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cauz July 11, 2014, 12:05 p.m.
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Approaching People on the topic of Geoengineering

First of all, semantics are extremely important in regard to the introduction of geoengineering. The geoengineering term is related to hard science, the ?chemtrails? term has no such verifiable basis but rather leads anyone that Googles the term straight to ?conspiracy theory? and ?hoax? definitions. Use the terms ?climate engineering? and ?geoengineering?.

Spend some time researching the climate engineering/geoengineering issue.
You don?t have to be an authority, but you should know and be able to explain the basics. Stick to those ?BASICS?. Wondering off track and into ?RABBIT HOLES? does not help build credibility with the geoengineering issue. It is never helpful to go into a long ?rant? when trying to introduce the subject of geoengineering to an uninformed person. Such ?rants? only cause defenses to go up. It is generally enough to say: ?The government is experimenting with our weather. There are no regulations or oversight for what they are doing, the materials for these programs are highly toxic, we are all breathing in the fallout and the media is not covering this issue.?You can then perhaps mention aluminum is a primary element being sprayed and that this fact appears to have a strong connection to the alarming rise in Alzheimer?s, autism, ADD, etc.

Its important to mention that lab tests of rain all over the globe are showing huge amounts of toxic metals know to be use with climate engineering programs.

One can also mention the total disruption of weather patterns caused by geoengineerng.

Encourage them to investigate and leave it at that unless the individual shows a strong interest in hearing more

You could also mention the many tests that are showing elevated aluminum in rainwater.
If asked why these programs are being carried out, Geoengineering appears to have many purposes. Climate/weather modification, military/strategic, stated mitigation for climate change, these are a few main points that people can digest. Again, it is not helpful for the cause to go into a long tirade. Such diatribes only cause people to become defensive. Saying things like ?they are trying to kill us all?, will only hurt the credibility of the issue. Even if there is ample evidence to indicate eugenics may in fact be a part of these programs, people will simply reject the entire issue if that is thrown at them right out the gate.
Have credible and straight forward information to pass on to people like a single page flyer with plenty of photos, solid geoengineering facts, and a source link/links for more information.
Make mention of the appropriate information which would most be of interest to the person/group being approached. If you are passing data along to a farmer, mention the rain/soils contamination. If an Alzheimer?s group is being approached, point out the lethal levels of aluminum in the spray and the known connection of that metal to the ailment, etc. Targeting appropriate information is important.
When target mailing individuals or groups on line, use the same principal mentioned above. Sent them a plea to investigate accompanied by articles and data on geoengineering that would most be of interest to the particular recipient.
Most ?bright? trails seen behind jet aircraft are particulate disbursements, not just the horizon to horizon trails that are most obvious. Most of the ongoing climate engineering takes place over existing haze and cloud cover and is often not visible at all. Its important to convey the message that the ENTIRE CLIMATE SYSTEM is being disrupted by the ongoing climate engineering. Short of conveying this message many people get the impression that the only thing they need to be concerned about is very visible horizon to horizon trails.
Look credible, this is extremely important. If you are heading into court to plead your case, you try to look credible, trying to convince people of the dire climate engineering issue is no different. Look professional, it will help convince people that what you have to say is credible.
Hidden User July 11, 2014, 12:06 p.m.
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With all the information coming out in recent years about geoengineering, or chemtrails, we must begin to ask ourselves certain questions about the impacts on our health, our food, and our planet. There are obvious human-health-related and planetary-ecosystem-related implications to being ?crop-dusted? with heavy metals and chemicals daily. Let?s also ask ourselves an imperative question here: When we buy ?organic? food, are we really buying what we think we?re buying (i.e. pure, nutrient dense food)?
Defining healthfully-grown food in the geoengineering era

Is the ?organic? label really worth as much as years past, before heavy and daily geoengineering? Organic food is grown without the u...
Hidden User July 11, 2014, 12:07 p.m.
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Organic farmers and our food supply have a huge environmental hazard to contend with compliments of the U.S. government ? chemtrails. Chemtrails are chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for purposes undisclosed to the general public in programs directed by various government officials. These sprays pollute the soil, water and air while compromising the health of humans, animals and plants. But wait ? Monsanto has developed seeds that will weather the effect of the sprays, creating a tidy profit for the corporation while organics suffer.

Monsanto?s GMO seeds are specially designed to grow in the high presence of aluminum. Aluminum is the chemical found in chemtrails. If this poisoning continues, true organic farming may become impossible in the not so dista...
cauz July 11, 2014, 12:08 p.m.
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Finally some acknowledgment of the data falsification which has helped to hide the true state of the climate. Many have been convinced that data is being cheated to the upside, however, an objective examination of this notion clearly shows the opposite is true.

Dane Wigington

This study was just released. Even though the light is starting to shine on the total falsification of data/temp reporting to the down side, this study still does not indicate the immense gravity ...
cauz July 11, 2014, 12:11 p.m.
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Finally the public at large is beginning to realize there is something very wrong with the snow. Chemically nucleated artificial snow storms have been the norm for a very long time.

Of course now that the public has began to wake up, the power structure controlled media and weather ?forecast? agencies have been called out in full force to do damage control. All the main stream media weapons of mass distraction are ?officially debunking? the freak chemical snow as being ?normal? or perhaps affected by ?pollution particles? in the atmosphere. The overall message from the main stream media spin machine is the same as it is with so many other atrocities that are discovered, ?everything is fine, nothing to worry about, go back to sleep now?. The internet disinformation trolls are also in high...
cauz July 11, 2014, 12:17 p.m.
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How To Murder A State

A state being murdered? How can that be? It is indeed very hard for most normal people to grasp the evil intent of those at the top levels of the power structure in America, and now in most countries of the world. For those that have overcome the psychological reluctance to look at such a reality, I will explain to you how this particular crime against humanity is being carried out. First imagine that you have the technology and the will to set in motion a multi-billion dollar project to wipe out the water supply to all of California, and as a ?side effect,? poison the soil so plants and trees can no longer survive. This will help accomplish many aspects of your larger agenda of consolidated control of the population, in this case through food and water scarcit...