I had a dream that someone broke into someone else's house and this guy had a gun and he shot the person and it turns out it was a kid and the kid died and his blood spattered everywhere and there was this other kid that lived there and I just remember how that kid looked with the spatter of some other kids blood all over him. |
There are no conversations. |
Larry David |
I still think of that guy I was without a wife or kids, and I still want to entertain that guy. The lonely guy, the frustrated guy, the guy with no money - this is the guy who needs to laugh. |
Matthew Henry |
Eve was not taken out of Adam's head to top him, neither out of his feet to be trampled on by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved by him. |
Jacquelyn Jablonski |
Craig McDean was probably one of the first people I shot with. I shot with him for years with Tommy Hilfiger and a few other jobs. He's just so nice and just a super normal, funny guy. |
Nick Ferguson |
As a kid, there are some things you looked forward to. You looked forward to Charlie Brown during Halloween and you looked forward to Monday Night Football. |
Gaston Bachelard |
If I were asked to name the chief benefit of the house, I should say: the house shelters day-dreaming, the house protects the dreamer, the house allows one to dream in peace. |
M. C. Gainey |
I just have that sort of face and when I got to Hollywood in the late '70s they took one look at me and said, 'Get him a gun. You definitely should be carrying a gun,' and so a lot of it is just the way I look. I look like I'm angry and dangerous, and in fact, I'm loveable and kind. |
Michael Feldman |
When I was a kid, I hated being talked to as a kid. I don't know if all kids feel that way, but I seem to remember awful things in the crib, something like people doing baby talk in the crib and sticking their big, fat faces in there and scaring me. So I always talk to kids as if they were a person. |
James Caan |
One night I went over to get some dope from some Hollywood tough guy. After I left, my son Scott, who was only fifteen, went over with a baseball bat to kill him. I was laughing out of one eye and crying out of the other. I thought, Who am I kidding? |
Jonathan Davis |
The White House used to be, everybody looked up at the White House and America and everything, and now I think it's like a house of shame. |
Javier Camara |
Every single director stops at the moment he thinks he has the shot. Sometimes, directors shoot an establishing shot where everything is in the shot. He's going to use this at the beginning and the end. |
I had a dream that I was asleep and kept waking up in pools of blood around my head like I was drooling blood or something. After a while I stood up and all this stuff started falling out of my mouth. Like teeth and blood and flesh and all sorts of stuff.
I had a dream that this girl was being tortured by this guy and the girl somehow broke free and then found a knife and started stabbing the guy and cutting him and he was bleeding everywhere and completely ignoring being stabbed and showed no indications of pain and kept saying creepy stuff and eventually he lost enough blood that he fell over and died.
I had a dream that my mom loved my sister more than me and was not at all trying to hide it. When I confronted her about it, she agreed but made excuses for it. Francis bought her a present and she was rude and rejecting of it.
Also in my dream, the smoke alarm in my house went off, and we went outside and saw that our next-door neighbors' house was burning down. I tried to call the police, but they were being really unhelpful. In the end, I'm pretty sure the wife/mother in the house died, and maybe one or two of the kids, too. I felt partially responsible, but maybe just in a survivors'-guilt way.
so if you write with someone else's blood, not a lot is cool?
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I had a dream that I had two dogs and I lived in this apartment with this guy that looks like some guy I haven't seen since elementary school. He knew this kid somehow and the kid was being kidnapped. I tried to stop the kidnapper and I got shot. Also, at some point in the dream I was eating an onion like it was an apple... and also this old guy was there and he looked like my great grandpa.
So I just had a dream that my extended family and Charlie were camping at this haunted house. Voldemort lived in it as a spirit and we had to combat it the whole time. On that note here is someone else's dream: it was really weird....... i was laying on my bed and then i hear a car by the window Bellatrix was in it and she said the dark lord wants to see me. I said 'not again' (i don't know why) then as we flew i saw peter petigrew in the car and he was winking at me and i tried to focus outside. So we got into a tall the 'malfoy mansion' it said it on a sign and it was so weird ...
I had a dream I was in this weird two story house and the second floor had a hallway that went all the way around the outside. I saw some weird guy going into my basement. Some time elapsed and then there was blood everywhere and my cat was dead.
I had a mid-apocolyptic dream and I was traveling somewhere and a lot of churches and schools were in the same building because there weren't as many buildings and there were a lot of religious schools and things that weren't destroyed. I went down into the basement with some people and we were trying to get clean water and a lot of mud came out of the faucets and we were boiling the water and bugs were coming out of it and wriggling away. We thought that there was a bomb in one of the rooms so we started evacuating the building. I rented a house which was pretty cheap for some reason but there was a lot of rare artifacts and things in the house. There was a kid and his two parents that owned the house. I never saw the mom but 5 thieves came and shot the dad and then the kid went nuts and grabbed a gun and killed all the thieves. There was also another part of the dream where there was a bunch of moving conveyor belts and some people were getting stuck in the machinery but I don't rem...
I had a dream that I was married and had a kid and lived in this house that I think I owned. I had a bunch of friends over for something and my wife was outside with the kid. I noticed that our automatic blinds (that completely cover doors and windows) were going down but I didn't hit any buttons. Then I saw the kid on the ground like he had fallen and I was trying to get the blinds open so I could go out but it seemed like someone was messing with them. I eventually got out and then saw that my wife had been shot. I thought to first check for the shooter so I ran to one side of the house (it was really small) and then the other and out into the street. I car was driving toward me very fast and when I ran out it swerved into a tree. I thought that must have been the shooter so then I ran back and got my family in the car to go to the hospital. Yikes.
I had a dream that I was at some sort of wedding in a country I didn't recognize. They had all these strange traditions that I was trying to figure out and participate in but I had no idea what I was doing. Everyone was wearing a blue, red, or tan colored robe. I was wearing a tan one and people were in groups. I was supposed to be in a group but I couldn't figure out which one. I had some realization that my group must have left already. I didn't know where they were going but I ran out of this room and there was a big glass elevator. There was a guy frantically pointing at the patterns on the tile floor and rambling about the elevator. Three people stood in front of the elevator, me and two women. One women saw this guy and stepped back and the other woman and I got on the elevator. It went down nearly to the bottom and then started moving up again and suddenly fell off the cables and crashed two or three stories below. I crawled out of what was left of the elevator covered in blood...