i still cant get over the fact the linux department of our building smells reallllly bad lollll |
There are no conversations. |
cauz |
Jan. 8, 2019, 9:25 p.m. |
Ray Bradbury |
A book has got smell. A new book smells great. An old book smells even better. An old book smells like ancient Egypt. |
Miguel de Icaza |
In some cases we've been building tools that are specific to Linux for the desktop, and they only work on Linux, but I see two major projects that are wildly, wildly successful: Mozilla and OpenOffice, and those two programs are cross platform. |
Helmut Jahn |
I've never looked at a suburban building as being a minor building and an urban building as being a major building. |
Daryl Gates |
It was a department where you had honesty and integrity stamped right on you when you came into the Los Angeles Police Department. If you violated that, or if you were a dishonest cop, you were terrible. We got rid of you as quickly as possible. |
Dusty Baker |
So I let them be responsible for there particular areas. Then by the time it gets to me that means that there is a problem. I have my eyes open and I need to know something about every department but you don't want to micro manage any particular department. |
Miguel de Icaza |
We all love Linux, but it's also a fact that some people might not be able to migrate. |
Samuel Johnson |
My dear friend, clear your mind of cant. |
The Notorious B.I.G. |
Please, all you MCs out there, all you fans out there, don't think Big gonna make a record dissing 2Pac or the West Coast because it's not going down like that. I cant even see me wasting my time or my talent to disrespect another black man. |
Aldo Leopold |
Recreational development is a job not of building roads into the lovely country, but of building receptivity into the still unlovely human mind. |
Norman Vincent Peale |
Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure. The way you think about a fact may defeat you before you ever do anything about it. You are overcome by the fact because you think you are. |
Am I the only one who really likes run-time dynamic languages? I mean reallllly like them. In 10 years, I think JavaScript, or whatever ECMA spinoff there is then, is going to be incredible. Long live the interactive singleton!
I had a dream I was in a building at some school and there was an active shooter in the building.
I had a dream that I lived in this strange house that could magically move and then the door would open up to a different building in a different place and then to the outside world. It was always attached to another building and never on the ground level. I don't know why but I think I was trying to hide from something.
Crashed my in-law car while drunk against a building with people outside. Bounced and crashed another car. No one got hurt, the building was cool, the other car had been damaged way before and repaired the damn car with my bare hands.
I had another dream where I was in a building with some people and we went down this elevator and then there were buttons to go to other worlds. I had to go to this other one. I don't know why but I hit the button and when I came out the things that were walking around this building were like creepy crawling things with lots of legs. They were as small as rats and as tall as 4 or 5 feet but they always had some body parts that had way too many tentacles or antennae or legs. There didn't seem to be an outdoors, just a series of worlds connected by these elevators.
I had a dream that I lived in this building that looked like an old brick house on some private property but it was actually this apartment building and it was really tall. Someone showed up asking where his cocaine was and I said I don't know. He said he was going to call the cops, which doesn't really make sense... but for some reason, I was guilty of something and I went into one of the apartments and climbed out the window onto the roof with a couple other people. We waited on the roof and I peeked over the edge at one point and saw everyone being hauled off in handcuffs. They didn't find us on the roof.
This song is about how every decision you make, experience you have, and chemical you ingest gets passed down through your DNA to your children. The decisions you make today will effect your lineage forevermore. Now while this song doesnt directly say this, I know for a fact this is the true meaning/inspiration. I am very aware of what level Kendrick is on mentally and spiritually and knowing this fact about DNA is well within his philosophy.
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US Department of Energy is Now Referring To Fossil Fuels as 'Freedom Gas'
I had a dream that I was in my friends new apartment and it was all dark and dank. We went up a couple floors of stairs and into his apartment and then I kept opening doors and going down dark hallways and the apartment just kept going deeper into the building. Eventually, I ended up underground in some secret tunnels and I saw giant robots and I was sneaking around trying to find a way out. I ended up running into some glass room that was really bright and filled with huge machines. A robot ran in and I think was trying to kill me and I woke up. Then I had another dream that I was in some building that kept changing shapes and ran into some person I used to know.
I had a dream that I lived in some community. It seemed rural and consisted of 3 or 4 huge buildings with lots of little rooms. In this world, it was common knowledge that there were these huge wolves that lived in the forest. People said they were about 7 feet tall and 15 feet long (maybe twice the size of extinct dire wolves). I was outside on the roof of one of the buildings. I don't know what I was doing. I think I was doing chores or something. This building was 4 or 5 stories but not in all areas, so parts of the roof dropped off to two or three stories below. There was probably no one else outside at the time when I noticed a wolf even bigger than people talked about. It had black fur and was maybe 12 feet tall and 20 feet long. I was freaked the fuck out. It saw me and started climbing the building and I jumped off the top part to a few stories down and fell through the roof into the building so I could hide from the wolf. Then I just remember trying to warn people and wonderi...