As soon as beauty is known by the world as beautifu l, it becomes ugly. As soon as virtue is being known as something good, it becomes evil. Therefore being and non-being give birth to each ot her. Difficult and easy accomplish each other. Long and short form each other. High and low distinguish each other. Sound and tone harmonize each other Before and after follow each other as a sequence. Realizing this, the saint performs effortlessly acc ording to the natural Way without personal desire, and practices the wordless teaching thru on eās deeds. The saint inspires the vitality of all lives, witho ut holding back. He nurtures all beings with no wish to take possess ion of. He devotes all his energy but has no intention to h old on to the merit. When success is achieved, he seeks no recognition. Because he does not claim for the credit, hence sha ll not lose it. |
There are no conversations. |
cauz |
Feb. 24, 2017, 1:14 p.m. |
Bill James |
Some people give themselves over to their most evil desires, and those people becomes evil. But in general, it's reductive to think of evil as something foreign and separate from the rest of us. Evil is part of everyone. We all have the capacity to commit evil acts. |
Milton Friedman |
And what does reward virtue? You think the communist commissar rewards virtue? You think a Hitler rewards virtue? You think, excuse me, if you'll pardon me, American presidents reward virtue? Do they choose their appointees on the basis of the virtue of the people appointed or on the basis of their political clout? |
Mencius |
Evil exists to glorify the good. Evil is negative good. It is a relative term. Evil can be transmuted into good. What is evil to one at one time, becomes good at another time to somebody else. |
David Bailey |
Fashion often starts off beautiful and becomes ugly, whereas art starts off ugly sometimes and becomes beautiful. |
Immanuel Kant |
The only objects of practical reason are therefore those of good and evil. For by the former is meant an object necessarily desired according to a principle of reason; by the latter one necessarily shunned, also according to a principle of reason. |
Irving Babbitt |
To harmonize the One with the Many, this is indeed a difficult adjustment, perhaps the most difficult of all, and so important, withal, that nations have perished from their failure to achieve it. |
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross |
The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of those depths. |
Randy Bachman |
Generally, you are held to a sound and that becomes your sound. That gets branded as your sound, and all the copycats start with it because the labels are looking for that sound. |
Oscar Wilde |
The only difference between the saint and the sinner is that every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future. |
Terry Eagleton |
People do evil things because they are evil. Some people are evil in the way that some things are coloured indigo. They commit their evil deeds not to achieve some goal, but just because of the sort of people they are. |
The poet now begins an analysis of what he might or might not say of his beloved. He does not wish to follow the example of those poets who force comparisons with everything that is fair, beautiful, strange or rare. Instead he wishes to extol the virtue of truthfulness. Since his love is indeed beautiful, what need is there of over praise? Why not say at the outset that, quite simply, you, my love, are yourself, you outshine all praise. He who attempts to say more is like a costermonger trying to sell his wares from a barrow. But this poet will remain aloof from such gross pandering. The fact that his love is fair is enough for him, and he will not enlarge his praise by false and ludicrous comparisons.
The criticism of 'that Muse' is fairly general, but it is quite possible that it applies...
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yo i love my coworkers sometimes. this guy i turned the corner and said hey! how long have you been in today
and he just looked at me, started whistling in a low tone and slowly raised his hand to give a salute.
I dreamed that I was watching Nancy Reagan give her candidacy speech at the Democratic National Convention in what looked like an old timey courthouse, very somber place, lots of big windows. Near the end she said, "The next president will be crazy!" and everyone burst into applause, because apparently crazy was a good thing and associated with her. Then some old-ass dude representing the party higher-ups said a bunch of stuff in an irritated tone that completely negated everything she said about the party's positions in her speech, like "Well, actually..." Everyone was silent after his short follow-up, then an old British dude who was the richest person in the world named The Donor walked up and in an irritated yet patronizingly kind voice offered his arm to Nancy an said, "Can I talk to you for a minute," as part of an attempt to placate her. As they walked off, I went up behind the big wooden judges booths, where there was a chair you could sit in and ask questions of some of the ...
I wish that I was able to love everyone, even people that don't do good things. I want to believe that everyone has good in them, but sometimes there are people that do terrible things to you and it's so difficult to override that natural instinct to dislike them. What is the best way to deal with someone you know is bad for you/your self esteem/your confidence when you have to work with them every single day?
"Show me a man or a woman alone and I'll show you a saint. Give me two and they'll fall in love. Give me three and they'll invent the charming thing we call 'society'. Give me four and they'll build a pyramid. Give me five and they'll make one an outcast. Give me six and they'll reinvent prejudice. Give me seven and in seven years they'll reinvent warfare. Man may have been made in the image of God, but human society was made in the image of His opposite number, and is always trying to get back home."
I'm not sure if I could ever believe in a god. I wish I could. Sometimes, when I am overwhelmed with the unexplainable beauty of the world, I try to attribute it to someone/something. I try to personify all these amazing things I'm seeing, feeling, and thinking so I can evaluate my place in the world. I say things to this god in my head and try to guess what its reply might be. Recently, I?ve realized that a version of this game has been playing in my head since I was a child. Sometimes I can come close to convincing myself the universe isn't chaos. However, when I feel sad and think about tragedies in my life or other people's that chaos is comforting. I hate to think that this beautiful imaginary god would do such awful things so I take shelter in the chaos. I wish I could.
have more than a half million product urls (which is really the hard part with amazon, they make it extremely difficult for scrapers to crawl their entire site). after cleaning up this list and potentially trying to get even more products, i will continue to modify my php scraper, this time with use for amazon. it rotates through proxies and user agents so it has worked well in google maps, yelp,. and your university's student directories, so it should bypass amazons no problem. my scraper nowadays saves all the data into xml so i can import through certain plugins, but also have a super easy way to convert to any form i need. originally my scraper rotated through tor proxies and saved all data directly into mysql, over time i created sql files for importing and now that wordpress is used so extensively and doesnt recieve penalties in the search engine like it used to, i can just throw all the data in there and make as many copies and variations of the sites as i want. and make it loo...
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"to renounce false judgements would be to renounce life, would be to deny life. To recognize untruth as a condition of life: that, to be sure, means to resist customary value-sentiments in a dangerous fashion; and a philosophy which ventures to do so places itself , by that act alone, beyond good and evil." (Beyond Good and Evil, 333)"
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GPU Accelerated Realtime Skin Smoothing Algorithms Make Actors Look Perfect https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/jan/12/curse-of-perfection-male-actors-poldark
A recent Guardian article about the need for actors and celebrities -- male and female -- to look their best in a high-definition media world ended on the note that several low-profile Los Angeles VFX outfits specialize in "beautifying actors" in movies, TV shows and video ads. They reportedly use a software named "Beauty Box," resulting in films and other motion content that are -- for lack of a better term -- "motion Photoshopped." After some investigating, it turns out that "Beauty Box" is a sophisticated CUDA and Open...
The Forms are expounded upon in Plato's dialogues and general speech, in that every object or quality in reality has a form: dogs, human beings, mountains, colors, courage, love, and goodness. Form answers the question, "What is that?" Plato was going a step further and asking what Form itself is. He supposed that the object was essentially or "really" the Form and that the phenomena were mere shadows mimicking the Form; that is, momentary portrayals of the Form under different circumstances. The problem of universals ā how can one thing in general be many things in particular ā was solved by presuming that Form was a distinct singular thing but caused plural representations of itself in particular objects. For example, Parmenides states, "Nor, again, if a person were to show that all is one by partaking of one, and at the same time many by partaking of many, would that be very astonishing. But if he were to show me that the absolute one was many, or the absolute many one, I should be...
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