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Main Conversations Thoughts Quotes
cauz Aug. 3, 2014, 10:51 a.m.
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So I just had a dream that my extended family and Charlie were camping at this haunted house. Voldemort lived in it as a spirit and we had to combat it the whole time. On that note here is someone else's dream: it was really weird.......
i was laying on my bed and then i hear a car by the window
Bellatrix was in it and she said the dark lord wants to see me.
I said 'not again' (i don't know why) then as we flew i saw peter petigrew in the car and he was winking at me and i tried to focus outside.
So we got into a tall the 'malfoy mansion' it said it on a sign and it was so weird
everyone was having an orgy !
harry was with draco and hermione with ginny
and ron with his brothers! it was so wired. so i followed bellatrix (she was dressed as a stripper nurse) and i met the dark lord, who was throwing dollar bills at a naked dumbledore (on a pole)!!!!
and he looked at me and licked his lips and said 'your late for your shift' and he whipped out his private area and told me to get to work...

its all kind've weird because i'm a guy

@ i've had this dream before! its a sign!!! maybe he really wants me!?
jelixers Aug. 3, 2014, 11:52 a.m.
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sherman noo