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Main Conversations Thoughts Quotes
cauz March 31, 2017, 2:32 p.m.
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Dude or dudette, I have trouble with this all the time. My thoughts is that EVERYONE is capable of being considerate and bettering themselves but they just don't care. However I think after years or decades of not giving a shit about anyone but themselves, they get stuck in that mindset. Nurture is so important because as we know most people tend not to change thaaat much, so if they are being raised well then they end up having these lifelong values stuck with them.

I've seen tons of people who seem incapable of considering others, but I find that at least some reflect on their actions, but when they are in the thick of it, don't consider or reflect on those thoughts, which I get, it's hard to be active and reflect at the same time.

People like this are what's holding our entire civilization back. We as a people cannot progress until these assholes start caring for someone besides themselves. These people, given bookoo bucks, would likely mess up society just to get what they want. We know what they need, but they do not, they only know what they want. The fleshly desires! Again, after so much time of a bad mindset, people get stuck in these options and as far as conscience goes it's the same deal. When you ignore that little voice for long enough, you stop being able to hear it.
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