Last night I had a dream that I was taking an exam and Tina Fey was my teacher. It was one of those easy exams where you're supposed to know every answer but I didn't know any of them and was really stressed out about it. Good thing I'm not in school anymore! |
There are no conversations. |
Brant Daugherty |
I love 'Mean Girls.' I held out on watching it for a long time, but I'm so glad I finally did. Tina Fey is brilliant. |
James Fenton |
The basic rhymes in English are masculine, which is to say that the last syllable of the line is stressed: 'lane' rhymes with 'pain,' but it also rhymes with 'urbane' since the last syllable of 'urbane' is stressed. 'Lane' does not rhyme with 'methane.' |
William Arthur Ward |
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. |
David Bailey |
All I could do at school was paint and draw and that was the only time I ever passed any exam. It was the only thing I ever got right at school. |
Bill Gates |
In ninth grade, I came up with a new form of rebellion. I hadn't been getting good grades, but I decided to get all A's without taking a book home. I didn't go to math class, because I knew enough and had read ahead, and I placed within the top 10 people in the nation on an aptitude exam. |
Marilyn Manson |
The burden of originality is one that most people don't want to accept. They'd rather sit in front of the TV and let that tell them what they're supposed to like, what they're supposed to buy, and what they're supposed to laugh at. |
Katie Featherston |
I have plenty of dream roles because there is so much I want to do, but my dream year would be to be in a single-camera comedy and then, on my hiatus, film a little low-budget indie drama. That would be a dream 12-month period. A dream role depends on having good material and working with people that I can learn from. |
Steve Earle |
The drama teacher that I had in high school, back in Texas, was the only teacher who didn't kick me out of his class. He turned me on to 'The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan.' I had picked up Dylan with 'Bringing It All Back Home,' and he turned me on to the first couple of albums, which I hadn't heard. |
Laurell K. Hamilton |
Readers respond to every genre intensely, if it's a genre that appeals to them. Again, who can say why anyone enjoys horror and dark fantasy? If I can't answer the question for myself, I wouldn't dream of trying to answer it for others. |
John F. Kennedy |
Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future. |
I just remembered that I also had a dream last night that I had a math test coming up and I had to remember a really complicated formula. I was really nervous I would forget it or mix it up, but then my dad ended up being the math teacher and he told me that, because I'd said I was so worried about forgetting it, he had decided to provide the formula on the exam. But he didn't want me to tell anyone that he was going to provide the formula. And I felt guilty, like I was cheating because everyone else would have to study and memorize it (or at least they would think they had to) and I didn't.
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I had a dream that I went back to high school to take some easy credits that would apply to grad school. Some of my friends I went to high school with also decided to go back for the same reasons, but they weren't in any of my classes. One of the three classes I was taking was Calc 3, but I wasn't doing very well after the first exam (which did happen in real life). Going about the school day did not feel right. Something about the way the building was constructed was wrong.. but I could not figure out why I felt that way. My favorite part of each school day was during lunch in the cafeteria because there was a DJ and great food (also similar to real life). One day around 10AM I was wandering around my parent's backyard when I panicked. I realized that I had not been to school in a while... like in two months and I couldn't remember why I stopped going. I sprinted up to the house and i...
I had a dream that involved this shopping center a lot for some reason. I went there with my parents and I went there with my violin to play a few times and it seemed like the past because I had my parent's old car. But then also in grad school, ppl were texting me asking where I was and I was like always at one of the places in the center. One was a steak n shake and ppl would text me and be like "where are you" and I'd tell them I was there and they asked me why and I was like I love milkshakes what don't you understand. And then I remember doing academic things and traveling with the lab but then having to leave one place early to go to France. One person knew that I knew this one guy that died and she was like asking me to tell other people what he had said to me and I was like I don't know. I think you guys know everything. I don't think he told me anything he didn't tell you but this really stressed me out for some reason that she thought I knew more. And I was sad and ppl didn'...
If you're doing the thing then you don't need to be stressed out about the thing
Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was ri...
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Student chaIn college, you can use your time to study. Or then again, you could perhaps rely on the Hand of God.
And when I say “Hand of God,” what I really mean is “keylogger.”
Think of it like the “Nimble Fingers of God.”
“Hand of God” (that makes sense) and “pineapple” (???) are two of the nicknames allegedly used to refer to keyloggers used by a former University of Iowa wrestler and stude...
People write here about microplastics in the sea. I'll write about how I forgot my phone in the lost and found room. It all started a night before when I forgot my laptop charger in the law library. I was working with other students for Complexity homework. I was also stressed because of the AIDA project and this made me forget things and be very tired. I didn't even realize I forgot my charger until the end of the next day when my battery was low. The deadline for AIDA had just been pushed back again so I didn't need my laptop that night. Next morning I went to the law library, at the lost and found room to search for my charger. My excitement when I found it was so great that I didn't realize I left my phone on the desk there. Luckily, immediately after leaving the room I could sense that something was wrong. I felt incomplete without my phone. So, very embarrassed I turned back and faced the person in the room. She was amazed at how I left my phone in there after just recovering an...
"I cheated the school system to submit homework later in college.
I am a huge procrastinator and I would always forget to do huge assignments in college. Normally I would do these assignments the night before or the day of, however I would often not have time to finish the project before the deadline.
I remember learning to code in my High School web development class, so I created a script that generated a "File Corrupt" error. I would submit that through the school portal and then when the...
I had some weird dreams last night. In one of them I was on a planet with people from earth and we were in a different part of the universe where you could see all sorts of other galaxies in the sky and there were two that were colliding and they lit up the whole sky with all sorts of yellow and purpley colors. There was this girl that was taking pictures and video of the whole thing trying to document it. She was walking through fields of tall grasses and these plains that were filled with very shallow water that had waves about twice as high as the depth of the water, but still shorter than the average person. The dream kept switching between this girl and a completely different place in time where these unrecognizable creatures were speaking in a language I didn't understand about the collision of the two galaxies. There were one or two other dreams I had in different REM cycles and I don't remember them at the moment.
I had a dream the other night that someone was chasing me through a school. They followed me everywhere but I kept sneaking away. Then more people started looking for me and they eventually found me in a locker room attached to a gym. I looked at their faces and they didn't look real. They looked more like dolls. Then I got really upset and I told them that I knew my brain was doing this to me. It was like I knew on some level that I was dreaming. Then the person who was looking for me showed up and he had a machine gun and was just mowing down kids, killing everybody. I was running away from him and he was talking to me and trying to convince me to stop running but I didn't. He was getting closer and closer chasing me through and outside and around the building before I woke up.