Advice on learning new skills that I read in a teaching book last week:
Fret not, unless you make guitars. |
There are no conversations. |
Gilbert K. Chesterton |
The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul and a new nose; new feet, a new backbone, new ears, and new eyes. Unless a particular man made New Year resolutions, he would make no resolutions. Unless a man starts afresh about things, he will certainly do nothing effective. |
Naveen Jain |
Just think of the opportunities we can unlock by making education as addictive as a video game. This type of experiential, addictive learning improves decision-making skills and increases the processing speed and spatial skills of the brain. When was the last time your child asked for help with a video game? |
Angel Cabrera |
In golf, advice is not a big thing. If you don't have the ability, you won't get anywhere no matter how much advice you get. The only thing people can suggest that matters is, be a good person and treat people respectfully. But advice on your game doesn't mean much to me. |
Eddie Campbell |
I thought, well I can do that. I couldn't be bothered writing a book review, because I'd have to read the book, I haven't got time to read a whole book for a fifty dollar write-up. |
Jim Rohn |
Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins. |
Ray Bradbury |
A book has got smell. A new book smells great. An old book smells even better. An old book smells like ancient Egypt. |
Peter Drucker |
Teaching is the only major occupation of man for which we have not yet developed tools that make an average person capable of competence and performance. In teaching we rely on the 'naturals,' the ones who somehow know how to teach. |
John Wooden |
In the end, it's about the teaching, and what I always loved about coaching was the practices. Not the games, not the tournaments, not the alumni stuff. But teaching the players during practice was what coaching was all about to me. |
Viola Davis |
I heard about the book and I said, 'Oh my god, I've got to read this book,' and I didn't know that a white woman wrote it. Nobody said that to me, they just said, 'The Help - Oh my god, you've got to read it.' Everyone failed to mention it was a white woman, I think, because nobody really wants to talk about race. |
William Hague |
To the teacher weighed down with paperwork, I say: you've been messed around too often. You came into teaching to spend your time teaching children not filling in forms. |
When Petunia reveals that she knows what Dementors are (in the 5th book), she blushes and says "I heard that...awful boy telling her years ago" and Harry angrily says "If you mean my dad, just say his name". But after you read the 7th book, you discover that she didn't mean James at all. She was referring to Snape. It's a brilliant reference that frames the relationship between Lily, Snape, and Petunia, seeming like a useless remark from both characters until you read the last book.
Go read a book.
I also kind of just want to use this now to make a chatbot to give me advice.
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'In the Knowledge Economy, We Need a Netflix of Education'
When we want to acquire useful knowledge, we have to search the web broadly, find experts by word-of-mouth and troll through various poorly designed internal document sharing systems. This method is inefficient. There should be a better solution that helps users find what they need. Such a solution would adapt to the user's needs and learn how to make ongoing customized recommendations and suggestions through a truly interactive and impactful learning experience. Before Netflix, Spotify, Reddit and similar curated content apps, you had to go to numerous sources to find the shows, music, news and other media you wished to view. Now, the entertainment and media you actually want to consume is easily discoverable and personalized t...
I apologize to everyone for only ever logging in and posting things in times of great desperation (read: imminent machine learning homework deadlines).
Read a book that you love again. If it's the second or third time, try to think about what kind of world the author believes in and how their writing reflects that belief.
You should read that book. It's pretty weird. Pretty short too.
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"Slow and steady" does not win the race. Fast and steady wins the race....But even though "slow and steady" is terrible racing advice, its terrific advice for almost any other endeavor or goal. Life is not a race. You've got time to live at your own pace.
im goin through somethin with life, where pussy and patron make you feel alright, pussy and patron thats some great advice
The Berenstein Bears: We Are Living in Our Own Parallel Universe When I was growing up, all through elementary school we would watch movies and read books about the Berenstein Bears. I still even remember the theme song for the TV show, mostly, which wasn't a song so much as a guy in a gruff bear voice speaking in rhyming couplets. If you don't know who the Berenstein Bears are, they were nuclear family of anthropomorphic bears who lived in a tree out in Bear Country and had family-based situational comedy and taught life lessons. And Ma Bear always wore a blue shower cap.
These bears appeared in a series of children books by the married Stan and Jan Berenstein, that later became a TV s...