I had a small screwdriver in my backpack for probably 12 years. I use it to fix computers and harddrives. I've flown with it that whole time, probably 100 flights. Today at the Frankfurt airport they said they have to take it. It's not expensive or anything but it's so fucking stupid. It's theft. |
There are no conversations. |
Annie Jacobsen |
In the late 1960s, Ontario Airport was a throwback to a bygone era. Located 35 miles east of downtown Los Angeles, the airport served only two carriers, Western and Bonanza. Passengers could catch regional flights to San Francisco, Sacramento, Las Vegas, Palm Springs, Phoenix and Los Angeles, and that was about it. |
Karel Capek |
I certainly don't know if you could claim that every theft is wrong, but I'll prove to you that every theft is forbidden, by simply locking you up. |
Philip Hammond |
Historically, Heathrow has been something of a joke, outweighed by its excellent connections. We have to aspire to having an airport at Heathrow with two runways which is a world-class airport. It's a big challenge. |
Neil Abercrombie |
A good portion of the airport is on ceded lands, and lease money was paid for that. So the state's collecting lease money because all of a sudden 'worthless' land now has an airport on it. |
Marc Jacobs |
No one ever said 'no' to me about anything. No one ever told me anything was wrong. Never. No one ever said, 'You can't be a fashion designer.' No one ever said, 'You're a boy and you can't take tap-dancing lessons.' No one ever said, 'You're a boy and you can't have long hair.' |
Joshua Jackson |
I hate people saying anything stupid. I don't really suffer fools very well at all. When people are acting like idiots, not that I'm not guilty of doing the odd idiotic thing myself from time to time, but when people say stupid things, it stresses me out. |
Robert Cailliau |
The Web is actually a coming together of three technologies, if you like: the hypertext, the personal computer, and the network. So, the network we had, and the personal computers were there, but people didn't use them, because they didn't know what to use them for, except maybe for a few games. |
Bhumibol Adulyadej |
Some say that now that 50 years have passed, we would like another 50 more years to celebrate once again; that means it will be 100 years. After one hundred years, I will be 118 years old. |
Tony D'Souza |
When I grew up in the early '90s, the new World Wide Web felt like a gimmick, and I had no idea of the changes in store. In the summers, I'd backpack through Europe, follow the Grateful Dead. I had a car and a tent and traveled around the Great Lakes and out West. Jack Kerouac was my guiding light, his 'On the Road' a sacred text. |
Jim Rohn |
Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you. |
I had a dream that I was in an airport and I was texting my roommate who was at home. Suddenly there was a PSA that the country was about to be bombed but they didn't know where. I figured that since I was in a major airport that I was going to die. They said to seek shelter, but there was nowhere to go.
this is an old quote i found about sean parker from my fb memories
"He’s always talking about the potential of computers to generate algorithms for likable melodies, and we have this ongoing argument: he believes it’s only a matter of time before computers will be able to create listenable tunes."
want: to be able to write
I jam my journal in my bag and stomped out to the diag. Every time I'm in that library, I find myself wrestling with a stupid paragraph and it is always about my literal surroundings. I've written...10 stories about flicking on the desk lamp, peering at the textbooks of the faceless people, and imagining what it's like to be studying their physics textbook...in the library...under the desk lamp. Oh ya, and there's books! But I'm off to the coffee shop I usually avoid because of familiar faces I have no interest in, but maybe I can find something remarkable about today.
fat bitch has gotten up so many times to go to the bathroom today. Like every day. HOW ABOUT YOU DONT EAT SUCH TERRIBLE FUCKING FOOD THEN YOU WONT HAVE DIAREHA EVERY SINGLE DAY YOU WORK
This post is a comment.
Five years later and I'm still installing the same shit - just on different computers.
"If we send a human to a star millions of light years away by the time we get there a human would quite possibly already be there. This is due to technology advancing in the far future allowing us to travel faster than we can today..."
If we do nothing to reduce our carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, by the end of this century the Earth will be as hot as it was 50 million years ago in the early Eocene, according to a new study out today in the journal Nature Communications. This period -- roughly 15 million years after dinosaurs went extinct and 49.8 million years before modern humans appeared on the scene -- was 16F to 25F warmer than the modern norm. [...] During the Eocene, it took more atmospheric CO2 to influence temperatures than it does today. In fact, if we don't change our behavior, 2100 will be as hot as the Eocene with much less atmospheric CO2 than was present at the time. A hotter sun means we get more bang for our CO2 buck. "Climate change denialists often mention that CO2 was high in the past, that it was warm in the past, so this means there's nothing to worry about," said lead study author Gavin Foster, a researcher in isotope geochemistry and paleoceanography at the United Kingdom's University of Sout...
Malware Developer Who Used Spam Botnet To Pay For College Gets No Prison Time (bleepingcomputer.com)
An anonymous reader writes: The operator of a 77,000-strong spam botnet was sentenced to two years probation and no prison time after admitting his crime and completely reforming his life. The former botnet operator is now working for a cybersecurity company, and admitted his actions as soon as the FBI knocked on his door back in 2013. The botnet operator, a 29-year-old from Santa Clara, California, says he was tricked by fellow co-schemers who told him they were not doing anything wrong by infecting computers with malware because they were not accessing private information such as banking...
I had a dream where I spent a lot of time in airports. I was going to Japan again for a conference I think. I had a sister and my mom was not my mom. They both said they were going to Japan too and that they booked flights so they could meet me there. I told them that I had to go to California first. They hadn't realized that this meant I wasn't going to be in Japan at the same time as them and I didn't know why they hadn't put in the effort to ask me before buying the tickets. Then in one of the airports I saw an ex-girlfriend and I asked her what she was doing and she said "I want to be the queen of England". Then I said "uhh okay" and walked away.
The original definition of gay was "happy and carefree". Some time after that it became also a colloquil synonym for homosexuality. As time went on a third definition was adopted that means "stupid and bad". We've got a word here that has multiple accepted definitions so get with the times and don't be offended if somebody uses it differently then you do.