86 | produce & forage shipped 1 | golden clock on farm 52 % | great friends 68 % | cooking recipes - cheesy 58% | crafting recipes - cheesy 89 % | fish caught - cheesy
There are no conversations. |
Ali Babacan |
The fast fish, not the big fish, eats the small fish. |
Dean Inge |
If the universe is running down like a clock, the clock must have been wound up at a date which we could name if we knew it. The world, if it is to have an end in time, must have had a beginning in time. |
George Bernard Shaw |
The golden rule is that there are no golden rules. |
James M. Barrie |
You must have been warned against letting the golden hours slip by; but some of them are golden only because we let them slip by. |
Orson Welles |
In Italy, for 30 years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, they had 500 years of democracy and peace - and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock. |
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi |
We go fish, we also catch fighting fish, looking for birds and it was for kampong people, the paddy field was our the play field for the children. |
Alvar Aalto |
Just as it takes time for a speck of fish spawn to develop into a fully grown fish, so, too, we need time for everything that develops and crystallizes in the world of ideas. Architecture demands more of this time than other creative work. |
Mencius |
I like fish, and I also like bear's paws. If I cannot have the two together, I will let the fish go, and take the bear's paws. So, I like life, and I also like righteousness. If I cannot keep the two together, I will let life go, and choose righteousness. |
Mitch Hedberg |
You know when they have a fishing show on TV? They catch the fish and then let it go. They don't want to eat the fish, they just want to make it late for something. |
Stephen Hawking |
A few years ago, the city council of Monza, Italy, barred pet owners from keeping goldfish in curved bowls... saying that it is cruel to keep a fish in a bowl with curved sides because, gazing out, the fish would have a distorted view of reality. But how do we know we have the true, undistorted picture of reality? |
MIT's A.I. Can Figure Out a Recipe By Looking at a Picture of Food
Scientists at MIT fed an intelligent machine one million recipes and 800,000 images of food, giving the program enough culinary-wisdom to deduce a recipe, just by looking at a photo of a snack or meal.
I had a dream that my friend was raising baby dragons and for some reason they had to be kept underwater with their mouths sticking out and we had to go feed them in the middle of this storm. There were too many fish and stuff in the way so we were trying to get the fish out of the water and put them in a bag and the fish could climb walls and stuff, it was weird. But as I was trying to stuff fish into this bag in the dark a black and green striped snake bit me and I didn't know if it was venomous or not and I woke up.
Honey comb is the most bourgeoise, then lucky charms (I bet you thought I'd say golden grams), then fruity pebbles (ahaha, still not golden grams!) and FINALLY golden grams
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I had a dream that I was a person that could fly and I viewed my entire life in 3rd person. I flew around and then found this raft near a large body of water. I stood on this raft thing and caught fish with my hands.
This is pretty cheesy but I do find it motivating:
omg i also watched golden girls when the campfire rains on my thunderstorm plans, was playing animal crossing on a handmedown ds from my rich friend, it had a scratch on it, and my brother took a huge shit and the cabin smelled so bad, and my aunt had like all the golden girls vhs's and we binged watched that shit
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Valid assumption, but consider the amount of high flame-point wok cooking I must undertake to be aware of such things
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skill would you like to master: kitten taming. pumpernickle pumping. cooking. cookie making in my mouth.
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"Behind every great man is a great woman. Behind every great woman is a great behind." - The Book of Ass (Prolouge)
What better way to get to the surface than to be a fish?