An organism is not defined by it's history |
There are no conversations. |
Colin Powell |
The chief condition on which, life, health and vigor depend on, is action. It is by action that an organism develops its faculties, increases its energy, and attains the fulfillment of its destiny. |
Carmen Ejogo |
Growing up in London, with a hippie mom, I don't know that I'm most people's definition of what a black person is. I'm mixed, yes, but in the world I'm defined as black before I'm defined white. I've never been called white. |
Peter Ackroyd |
'London' is a gallery of sensation of impressions. It is a history of London in a thematic rather than a chronological sense with chapters of the history of smells, the history of silence, and the history of light. I have described the book as a labyrinth, and in that sense in complements my description of London itself. |
Muhammad Iqbal |
I lead no party; I follow no leader. I have given the best part of my life to careful study of Islam, its law and polity, its culture, its history and its literature. |
Antonio Damasio |
We do not merely perceive objects and hold thoughts in our minds: all our perceptions and thought processes are felt. All have a distinctive component that announces an unequivocal link between images and the existence of life in our organism. |
Antonio Damasio |
The problem that we, as living organisms, face - and not we only, humans, but any living organism faces - is the management of life. |
Antonio Damasio |
Rather than being a luxury, emotions are a very intelligent way of driving an organism toward certain outcomes. |
Edward Hall |
Each organism, no matter how simple or complex, has around it a sacred bubble of space, a bit of mobile territoriality which only a few other organisms are allowed to penetrate and then only for short periods of time. |
James Fenton |
Poetry carries its history within it, and it is oral in origin. Its transmission was oral. Its transmission today is still in part oral, because we become acquainted with poetry through nursery rhymes, which we hear before we can read. |
Italo Calvino |
The human race is a zone of living things that should be defined by tracing its confines. |
The history of marriage and the history of sex then suggest to me that individuals value sex, but society actually values labor.
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At 133 billion base pairs[4] it has the largest known genome of any vertebrate and one of the largest of any organism on Earth, along with Polychaos dubium and Paris japonica at 670 billion and 150 billion, respectively.
Polychaos dubium is a freshwater amoeboid and one of the larger species of single-celled eukaryote.
Polychaos dubium has one of the largest genomes known for any organism, consisting of 670 billion base pairs or 670 Gbp,[4] which is over 200 times larger than the human genome (3.2 Gbp). The authors of one 2004 study, however, suggest treating that measurement with caution, be...
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dawg should actually be defined as a really cute dog that makes you say "awww" when you see it.
"Being in high school is like playing the main storyline of a video game where you have easily defined goals and missions. Being an adult is like after you beat the game and you just kinda wander around aimlessly collecting stuff you don’t really need."
had to unlearn: history
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history of alpaca
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need to plan the history of cricket holiday
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Almost all of history is forgotten. What we remember -- the record of the world is what we decide is important.
It kind of works... won't show you more than ten notifications though! Need to fix a part of the query and add AJAX loading so you can see the entire notification history.
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Tree experts also note that the organism's age cannot be determined with the level of precision found in tree rings; some claim Pando's age is closer to 1 million years.[5] Its current 80,000-year designation is based on a complex set of factors, including the history of its local environment, the evidence indicating that there are few if any naturally occurring new aspens in most of the western United States since a climate shift took place 10,000 years ago which eliminated favorable soil conditions for seedlings, the rate of growth (including the differences of rates in distinct climates when accounting for its local-climate history, the fact that males grow more slowly than females, and the fact that aspens grow more slowly at higher elevations—Pando is at 2,697 m, or 8,848 ft, above sea level), its size, and its genetic code in comparison to the mutations found among aspens born in the modern era. Michael Grant summed it thus:
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