I didn't say you weren't ;)
I said have you thought about how likely it is? |
Muhammad Iqbal |
People who have no hold over their process of thinking are likely to be ruined by liberty of thought. If thought is immature, liberty of thought becomes a method of converting men into animals. |
Marc Jacobs |
No one ever said 'no' to me about anything. No one ever told me anything was wrong. Never. No one ever said, 'You can't be a fashion designer.' No one ever said, 'You're a boy and you can't take tap-dancing lessons.' No one ever said, 'You're a boy and you can't have long hair.' |
Anthony Fauci |
It's extremely likely that the people who have never been exposed to a human who has leprosy, it's very likely they got leprosy from exposure to an armadillo. |
Adam Davidson |
The idea of confidence, of the emotions of the population, is an incredibly important one in economics. John Maynard Keynes called it 'animal spirit.' And if people are feeling generally good about the future, they're more likely to spend money, to start new companies; companies are more likely to hire people, make investments. |
Bill de Blasio |
As N.Y.C. Public Advocate, I released a report that showed that stop-and-frisks of African Americans in 2012 were barely half as likely to yield a weapon as those of white New Yorkers - and a third less likely to yield contraband. Despite this evidence, the vast majority of those stopped are young black and Latino men. |
Joe Baca |
Head Start graduates are more likely to graduate from high school and less likely to need special education, repeat a grade, or commit crimes in adolescence. |
Marlene Dietrich |
The weak are more likely to make the strong weak than the strong are likely to make the weak strong. |
Donald Trump |
I think Ronald Reagan was one of the great presidents, period, not just recently. I thought he had the demeanor. I thought he had the bearing. I thought he had the thought process. |
Jesse Eisenberg |
Mother Teresa was asked what was the meaning of life, and she said to help other people, and I thought, 'What a strange thing to say' - but maybe it's the right thing to say. |
CJ Adams |
I was watching TV one day, and there was this open casting call for extras, and my brother says, 'You wanna try out for this movie?' and I said, 'No, I'm okay.' And then he said, 'Do you wanna be on a DVD?' And I said, 'I wanna be on a DVD!,' so I tried out. |
I had a dream that someone told me they weren't going to do their taxes with turbo tax (so exciting, right?) but then I was in some apartment that I think was mine on the second floor and I was trying to shoot off some rockets but they were def aimed at the ceiling and that didn't look like it was going to end well.
I had a mid-apocolyptic dream and I was traveling somewhere and a lot of churches and schools were in the same building because there weren't as many buildings and there were a lot of religious schools and things that weren't destroyed. I went down into the basement with some people and we were trying to get clean water and a lot of mud came out of the faucets and we were boiling the water and bugs were coming out of it and wriggling away. We thought that there was a bomb in one of the rooms so we started evacuating the building. I rented a house which was pretty cheap for some reason but there was a lot of rare artifacts and things in the house. There was a kid and his two parents that owned the house. I never saw the mom but 5 thieves came and shot the dad and then the kid went nuts and grabbed a gun and killed all the thieves. There was also another part of the dream where there was a bunch of moving conveyor belts and some people were getting stuck in the machinery but I don't rem...
"I've had to live my life pretending that I'm colorblind."
One day in middle school, we were doing something with colors, I cant remember what but it had to do with colors, so I turned to the girl next to me and said as a joke, "Which one of these is blue? I'm colorblind.", while holding up 3 markers that weren't even close to blue. But here's the catch, she actually thought that I was colorblind, so she points out what the blue one was and we go on with our day. Or so I thought. About a week later someone is talking about uno, and I remember this because this was one of the weirdest conversations I've had with someone. So were talking about uno, and the girl goes, "Cal, you must be a shitty uno player because you're colorblind.", so everyone starts asking about it and I have to come up ...
done it but i didnt jump out a window i just thought i was a monkey in a zoo and everyone was laughing at me (which they were until they took their hits lol)
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I had a dream that I followed some girl into an apartment and I was talking to her and she was saying some things that sounded like English but didn't make any sense. She was going through the fridge and then walked into a bedroom. I followed her and then I realized that she was a robot version of a girl I use to know. For some reason this then made it obvious to me that the not robot version of her also lived in the apartment. Then the dream got weird. I snuck into the other room when it was dark and the real girl and some dude were there. The girl couldn't see me but I kept moving around and making noise enough that the guy thought someone else was in the room, but the girl didn't notice. It was like I was purposely trying to freak out this guy. Eventually they both realized someone was there and I ran away. They didn't find me.
I had a dream that I was married and had a kid and lived in this house that I think I owned. I had a bunch of friends over for something and my wife was outside with the kid. I noticed that our automatic blinds (that completely cover doors and windows) were going down but I didn't hit any buttons. Then I saw the kid on the ground like he had fallen and I was trying to get the blinds open so I could go out but it seemed like someone was messing with them. I eventually got out and then saw that my wife had been shot. I thought to first check for the shooter so I ran to one side of the house (it was really small) and then the other and out into the street. I car was driving toward me very fast and when I ran out it swerved into a tree. I thought that must have been the shooter so then I ran back and got my family in the car to go to the hospital. Yikes.
No weird dreams lately : though I slept for like 12 hours last night... I dreamt that I finished a book that I actually didn't finish... and also that someone thought I was racist... kind of boring.
Whole Foods didn't have the spices I wanted... My entire worldview has been shattered. I sort of always thought it was the land of milk and honey and other organic shit.
I had a dream that I didn't actually know what month it was and I thought it was February and it was actually one month later.
"never thought id say this, used to be an atheist. actually i believed in unification. but now i found a way that made sense put some faith in it. wanna help others, helpin people is my favorite. remember how i thought, looked down on god. thought i had it right but realize now im wrong"
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