I think we all know that the answer is movin mad tree. #shermcitydynamite |
M. C. Gainey |
All my life, people have asked me what I was so mad about. 'Why you so mad?' And I was never mad. I'm not mad, I just look mad. |
Jack Canfield |
Know your priorities and identify the five powerful action steps that you intend to take to move your initiatives forward each day. If you go to a tree with an ax and take five whacks at the tree every day, it doesn't matter if it's an oak or a redwood; eventually, the tree has to fall down. |
John F. Kennedy |
Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future. |
Demi Lovato |
I get mad. I get sad. I have all those emotions. But I just like to keep them to myself. I don't think my fans need to be bothered with if I'm mad or sad about something. I should just be concerned that they are keeping up with my music or I'm making them happy with my show. |
Martin Campbell |
I tried to get a job as a TV cameraman and they basically told me, 'You're mad, everyone wants these jobs - and if you go to England, you're doubly mad.' But I worked in abattoirs for 10 months to earn my money, then left for London. I didn't even know what a director did. |
Lord Byron |
Sorrow is knowledge, those that know the most must mourn the deepest, the tree of knowledge is not the tree of life. |
Abraham Lincoln |
Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. |
Lewis Carroll |
'But I don't want to go among mad people,' said Alice. 'Oh, you can't help that,' said the cat. 'We're all mad here.' |
David Bailey |
It's not about composition. It's the way you feel about how your objects should relate to each other. I've got lots of African statues and things, and the cleaner arranges them like soldiers, which drives me mad. So I have to rearrange them, and I must drive her mad, because I'm doing anarchy and she's doing military manoeuvres. |
Edward Abbey |
What is the purpose of the giant sequoia tree? The purpose of the giant sequoia tree is to provide shade for the tiny titmouse. |
I had a dream that I was climbing a giant tree and the tree was strange and scary and I think it was trying to kill me.
It seems like the way to go is just to have a huge variety of different possible captchas, but I would think that once you have more than a couple bots working together to build models not even that would hold up forever. Abstractly, though, doesn't it boil down to this - Is there a set of problems that a human can answer easily and a computer cannot, but the computer can still recognize a correct answer easily? My instinct is that as soon as you define that set you can build a machine to generate solutions. But I guess the answer to the real question of whether it's worth it depends on if you can build a machine that builds machines that generate solutions. And I think for just the images alone the answer is probably yes - audio/video I'm less sure about.
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I had two dreams. The first one I was running up a hill in my hometown that really exists but in the dream it seemed to be made out of a huge tree trunk and as I was running it started to fall apart and open up into empty sky. I fell a little but grabbed onto a part of the trunk and struggled for a while to try to move to the next piece of trunk without it breaking off and falling into the infinite sky.
In the other dream I was also falling out of something. I cannot remember what it was anymore but it had nothing to do with a tree.
wispiest mists
Flora's stone cottage sits within a cluster of white birches where the wispiest mists drift. Her work begins at dawn. She dresses in rainboots, a bucket hat, and a rain cloak all with a matching sunflower print. Then she flutters over to the shed to get her silk mist catching bag. She circles between the trees letting the wind inflate the opening to draw the mist in. The bag doesn't seem to be catching anything at all. Flora realizes it's been a full season since she's had the silk mist catcher enchanted. She'll need to make a trip to the Mage's. ...
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Customer at subway "wants to speak to the manager"
I worked at a subway that didn't have any authority/managers, just a couple minimum wage base level workers. I don't remember what this particular customer was mad about but she was arguing with me and didn't like the answer I gave her. She asked to speak to the manager, and there not being a manager I decided to promote myself on the spot and replied with "manager speaking, how can I help you." This did not make her very happy because she realized she was not going to get a different answer and asked for a phone number to call. The owner has specifically told us never to give his cell number to customers so i gave her the store number. She gives me a shit eating grin thinking about how much trouble she's about to get me in when the phon...
If a tree falls in the forest, does it also fall in the ocean?
meetings held in the forest with the tree people
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I used to think that if you ate pennies a money tree would grow inside of your stomach. Now i know that the universe makes way less sense than that.
Tree experts also note that the organism's age cannot be determined with the level of precision found in tree rings; some claim Pando's age is closer to 1 million years.[5] Its current 80,000-year designation is based on a complex set of factors, including the history of its local environment, the evidence indicating that there are few if any naturally occurring new aspens in most of the western United States since a climate shift took place 10,000 years ago which eliminated favorable soil conditions for seedlings, the rate of growth (including the differences of rates in distinct climates when accounting for its local-climate history, the fact that males grow more slowly than females, and the fact that aspens grow more slowly at higher elevations—Pando is at 2,697 m, or 8,848 ft, above sea level), its size, and its genetic code in comparison to the mutations found among aspens born in the modern era. Michael Grant summed it thus:
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i like the first answer better. makes it more.. interactive
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