What kind of food are you interested in? |
Homaro Cantu |
From food trucks to hot dog stands to county fair favorites, 'street food' has enjoyed a rich and storied history in American cuisine. However, street food has been around for thousands of years. In fact, street food is believed to have originated as far back as Ancient Rome. |
Joel Salatin |
From zoning to labor to food safety to insurance, local food systems daily face a phalanx of regulatory hurdles designed and implemented to police industrial food models but which prejudicially wipe out the antidote: appropriate scaled local food systems. |
Yolanda Adams |
Good food is healthy food. Food is supposed to sustain you so you can live better, not so you can eat more. Some people eat to live, and some people live to eat. |
Chris Hadfield |
If you don't like airline food, you'll probably have the same impression of space station food. I would not fly to space for the food. |
Josephine de La Baume |
I personally have no shame in saying I am extremely interested in fashion. I am not as interested in trends. I won't go on Style.com unless I'm looking for stuff to wear to an event, or there's a designer I am interested in. |
Michael Eisner |
When I read biographies, I'm only interested in the first few chapters. I'm not interested in when people become successful. I'm interested in what made them successful. |
Grant Achatz |
Here's the irony in what I do: When I go out to eat, I like classic French food. I like amazing Japanese food that has such a history that it goes back hundreds of years. And I also like really innovative food as well. |
Nina Fedoroff |
In many places in the developed world, we eat or waste probably twice as many food calories as we really need. We're wasteful of food. We ship all over the world. We're now realizing that generating the energy to ship the food around the world is also ruining our climate. |
John Bachman |
I never found either this or the Northern Shrike return to such prey for food. I have seen them alight on the same thorn bush afterwards, but never made any use of this kind of food. |
Bernard Meltzer |
You can make more friends in two months by becoming really interested in other people, than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. |
I wonder if people's food tasted really different thousands of years ago because our food evolves too
I had a dream that Sherman and I were going to go to jail for trespassing. A cop handcuffed us and put us in his car and then started driving and was like "Let's get some pizza. What kind of pizza do you guys like? Should we get some Mountain Dew?" Then he bought us food and told us why trespassing was bad instead of throwing us in jail.
I want more cookies, but I really don't want more cookies. My ratio of real food to cookies an ice cream is embarrassingly low if you look at my last 24 hours. Also, I skipped class for the first time this semester to work on 545, and I feel kind of bad about it. Not because I didn't have a good enough reason, but because I believe it's important to be present in class, and I wish I had budgeted my time better so I could have gone to lecture.
I've never thought about using client-side JS for distributed computation. That is kind of funny and kind of ridiculous.
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I keep waking up at exactly 8am with no alarm... which is kind of cool because then I sort of have a schedule but is kind of lame because I don't always go to bed at the same time...
I'm skeptical that this project is currently useful. Interested to see where it goes.
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my cat and i startled each other and my cat said to me "Hey! I wasn't interested in any of your spooks! (ó.ò)"
If you're interested... if you want to try and find bugs in the site I would actually really appreciate that.
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After 43 years working in one of Japan's leading banks, 81-year-old Masako Wakamiya has launched an iPhone app called "Hinadan" that shows users how to stage traditional dolls for the Hinamatsuri festival. From a report on CNN Money: She says she felt compelled to do something after noticing a shortage of fun apps aimed at people her age. "We easily lose games when playing against young people, since our finger movements can't match their speed," Wakamiya told CNN. The retired banker asked a bunch of people to create games for seniors, but no one was interested. So she took matters into her own hands and achieved something many people half her age haven't done. "I wanted to create a fun app to get elderly people interested in smartphones," she said. "It took about half a year to develop." Wakamiya started using computers at age 60 when she was caring for her elderly mother and finding i...
"Let me tell you that I have made a bad mistake this evening.
My girlfriend (who let me tell you is only my 2nd girlfriend of all time) said I am "invited to dinner" with her and her parents. I was very aghast, nervous, and bashful to be invited to such a situation. But I knew it must be done.
I met them nicely, I should tell you, and it started off in a good way. The idea slapped my mind that I should do a comic bit, to make a good impression and become known to them as a person who is amusing. ...