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Main Conversations Thoughts Quotes
Jamesvsteel23 Aug. 8, 2014, 6:16 p.m.
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An idea that came from lots of caffeine and appeared to sort of work when I tried it. When alone, with no distractions, try to think of random and creative things. You will soon notice a sort of limitation to the form and rapidity that these things have and come into your mind. At that point, consciously choose to stop and think more outside of the box, with broader shapes and ideas. Feel out the edges of where this new approach can take you and you will soon encounter another wall of sorts past which your mind isn't really creative enough to go. At this point, again consciously stop imagining strange things and focus entirely on your senses and spatial awareness. For me I noticed that by trying to push the limits of the inside of my head I felt a noticeable difference in the way I percieved the "real" world. I felt as though the space my body and mind occupy have been given more room, more fresh air, more fluidity. This was especially noticeable with my hearing, which seemed much sharper and attuned to small sounds. The effects are temporary but I'd be interested if anyone else experiences something similar.
cauz Aug. 12, 2014, 2:33 p.m.
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this sounds like a good time