucky numbers so I decided that I'd have a lucky color and a favorite number. My favorite number was 17.5 and my lucky color was orange.
The Incredibly Stupid Plot To Hijack a Domain By Breaking Into Its Owner's House With A Gun
CNN tells the story of 24-year-old "social media influencer" Rossi Lorathio Adams II who'd wanted his domain to be the slogan of his social media sites (which at one point had over a million followers on Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter). Unfortunately, that domain was already owned by another man in Iowa -- but Adams came up with a solution:
In June 2017, Adams enlisted his cousin to break into the domain owner's home and force him to transfer it. The cousin drove to the domain owner's house and pro...
The king of the land was so fat and nice, but he couldn?t read the English handbook. He loved cheese and princesses. One lugubrious day, he wanted a car full of jello cheese, but nobody had a clue how to care.
she peed on the toilet seat too im pretty sure
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I had some type of nightmare where it was post-ragnarok (using this now instead of post-apocalyptic) world and I had a big house and was throwing a party but all these people started showing up and I didn't know who they were but they wanted to murder everyone and take all the stuff.
I had a dream that I was at my parents house helping them with something. There was an earthquake and ground the house was on fell forward into a crack. This didn't damage the house but it made the floors unlevel and you would have to hold onto things to pull yourself up to the rooms in the back of the house. Everyone was outside when it happened and then I was going into the house to get something and I got attacked by a bunch of yellow jackets. I had my hood up and they were going for my neck for some reason so I was trying to shield my face and keep distance between my sweatshirt and my skin but it didn't really work.